Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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I’m gonna do my own research on this first.
I’ll call people out for masks at work but im not going to risk getting shot by some mouth breathing Q/MAGA cult member when im at the grocery store.

I have that conversation with myself multiple times per week.

Anybody notice that mouth breathing anti-maskers in grocery stores try extra hard to make eye contact and do their best to ignore personal space?

It’s like they’re looking for a fight…
Almost every day my 7 y/o daughter asks when she can get her vaccine. Soon…

They sent the whole 8th grade class home today because there were so many cases.
I have that conversation with myself multiple times per week.

Anybody notice that mouth breathing anti-maskers in grocery stores try extra hard to make eye contact and do their best to ignore personal space?

It’s like they’re looking for a fight…
I dont say **** about a mask, but if folks walk up on me, you getting crazy eyes and back talk. Respect my space. Pre-covid. During covid and post covid.
Almost every day my 7 y/o daughter asks when she can get her vaccine. Soon…

They sent the whole 8th grade class home today because there were so many cases.

My wife and i had a convo about our 7 yr old getting the vaccine. She’s a little hesitant which is understandable. For me, I’m all for it because my son is already risking his health going to school and I want peace of mind knowing that he’ll be safer w/ the vaccine. Hopefully it gets approved soon.
It feels like people are putting their guard down again. IMO don't know what to expect for the holidays. Already hesitant to do any get togethers after my daughter tested positive once.

Just continue to be safe, everyone. Found out earlier tonight that my aunt tested positive after attending a wedding last week. Unfortunately, my parents, brother and his family attended. Dad is starting to feel symptoms and my 2-year old niece and my sis-in-law are fighting a high fever.

Be safe everyone.
Yea my Pops jus told me he tested positive for Covid. He said he’s doin ok, but now I’m more hesitant for the holidays too. It’s real important to him to have the family together on Thanksgiving. But for me it might jus not work for me this year. Plus my sister said 3 kids tested positive for Covid at the daycare she works at and she will have to submit a test now. Heck iono, a lot of uncertainty at the end of this year.

Plus where I live, not a single soul wears a mask anywhere and their kids too. I still can’t fathom how we are still here and having ppl die left and right and no one cares or believes anyone has passed. It’s so damn selfish and ego driven ppl are! It’s frustrating how ppl lack humanity nowadays.

Don’t mind me I’m jus venting.
Yea my Pops jus told me he tested positive for Covid. He said he’s doin ok, but now I’m more hesitant for the holidays too. It’s real important to him to have the family together on Thanksgiving. But for me it might jus not work for me this year. Plus my sister said 3 kids tested positive for Covid at the daycare she works at and she will have to submit a test now. Heck iono, a lot of uncertainty at the end of this year.

Plus where I live, not a single soul wears a mask anywhere and their kids too. I still can’t fathom how we are still here and having ppl die left and right and no one cares or believes anyone has passed. It’s so damn selfish and ego driven ppl are! It’s frustrating how ppl lack humanity nowadays.

Don’t mind me I’m jus venting.
I understand. For my family, Thanksgiving was never a tradition to have a big dinner or big gathering. It always was during Christmas. But with kids and infants in the mix, we're considering just keeping everything lowkey again.

Unfortunately, many people simply think about themselves than others. For me, the main concern for my wife and I is the safety of our kids. Hoping the Moderna booster is released and that the kids vaccination is approved.
FWIW, I got paywalled on my PC, but not on mobile.
I agree that this is the new normal where we will see peaks and valleys (not necessarily seasonal, as many assume) in certain regions for quite some time and we all must make a risk assessment about the things we choose to do in our daily (both personal and professional) lives. There will obviously be differences in what is required in certain areas, but in general masks and vaccine mandates will be around for a while. Get vaccinated and boosted if you feel you are at risk. Wear the best masks you can when in high risk situations indoors.
What do the numbers for hopitalization and death look like with each vaccine over time or is that info available anywhere?

Unfortunately, this specific study looked only at symptomatic infections. You ask an important question, since severe disease and death are obviously most important outcomes. However, 3% protection against infection after only 5 months is on par with thoughts and prayers.
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We don’t use band-aids or anything. The needles we use, especially for Pfizer, are thin and you barely make a mark doing it properly - about 1 in 10 of mine get a drop of blood but a few seconds with a cotton ball is enough for most. A few times a day I tape the cotton ball on their arm - mainly if they’re wearing a white shirt just in case.
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