Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

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useful numbers to keep in mind. 60% vaccinated, 25-30% previously infected, and now another 10-15% infected with delta in this wave. any new wave has to do so against 80% or so of the population with at least some amount of immunity. compare that to 0% 18 months ago. also interesting to think that most of 10-15% infected with delta come from the pool of unvaccinated people.

edit: fwiw, the number previously infected may be closer to 20%, not 25 or 30.
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This quote is just amazing:
“Doctors say it's critical to protect children against the Delta variant -- not just for the sake of their health, but to preserve in-person learning and help prevent more aggressive variants from setting the entire country back.”

Protect the unvaccinated kids from delta all the while packing them into crowded rooms.

This quote is just amazing:
“Doctors say it's critical to protect children against the Delta variant -- not just for the sake of their health, but to preserve in-person learning and help prevent more aggressive variants from setting the entire country back.”

Protect the unvaccinated kids from delta all the while packing them into crowded rooms.
I assume they’re expecting ppl to be responsible.
I actually went to a barber for the first time this year 😭

I’ve gone 3 times. Mostly for my beard because I’m losing my hair on my head lol. But I had a coworker with a great beard and recommended a barber he went to, after being vaccinated I felt comfortable.
I need to find a place that’s good at dealing with big beards. I’m slowly getting better at shaping mine.

how is this not "rationing care" the same way antivaxxers are whining about?

family member of mine has needed "elective" back surgery for the better part of 2 years...in the meantime he's on crutches.

2020 it was unavoidable, at this point it's because we need to make our hospitals safe spaces for personal freedum.

real life, I feel myself getting angrier.
how is this not "rationing care" the same way antivaxxers are whining about?

family member of mine has needed "elective" back surgery for the better part of 2 years...in the meantime he's on crutches.

2020 it was unavoidable, at this point it's because we need to make our hospitals safe spaces for personal freedum.

real life, I feel myself getting angrier.

Apparently, they’ve been pretending covid doesn’t exist in Alberta. Reality has a way of biting you in the ***.
My state tried this and then blamed the residents for putting off their health many months later. Now we’re more full of non covid than covid. Cancer screenings were down 25%. It’s a slippery slope of what’s considered truly elective. A missed diabetes appointment may net a certain person death before covid even comes into play. I’d honestly be pissed if I was vaccinated (a person who did their part so to speak), and he now can’t get elective type care because of the unvaccinated. Selfish.
also, found this in my Pocket this morning:

SportsCenter version below-

The Evening Herald of Fall River, Massachusetts, painted his medical picture this way on Nov. 17, 1904: “He was born in Sweden and until he was vaccinated in infancy was in excellent health. Six days after the vaccine he was troubled with a hot burning rash which continued for years. He needed constant and efficient care, such as being wrapped in hot sheets, etc.” As an adult, the Herald reported, Jacobson had urged his 18-year-old son to avoid vaccination, but the boy was threatened with losing his job if he didn’t protect himself against smallpox, so he took the shot. He, too, had painful side effects, leaving his arm in a sling for six months.

Those facts, the court stated, include “that for nearly a century, most of the members of the medical profession have regarded vaccination, repeated after intervals, as a preventive of smallpox; that, while they have recognized the possibility of injury to an individual from carelessness in the performance of it, or even, in a conceivable case, without carelessness, they generally have considered the risk of such an injury too small to be seriously weighed as against the benefits coming from the discreet and proper use of the preventive.”

“There is, of course, a sphere within which the individual may assert the supremacy of his own will and rightfully dispute the authority of any human government,” Harlan, writing for the majority, acknowledged. “But it is equally true that, in every well ordered society charged with the duty of conserving the safety of its members the rights of the individual in respect of his liberty may at times, under the pressure of great dangers, be subjected to such restraint, to be enforced by reasonable regulations, as the safety of the general public may demand.”

Known for his highly principled dissents, and most famously for taking a lonely stand in favor of Black rights in the late 19th Century, Harlan in this case wrote for a clear majority of the court. He concluded: “Real liberty for all could not exist under the operation of a principle which recognizes the right of each individual person to use his own, whether in respect of his person or his property, regardless of the injury that may be done to others.”

it's gonna be ugly af trying to enforce, but legal precedent in this country appears to rest on the side of science and logic.

for once.
how is this not "rationing care" the same way antivaxxers are whining about?

family member of mine has needed "elective" back surgery for the better part of 2 years...in the meantime he's on crutches.

2020 it was unavoidable, at this point it's because we need to make our hospitals safe spaces for personal freedum.

real life, I feel myself getting angrier.

You have every right to be angry. When my mom died from cancer, I couldn't even visit her like I wanted to because scums and their "freedom" made it impossible for the hospital to allow more than 1 visitor at a time. She died alone because idiots don't care. I legit don't care about people anymore.
This girl at work was coughing something crazy Tuesday, she left and supposedly got a covid test and it was negative. She wasn’t at work yesterday. Fast forward today and she comes back and is coughing way worse than on Tuesday, coughing so hard she had to run to the bathroom to throw up. We had to straight up tell her we weren’t comfortable with her being at work and she needs to get more than a rapid test, she left. Hopefully if she does have covid none of us get it. Of course she’s the only unvaccinated one too. At least we are all wearing masks again.
This girl at work was coughing something crazy Tuesday, she left and supposedly got a covid test and it was negative. She wasn’t at work yesterday. Fast forward today and she comes back and is coughing way worse than on Tuesday, coughing so hard she had to run to the bathroom to throw up. We had to straight up tell her we weren’t comfortable with her being at work and she needs to get more than a rapid test, she left. Hopefully if she does have covid none of us get it. Of course she’s the only unvaccinated one too. At least we are all wearing masks again.

Her being unvaccinated and coming in to work with an uncontrollable cough this late into a global pandemic is honestly mind numbingly ridiculous on her part.
This girl at work was coughing something crazy Tuesday, she left and supposedly got a covid test and it was negative. She wasn’t at work yesterday. Fast forward today and she comes back and is coughing way worse than on Tuesday, coughing so hard she had to run to the bathroom to throw up. We had to straight up tell her we weren’t comfortable with her being at work and she needs to get more than a rapid test, she left. Hopefully if she does have covid none of us get it. Of course she’s the only unvaccinated one too. At least we are all wearing masks again.

There was a time when it was considered a "good work ethic" to power through your job when sick and kids got special awards for perfect attendance because they didn't miss school even when they were ill, but now it just seems so reckless and irresponsible.
Her being unvaccinated and coming in to work with an uncontrollable cough this late into a global pandemic is honestly mind numbingly ridiculous on her part.

The crazy part is, we have an app that we have to answer questions on everyday to come into work, it asks if you have symptoms (a cough is one of them) and if you answer yes, it tells you that you must stay home. She obviously is lying when answering the questions, and seems like she just doesn’t care at all. It’s super frustrating.
The first day of grad school was alright. Classes with < 100 people are held in-person and anything > 100 is to be taught remotely. We're supposed to wear masks in class, but the professor wanted us to be maskless (while social distancing) because she has a hearing issue that makes it difficult to hear people talking while wearing masks. I'm unsure of how I feel about that, but I respect it.

As the campus mask mandate only pertains to indoors, nearly half of the students were maskless outdoors. Most of us are vaccinated, but I wonder how long it will take for the inevitable return to remote learning because of a covid outbreak on campus; I'll give it a month lol
The first day of grad school was alright. Classes with <100 people are held in-person and anything >100 is to be taught remotely. We're supposed to wear masks in class, but the professor wanted us to be maskless (while social distancing) because she struggles to hear people talking with masks. I'm unsure of how I feel about that, but I respect it.

As the campus mask mandate only pertains to indoors, nearly half of the students were maskless outdoors. Most of us are vaccinated, but I wonder how long it will take for the inevitable breakout/return to remote learning.

You respect it?!
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