Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I may hate or question certain mandates but I do assess my risks lol. The craziest I went was a reunion type event outdoors and then some zoo/biotancial garden events and that netted me with rsv like symptoms.
We know how transmissible the delta is from that unvaxxed teacher case . So seeing 80,000 sharing the same space has me question why isn’t it happening sooner or faster (unless they’re requiring certain things for entry). That’s kind of why I asked. Every state and county are different. Maybe a 75% vaccinated crowd is relatively safe?
If it’s not covid, it’s rsv, and the then extinct flu is back even stronger. What’s the percentage of schools just starting up after this holiday weekend? Usa is surging with kid cases and half the schools haven’t even started. Buckle up.

coincidence? Prior to going unmasked beginning of June, I hadn’t gotten sick in nearly 18 months (since the mandates and masks started) as I never missed a day of work. I always tend to get sick atleast once a year. This time, it all was sinus pressure and buildup. A few maskless events appeared to have gotten me sick. Makes you wonder.
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Why dont you believe Africa has it under control?

The 2 areas that jumped out at me are Africa and India.

Africa I find a little strange because obviously it is huge and made up of quite disparate countries with different levels of government competence and significant variation in health care provision. We know that South Africa has had problems and it would make sense that that would spread up the way across the continent.

Similarly not long ago India was in a bad way - and I’m not aware of them doing anything significant to stop that. They have the added issue of really densely populated areas too.

Both are similar in a sense that they have infrastructure issues but somehow seem to have the virus under control.

Obviously we can clearly see that countries usually seen as more advanced are doing very badly - but I haven’t seen anything (and maybe that’s the issue) which explains what Africa and India are doing well - which makes me suspicious that the data just isn’t there.
The 2 areas that jumped out at me are Africa and India.

Africa I find a little strange because obviously it is huge and made up of quite disparate countries with different levels of government competence and significant variation in health care provision. We know that South Africa has had problems and it would make sense that that would spread up the way across the continent.

Similarly not long ago India was in a bad way - and I’m not aware of them doing anything significant to stop that. They have the added issue of really densely populated areas too.

Both are similar in a sense that they have infrastructure issues but somehow seem to have the virus under control.

Obviously we can clearly see that countries usually seen as more advanced are doing very badly - but I haven’t seen anything (and maybe that’s the issue) which explains what Africa and India are doing well - which makes me suspicious that the data just isn’t there.
There are TONS of reports out there that Ivermectin brought India outta the fire. Some seem to be substantiated... hence why we still got folks here chuggin horse dewormer.

There are TONS of reports out there that Ivermectin brought India outta the fire. Some seem to be substantiated... hence why we still got folks here chuggin horse dewormer.

She is NOT a reliable source!! Not surprisingly, there are peculiar ties to the US based FLCCC Ivermectin pushers. This seems to be a repeat of the hydroxychloroquine disaster from last year.
Here is a good summary:

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Well, PCR test just came back - and thankfully it’s negative. At least I can go to work tomorrow but it was a pain missing yesterday (and obviously I only get paid if I turn up).

This is going to keep happening with schools being full though. I still think it was an odd decision to open up fully before they could be vaccinated.
Well, PCR test just came back - and thankfully it’s negative. At least I can go to work tomorrow but it was a pain missing yesterday (and obviously I only get paid if I turn up).

This is going to keep happening with schools being full though. I still think it was an odd decision to open up fully before they could be vaccinated.

I think a hybrid system would be better but if you force people to mask up it should work. My HS ran a hybrid system where about 15-20% of the students came in daily. Now my grammar school was 100% in class last year and had zero cases. Granted they are both private schools who enforce their own strict rules. If you don’t want to follow them, they will ask your parents to withdraw you from the schools.
Yeah, that makes sense - and that’s what they were doing before the summer. The problem is 1500 kids in the building - there’s no way to keep them spaced out and a lot will either not have symptoms or will ignore less severe ones - either through ignorance or because they (or more likely their parents) don’t want to be inconvenienced.
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Do you think these people jus picked a random drug out the blue?

Job just sent an email saying the office isn’t reopening until at least Jan. 22. For the record, the original plan was like July.

At this rate I might as well just move out of state.
I'm hoping my job does this too. We're set to go back in October now, 3 days in office, 2 days at home. Dating back to last year our return date has been pushed at least 6 times though lol so I wouldn't be shocked if this doesn't happen in October
The 2 areas that jumped out at me are Africa and India.

Africa I find a little strange because obviously it is huge and made up of quite disparate countries with different levels of government competence and significant variation in health care provision. We know that South Africa has had problems and it would make sense that that would spread up the way across the continent.

Similarly not long ago India was in a bad way - and I’m not aware of them doing anything significant to stop that. They have the added issue of really densely populated areas too.

Both are similar in a sense that they have infrastructure issues but somehow seem to have the virus under control.

Obviously we can clearly see that countries usually seen as more advanced are doing very badly - but I haven’t seen anything (and maybe that’s the issue) which explains what Africa and India are doing well - which makes me suspicious that the data just isn’t there.

India is under control because they let it rip through their population. In developed countries, the wave is more controlled and prolonged to save lives. India doesn‘t have infrastructure to do that so they had substantial loss of life but the wave ended quicker
That reminds me of when I watched a vid on youtube about the black plague. They said what eventually ended it was it killed so many people that the spread of it slowed down significantly because there weren’t many people around.
my prediction is that delta will fizzle out soon. we're reaching the point where nearly everybody has been exposed and/or vaccinated, and even if there are breakthroughs there's not enough transmission among immunized people alone to sustain a surge.

I'm a big believer is seasonality, and people would argue that the numbers are higher this summer than last summer, so we are in big trouble come fall. but behavior is the key variable, with seasonality only being secondary. we are mingling 10x what we did last summer, so in a way the season doesn't matter as much.

I haven't seen enough evidence to double down on this prediction yet so I'm still masking indoors but I'm not incredibly worried either.
my prediction is that delta will fizzle out soon. we're reaching the point where nearly everybody has been exposed and/or vaccinated, and even if there are breakthroughs there's not enough transmission among immunized people alone to sustain a surge.

I'm a big believer is seasonality, and people would argue that the numbers are higher this summer than last summer, so we are in big trouble come fall. but behavior is the key variable, with seasonality only being secondary. we are mingling 10x what we did last summer, so in a way the season doesn't matter as much.

I haven't seen enough evidence to double down on this prediction yet so I'm still masking indoors but I'm not incredibly worried either.

Its been like this with the various mutations. Fall can be bad if another variant arrives and dominates. The previous mutations eventually got replaced by delta. Each mutation makes everyone back in play for getting it again.
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