Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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I wouldn't call Sweden's COVID response a success compared to neighboring countries that took a different approach, but deaths per capita were not nearly as bad as UK and US that actually had lockdowns and other mitigation strategies.

Nordic Country Comparison
Deaths per million:
Sweden - 1,444
Denmark - 455
Finland - 194
Norway - 159

USA - 2,101
UK - 2,034
Are you going to explain why
Do I really have to?

Check the channel and the comments. Pure conspiracy idiocy.

Sweden has performed absolutely poorest compared to its fellow Scandinavian countrys.

Swedish C19 deaths 14.850
Danish C19 deaths 2.652
Norwegian C19 deaths 851
Finnish C19 deaths 1.072

Denmark has the highest population density, but only a third of the deaths per capita. Norway and Findland has a similar population size as Denmark, but are as sparsely populated as Sweden. Which means Anders DeSantis Tegnell has killed off seven times more, than the more comparable Norway and Finland.
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“On the plus side, if get vaccinated, I could get to continue to live my life healthy and happy with no drawbacks, but is that really worth giving up the right to die while out of work?” said the healthcare worker, who had spent the past weeks agonizing over a long list of pros and cons of getting vaccinated that she had written up for each side of the issue. “On one hand, I have way more items listed under the pros column, like ‘keep job,’ ‘protect others,’ and ‘protect myself,’ but on the other, I have ‘freedom’ written in big red letters, circled, and underlined multiple times. I’m pretty torn between the two."
Any news on how soon should a person get their booster shot? I see that I qualify to get a booster shot as of today.
Any news on how soon should a person get their booster shot? I see that I qualify to get a booster shot as of today.

CDC guidance is at least 6 months - obviously immunity wanes with time and there is a balance to getting you back to as protected as possible and extending the immunity by not doing it too early.
Did you get Pfizer? That's the only one approved for boosters in non-immune compromised individuals.
Yes I did. I looked at my card and it is 6 months as of today and then having asthma def doesn’t help me out.

CDC guidance is at least 6 months - obviously immunity wanes with time and there is a balance to getting you back to as protected as possible and extending the immunity by not doing it too early.
yeah I looked into it and saw that on the cdc site. I just remember reading an article on abc7.com saying not to rush too early for a booster shot and was saying to wait until 8 mo. or more but like you said and what I read if the cdc says 6 mo. Then I guess it’s good to go. I was just thinking from the news I saw and then what the cdc was recommending if there was more info.
Yes I did. I looked at my card and it is 6 months as of today and then having asthma def doesn’t help me out.

yeah I looked into it and saw that on the cdc site. I just remember reading an article on abc7.com saying not to rush too early for a booster shot and was saying to wait until 8 mo. or more but like you said and what I read if the cdc says 6 mo. Then I guess it’s good to go. I was just thinking from the news I saw and then what the cdc was recommending if there was more info.

It specifically says 6 months on the CDC site so I'd book your appointment at CVS or wherever you prefer if you're ready to go. My sister in law is a teacher and she just scheduled hers.
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I wouldn't call Sweden's COVID response a success compared to neighboring countries that took a different approach, but deaths per capita were not nearly as bad as UK and US that actually had lockdowns and other mitigation strategies.

Nordic Country Comparison
Deaths per million:
Sweden - 1,444
Denmark - 455
Finland - 194
Norway - 159

USA - 2,101
UK - 2,034
Do I really have to?

Check the channel and the comments. Pure conspiracy idiocy.

Sweden has performed absolutely poorest compared to its fellow Scandinavian countrys.

Swedish C19 deaths 14.850
Danish C19 deaths 2.652
Norwegian C19 deaths 851
Finnish C19 deaths 1.072

Denmark has the highest population density, but only a third of the deaths per capita. Norway and Findland has a similar population size as Denmark, but are as sparsely populated as Sweden. Which means Anders DeSantis Tegnell has killed off seven times more, than the more comparable Norway and Finland.
Yeah whether UK or US did better than Sweden or not is up for debate, but it's clear that Sweden's strategy was NOT a great one. They didn't achieve any magical herd immunity by just getting all the young people sick and sparing the old.

Sweden's covid response is on par with "it's just a cold," "only 10k will die," "we'll be back to normal by Easter," "masks don't work," hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, etc. as the worst covid takes. And even though we've known them to be wrong from the start somehow they keep popping up.
Any news on how soon should a person get their booster shot? I see that I qualify to get a booster shot as of today.

6 months for me was at the beginning of this month Went ahead and got my Booster today. I started going back to school this fall and I'm surrounded by a bunch of conservative young idiots that don't take this virus seriously.
Yes I did. I looked at my card and it is 6 months as of today and then having asthma def doesn’t help me out.

yeah I looked into it and saw that on the cdc site. I just remember reading an article on abc7.com saying not to rush too early for a booster shot and was saying to wait until 8 mo. or more but like you said and what I read if the cdc says 6 mo. Then I guess it’s good to go. I was just thinking from the news I saw and then what the cdc was recommending if there was more info.

i got my booster after 6 months. You should be good to go
a kid in the other half of my son’s class tested positive. looks like they’re doing testing and keeping it in person. my son said they swabbed him much deeper on this one.

after i read this email, i started to get a phantom sore throat :smh: :lol:

a kid in the other half of my son’s class tested positive. looks like they’re doing testing and keeping it in person. my son said they swabbed him much deeper on this one.

after i read this email, i started to get a phantom sore throat :smh: :lol:

At least it seems they’re taking it very serious!
We got an email this week that my kids' school (finally) changed the quarantine rules so that if one member of a family is positive the whole family needs to quarantine. Parents were sending students to school after a sibling or family member in the same household tested positive, which is ridiculous.
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Vaccine passports are coming in here at 5am tomorrow. There was a court case by nightclub owners to delay it but they lost.

Basically nightclubs, indoor venues over 500, and outdoor venues over 4000 you need the passport.

‘Bout time! I hope that gets the rest of the 18-30s who have been avoiding the vaccine.
Vaccine passports are coming in here at 5am tomorrow. There was a court case by nightclub owners to delay it but they lost.

Basically nightclubs, indoor venues over 500, and outdoor venues over 4000 you need the passport.

‘Bout time! I hope that gets the rest of the 18-30s who have been avoiding the vaccine.

where is here?
My job just put out an email saying if you don’t get the vaccine and you come in contact with someone you’re on time out for 24 days. :lol:

that’s cool but I got the vaccine and I won’t be punished by being understaffed.

already told my boss I’m capping my hours at 70 a week. After that I’ll just go home. Idc, I’m being a team player by getting vaccinated. Beyond that fly a kite. I’m not wrenching either since all the mechanics are q anon and stuck at home.
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