Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Just remember if you think a person is discriminating against another but states he/she isn't doing it, there's no discrimination going on
The south about to surpass covid deaths from the northeast and west coast even though they are sparsely populated at this rate :lol:
Can't assume that lady discriminated against C 'cause of her political views. It's because she literally has been telling people all this is fake. She wouldn't be in business long if she were refusing Republicans service in Aspen.

Thread was 4 more posts in that back and forth from being in shambles. Yall chill.
Just remember if you think a person is discriminating against another but states he/she isn't doing it, there's no discrimination going on
Is it really that difficult to believe that they refused service to her because she's selfish, reckless, and actively spreading misinformation that has without a doubt resulted in people dying?
Very proud of friscostylez friscostylez and I agree with him and stand in solidarity. To answer Methodical Management Methodical Management , you not only violated ninjahood ninjahood 's civil and constitutional rights by banning him but you attacked the very foundation that this message board was founded on. As a Dubs fan I was always going to support friscostylez friscostylez but he is expressing the hate that conservatives like myself have experienced at the hands of RustyShackleford RustyShackleford . Look Roookie Rusty, save your liberal conjecture and HATE innuendo for Da soy bois on Sneakertalk.
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