Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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I know the above is statistically unlikely, but it still really hits home if you have a child in the same age range. There are way too many people online going on and on about how this doesn’t effect children, despite the fact that kids are now representing 25% of the new covid cases.

It's a pure numbers game. Even at the low rates that COVID can seriously affect children, with this many kids catching it there will be an incredible amount of suffering, death, and long term complications. And it's not looking likely we'll have vaccines for under 12's approved until the end of the year.
Have you guys been back to visiting the barbershop regularly? I've only had one haircut the past 2 years, was at the end of May. Trying to get to the shop tomorrow. Friends haven't seen me since 2019 and said I looked like i've been living in the jungle.

I've been cutting my own hair for as long as I can remember and I've been cutting my son's hair since he was 6 weeks old. It's probably the best skill I ever taught myself.
No lessons, thank you very much, pop!
Have you guys been back to visiting the barbershop regularly? I've only had one haircut the past 2 years, was at the end of May. Trying to get to the shop tomorrow. Friends haven't seen me since 2019 and said I looked like i've been living in the jungle.

I have been back to my normal place since about August, when going back to work was a thing. I was able to do the "quarantine cut" myself. I typically roll with a hat now anyway.
Got an email from my son’s school to conduct a asymptomatic surveillance testing program for the students. They’ve been doing it since January 2021 and i was unaware of it because my son was doing virtual learning. Now it makes more sense why his school had zero students and staff getting Covid. I mean, i knew the parents and staff worked hard to make sure everybody was safe but I’m really happy that they are going a step beyond.
Have you guys been back to visiting the barbershop regularly? I've only had one haircut the past 2 years, was at the end of May. Trying to get to the shop tomorrow. Friends haven't seen me since 2019 and said I looked like i've been living in the jungle.

I actually went to a barber for the first time this year 😭

I’ve gone 3 times. Mostly for my beard because I’m losing my hair on my head lol. But I had a coworker with a great beard and recommended a barber he went to, after being vaccinated I felt comfortable.
It's a pure numbers game. Even at the low rates that COVID can seriously affect children, with this many kids catching it there will be an incredible amount of suffering, death, and long term complications. And it's not looking likely we'll have vaccines for under 12's approved until the end of the year.

I’ve said it before in this thread, but it’s absolutely mind boggling how many people refuse to acknowledge the potential long term effects of COVID on our kids. I’ve concluded that there are a lot of people that shouldn’t be parents, which is sad b/c future generations will have to deal with their likely ****** kids. The cycle of ignorance and idiocy continues…
I’ve said it before in this thread, but it’s absolutely mind boggling how many people refuse to acknowledge the potential long term effects of COVID on our kids. I’ve concluded that there are a lot of people that shouldn’t be parents, which is sad b/c future generations will have to deal with their likely ****ty kids. The cycle of ignorance and idiocy continues…

i was having a serious convo w/ a good friend about the same thing. These parents playing Russian roulette with their kids lives. It upsets me the most cuz kids are products on how you raise them. And seeing all these parents oblivious to what’s happening in the entire world, it’s a shame.

“Dr. Fauci said that if hospitals get any more overcrowded, they’re going to have to make some very tough choices about who gets an ICU bed. That choice doesn’t seem so tough to me,” Kimmel said. “Vaccinated person having a heart attack? Yes, come right on in. We’ll take care of you. Unvaccinated guy who gobbled horse goo? Rest in peace, wheezy.”

“One of the reasons these Seabiscuits are opting for ivermectin is because they don’t trust big pharma, which is fine I guess, except for the fact that ivermectin is made by Merck,” Kimmel said, nodding to the large pharmaceutical company.
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