Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Its been like this with the various mutations. Fall can be bad if another variant arrives and dominates. The previous mutations eventually got replaced by delta. Each mutation makes everyone back in play for getting it again.
Yeah, it's definitely unpredictable, in a way more than it was a year ago. But it's reassuring that any variant against the vaccine has so far been weaker than pretty much any variant against someone who isn't vaxxed (and without a prior infection). The question is which process will break down faster, the virus's ability to mutate or its ability to spread (and immunize alongside the vaccines).
Yeah, it's definitely unpredictable, in a way more than it was a year ago. But it's reassuring that any variant against the vaccine has so far been weaker than pretty much any variant against someone who isn't vaxxed (and without a prior infection). The question is which process will break down faster, the virus's ability to mutate or its ability to spread (and immunize alongside the vaccines).
For me, the biggest question is how long vaccines will continue to protect against severe disease and death. Israel’s figures seem to indicate there’s some waning immunity with the amount of fully vaccinated people in hospital, but I haven’t seen it broken down by age and/or preexisting conditions to know if younger healthier vaccinated people are also being hospitalized. Gonna need to start thinking hard about that booster next month.
That reminds me of when I watched a vid on youtube about the black plague. They said what eventually ended it was it killed so many people that the spread of it slowed down significantly because there weren’t many people around.

I think that's what the government here were first proposing and it sounds like what Trump was thinking too.
Yeah, it's definitely unpredictable, in a way more than it was a year ago. But it's reassuring that any variant against the vaccine has so far been weaker than pretty much any variant against someone who isn't vaxxed (and without a prior infection). The question is which process will break down faster, the virus's ability to mutate or its ability to spread (and immunize alongside the vaccines).

Until it might not work anymore. The virus has the ability to mutate and evade the vaccine. I was hoping the booster was a different formula to combat against this.
Until it might not work anymore. The virus has the ability to mutate and evade the vaccine. I was hoping the booster was a different formula to combat against this.

I thought the booster is simply just another same dose? I know Pfitzer was working on a "booster" shot.
I thought the booster is simply just another same dose? I know Pfitzer was working on a "booster" shot.
It is another dose. It won’t offer any new protection against the variants. It will just boost your current immunity. At some point they might have to make a new version if newer mutations completely break through the current vaccine.
Yea I swore pfeizer said they were working on a new formula to work better against variants. At least that’s what they announced in July during a CNBC interview the CEO said. Granted I don’t Inject inferior vaccines into my body like RustyShackleford RustyShackleford . Only the finest vaccine, Moderna , touches this body.
Preach my Moderna brother. #OnlyModernaSuperiorEntersMyBody
It’s moving north folks. I hope for the best for WI, IL, Michigan and NYC. Maine has been seeing a huge surge too. Lots of rural folks may see a dozen people a week and think they don’t quite need the vaccine. Those areas seems harder hit than the cities.
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