Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Schools man. :smh:

Not my school but I know of someone's class hat got shut down because teacher had the Covid.

So the teacher passed it on to a student that took it home to both his parents and his two siblings.

Whole family has Covid, parents are in the hospital as of last night.
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Schools man. :smh:

Not my school but I know of someone's class hat got shut down because teacher had the Covid.

So the teacher passed it on to a student that took it home to both his parents and his two siblings.

Whole family has Covid, paren'ts are in the hospital as of last night.

That is depressing - and the UK isn’t far behind. We don’t quite have the same problem with it mixed in with conservative politics - but it’s close and this last few weeks suddenly everywhere is full of unmasked people. Apparently we’re now “beyond level 0” but cases are higher than ever.

Reassuringly our ICUs are full of adults who chose not to be vaccinated. We could have been out of this a lot sooner though if people were just sensible.

The only thing that bothers me with that map is some of the large yellow areas - I don’t think I believe that Africa has it under control. Surely it’s just bad data?
They are suddenly discussing a rule that to go basically anywhere where people gather you need a vaccine which is great. That should increase the stats in the 20-50 year olds which is where the problems are.
Schools man. :smh:

Not my school but I know of someone's class hat got shut down because teacher had the Covid.

So the teacher passed it on to a student that took it home to both his parents and his two siblings.

Whole family has Covid, parents are in the hospital as of last night.

Got an email saying my kid’s school has a positive case and 19 were sent home to quarantine. I figure they’re working on remote learning plans now and s the kids will be home by Halloween.
SO my school district has covid dashboard. Three weeks since school starts, the highest # of postive cases belong to students. Funny I never received any letter from the school informing us there are potential exposure.
cusd covid dashboard.jpg
Schools man. :smh:

Not my school but I know of someone's class hat got shut down because teacher had the Covid.

So the teacher passed it on to a student that took it home to both his parents and his two siblings.

Whole family has Covid, parents are in the hospital as of last night.
Still wondering when the lawsuits are going to start to hit.
I will also say this, it is very difficult to keep distance from people you are

We (supposedly) randomly select students (10% of the student body) and they test Friday Mornings.

Staff can get tested during this time as well. (If they decide to)

Here in NY, they’re proposing to test 10% of the unvaccinated kids (when their parents give permission) once every 2 weeks.
Schools man. :smh:

Not my school but I know of someone's class hat got shut down because teacher had the Covid.

So the teacher passed it on to a student that took it home to both his parents and his two siblings.

Whole family has Covid, parents are in the hospital as of last night.
Were masks involved? 60% of my areas watchlist businesses are schools and everyone is masked to the gills.
That is depressing - and the UK isn’t far behind. We don’t quite have the same problem with it mixed in with conservative politics - but it’s close and this last few weeks suddenly everywhere is full of unmasked people. Apparently we’re now “beyond level 0” but cases are higher than ever.

Reassuringly our ICUs are full of adults who chose not to be vaccinated. We could have been out of this a lot sooner though if people were just sensible.

The only thing that bothers me with that map is some of the large yellow areas - I don’t think I believe that Africa has it under control. Surely it’s just bad data?

Why dont you believe Africa has it under control?
Not sure how testing works at the school toooldforthis toooldforthis . I honestly just figured a kid got sick, his parents took him to get tested and it was reported to the school and they did tracing.

Are all of the too old for _______ names you? :rofl::rofl:
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Watching these cfball games, mask usage is maybe 1% overall for fans. Are different states following different rules? Any contact tracing involved? This both frightening and amazing if nothing comes of these big events. We have to follow science both ways, right?

Wendy’s posts make too much sense. She’s bringing out some great posts the past few years.
My state knows 60% of the contact traced Businesses are schools. But they’ll close a gym or bar before that happens to schools again. They are set in their ways. We used to have a 4 case per 14 day automatic closure thst was apparently too strict so that went away. Schools are allowed hundreds of cases now. Many schools lost enrollment and hence funding went down, so they’re truly playing both sides imho.
My kids school wasn’t open a week before it got shut down. Two faculty members tested positive. Immediately went to virtual learning and everyone has to be tested before they can return to school. I just wish we could all get on the same page. I’m not mad at schools shutting down but I do wish jobs would express more compassion and flexibility. Its hard finding a high paying stay at home job smh.
Im kinda shocked that the majority of the audience in the movie theatre were wearing masks
I’m surprised too! That and grateful because I don’t think I’d be able to follow the storyline without the thought of some people around me without masks. Too distracting.
Watching these cfball games, mask usage is maybe 1% overall for fans. Are different states following different rules? Any contact tracing involved? This both frightening and amazing if nothing comes of these big events. We have to follow science both ways, right?

Wendy’s posts make too much sense. She’s bringing out some great posts the past few years.
My state knows 60% of the contact traced Businesses are schools. But they’ll close a gym or bar before that happens to schools again. They are set in their ways. We used to have a 4 case per 14 day automatic closure thst was apparently too strict so that went away. Schools are allowed hundreds of cases now. Many schools lost enrollment and hence funding went down, so they’re truly playing both sides imho.

(Not directed at you)

I know some of yall in here are off your, "You can't live in fear and have to go out into the real world at some point" but seeing the activity at those CFB games is just wild as hell to me man.

Couldn't be me. :lol:


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