Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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These charts (in general) seem to indicate that many states in the US have either peaked or plateaued. It will be interesting to see where infection rates go in the next few months... actually the next couple weeks after the labor day holiday could be a major indicator of things to come.
This is truly a Delta wave, with all prior variants effectively being squeezed out.

As many have speculated, waning immunity from vaccination doesn't tell the whole story. It is my firm belief that the spike mutations in Delta are simply too much for the original vaccines to quickly neutralize the virus and prevent symptomatic infections. No matter how many times we boost, the better answer is updating the vaccines.
This is truly a Delta wave, with all prior variants effectively being squeezed out.

As many have speculated, waning immunity from vaccination doesn't tell the whole story. It is my firm belief that the spike mutations in Delta are simply too much for the original vaccines to quickly neutralize the virus and prevent symptomatic infections. No matter how many times we boost, the better answer is updating the vaccines.

Plus that is what mRNA vaccines were supposed to be better than traditional a at, quick and easy to modify so that they can be updated for mutations. Hence why the faith that we may finally be able to vaccine against hiv because of that inherit benefit of mRNA.
This is truly a Delta wave, with all prior variants effectively being squeezed out.

As many have speculated, waning immunity from vaccination doesn't tell the whole story. It is my firm belief that the spike mutations in Delta are simply too much for the original vaccines to quickly neutralize the virus and prevent symptomatic infections. No matter how many times we boost, the better answer is updating the vaccines.
I agree that this is the case. Not telling people this or continuing to oversell the current vaccine will only lead to future vaccine hesitancy. They need to update the vaccine for the booster.
Plus that is what mRNA vaccines were supposed to be better than traditional a at, quick and easy to modify so that they can be updated for mutations. Hence why the faith that we may finally be able to vaccine against hiv because of that inherit benefit of mRNA.
The difficulty lies in the HIV virus itself. In particular, this includes the remarkable HIV strain diversity and the immune evasion strategies of the virus

First and foremost is the continuous unrelenting virus replication. Once HIV gets its foot in the door, it’s “gotcha.” Many vaccines do not protect absolutely against the acquisition of an infection, but they are able to severely limit the replication of the virus and any illness that might result. For a vaccine to be effective against HIV, it will likely need to provide an absolute sterilizing barrier and not just limit viral replication.

HIV has evolved an ability to generate and to tolerate many mutations in its genetic information. The consequence of this is an enormous amount of variation among strains of the virus not only from one individual to another but even within a single individual. Let’s use influenza for a comparison. Everyone knows that people need to get revaccinated against influenza virus each season because of season-to-season variability in the influenza strain that is circulating. Well, the variability of HIV within a single infected individual exceeds the entire worldwide sequence variability in the influenza virus during an entire season.

If vaccine development was a game, HIV would be the last boss on Expert level. Even with mRNA, I don't know how a standard solution can be developed for a virus that can adapt as much as HIV.

If vaccine development was a game, HIV would be the last boss on Expert level. Even with mRNA, I don't know how a standard solution can be developed for a virus that can adapt as much as HIV.

imagine you're playing Mario Kart and you running 1st place on the third lap and all of a sudden you get hit with a magical shell that puts you at the start of a race on a different track. reverse transcription is wild.
imagine you're playing Mario Kart and you running 1st place on the third lap and all of a sudden you get hit with a magical shell that puts you at the start of a race on a different track. reverse transcription is wild.
Man, I remember hearing some wild talking heads calling COVID "airborne AIDS" back during the early Wuhan days and I was f'n SHOOK hearing that ish and seeing videos of people falling down dying on the streets. There was even a point early on I can recall where scientists were trying to figure out if the virus could persist in the body and be reactivated like later like HSV, VZV, EBV, etc. As bad as things seem at times with this pandemic, they could be ALOT worse when you really put it in perspective.
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