Sorry but this is completely unconvincing for me.
This is about putting your own pockets ahead of the pandemic. Your said employers won't be able to replace anti-vax employees, so they will fold. So it seems to me that your concern is with caring about your financial situation being negatively hurt.
Furthermore, you work in a business that has a high demand for your product. So you are telling me that your staff is out here supplying mask, yet depends on a few antivaxers leaving will cause it to fold. Ummm, ok. Or was mentioning the mask suppose to make me feel it is important you stay in business. Seems kinda irrelevant.
I mean even if I bought this, I would feel bad for your vaccinated employees that would lose a job if your company folded but like you pointed out, the labor market is good for job seekers right now. So really, it comes off to me that I should not support this because I should care about your multi-million dollar company going under
Again, it is your company so put it first, I got no issue with that. But this just seems like some rent-seeking steez to me. That you are cool to fight the pandemic as long as it doesn't hurt you. On a macro level, not a very appealing argument. If I operate out of self-interest like you are, it makes me support this mandate more actually. I'm over my life being held up by selfish personal freedom types.
Plus you want a mandate, but for other people to be squeezed.
Sorry but this type of stuff just echoes the NIMBY stuff I here at townhalls. As an economist and private citizen that wants to get past this, simply can't rock with it.
-Famb I hope you have disclosed with info before, and have not linked to any of your company's pages. Because if you have been linking to your company's products in here, without disclosing your interest, that is kinda messed up and probably violated NT's rules