Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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There was a time when it was considered a "good work ethic" to power through your job when sick and kids got special awards for perfect attendance because they didn't miss school even when they were ill, but now it just seems so reckless and irresponsible.
With many places not providing sick pay or very little of it, and even handing out write ups for calling in for any reason, we are doomed to have these situations play out. Unless you’re paying their bills, showing up to sick work will be with us forever.
With many places not providing sick pay or very little of it, and even handing out write ups for calling in for any reason, we are doomed to have these situations play out. Unless you’re paying their bills, showing up to sick work will be with us forever.
I get it, but I don't have to respect it. I'll still be getting them sent home. Same type of people will use their sick days on some BS and then cry about not having any sick days when they actually need it.
I’m not even talking corporate America. But these retail outlets barely paying above minimum wage. Lots of part time work is just doomed for so many. They are paycheck to paycheck and one missed day could hurt them for the next 2-3 weeks. I guess in your instance where your coworker had sick days and misused them, rat those people out. But for millions of Americans, and some of the hardest hit during the pandemic, they have no choice but to show up for work. Many others had it made working from home and telling everyone else to follow the rules and mandates. Others buckled up and went to work at their crappy jobs. Some workplaces have covid pay. But not nearly enough.

I do wonder when testing will stop being free? Some use it as a convenience to be get the shot.
PCR only or rapid/antigen ok?
The first one has to be PCR. The rest can be an antigen.

When rapid test, either bring in the results from a testing center or buy one yourself and do it in front of the company nurse.

Depends on how long this goes on, people might have to provide the PCR every two or three months.
I use my l
The first day of grad school was alright. Classes with < 100 people are held in-person and anything > 100 is to be taught remotely. We're supposed to wear masks in class, but the professor wanted us to be maskless (while social distancing) because she has a hearing issue that makes it difficult to hear people talking while wearing masks. I'm unsure of how I feel about that, but I respect it.

As the campus mask mandate only pertains to indoors, nearly half of the students were maskless outdoors. Most of us are vaccinated, but I wonder how long it will take for the inevitable return to remote learning because of a covid outbreak on campus; I'll give it a month lol

I'm deaf in one ear and she's actually telling the truth. I didn't know how much I read lips subconsciously until masks became a thing honestly.
Here we go again... secretary just walked in and said her son's school called saying that there was a student who sits within 6 feet of her son who just tested positive and that he needs to quarantine. I told her she better go pick him up from school and have him tested after 5 days from his last exposure. She said, "Thankfully he's not at school today because he stayed home since he has a stuffy nose and a cough."

I have mixed feelings about this as it relates to employers in non healthcare and settings and especially those businesses who don't serve the general public. It's one thing to ask your employees to comply and it's another to actually lay off the same people you desperately need to operate your business. Good in theory, not always feasible.
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I have mixed feelings about this as it relates to employees in non healthcare and settings and especially those businesses who don't serve the general public. It's one thing to ask your employees to comply and it's another to actually lay off the same people you desperately need to operate your business. Good in theory, not always feasible.
Then the business can keep the employee and pay the fine
I say, let people quit. Efff em. If they want to lose their livelihood over a vaccine when how many vaccines have been required for school/jobs already, and they won’t because of some dumb Qanon conspiracy, let them quit.
That's easy to say when you aren't a business owner who will also lose their livelihood if you don't have enough employees.
That's easy to say when you aren't a business owner who will also lose their livelihood if you don't have enough employees.
Yes, it is easy to say when they can pay a fine to keep their idiot employees if they mean so much, and when there are thousands of people that are losing their life from this pandemic still raging. Which now includes more and more kids.

My hang-up is not gonna be a hypothetical situation I have no idea if a) will happen and b) how many people it will affected. Especially when so many other people's lives are being destroyed and held up by all this anti-mask, anti-vax *******.

If our main concern regarding this is the hypothetical poor business owner, that owns a company with over 100 people, then we have lost the plot
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Yes it is easy to say when they can pay a fine to keep their idiot employees and when there are thousands of people that are losing their life from this pandemic still raging. Which now includes more and more kids.

My hang-up is not gonna be a hypothetical situation I have no idea a) will happen b) how many people it will affect when so many other people's lives are being destroyed and held up by all this anti-mask, anti-vax ****ery.

If our main concern regarding this is the hypothetical poor business owner, that owns a company with over 100 people, then we have lost the plot
Mine is not a hypothetical situation, it is real life.
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