Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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The virus itself doesn't directly affect your erection.

More so the long term cardiac complications that COVID may cause in those that recovered from more moderate to severe cases indirectly leading to less blood flow to that region in general.

It's relatively the same in people with high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, etc.

This is the high road

This is me on the high road
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Thousands are dying and spreading COVID, because it's been weaponized by Trump and his enablers.

This is Bio-terrorism.

aint just him but when you have shh like this, with someone with inside info, a platform/voice and a direct interest in keeping people sick

Went grocery shopping and def way less people masked up. I still double masked since im doing chemo now and my counts are low. Have a regular black medical mask and a thicker type of medical mask under. Made it quick and avoided the unmasked as much as I could.
Your oncologist give you any more info on when to get a booster?

My gf's oncologist didn't tell her anything different. Just to schedule for one within the next month or so. She hasn't done it yet but planning to get something on the calendar for the end of next month
Was waiting in line at a store a few days ago and this lady behind me was speaking to her daugter on speakerphone. Daughter was telling her some place in the city was giving $100 gift cards to people getting vaccinated. The mom told her to go and tell her brother to go too since they need the vaccine. Had me wondering why people who want the shot haven't made it a priority and in NY you can now schedule to get it at your convenience.
Your oncologist give you any more info on when to get a booster?

My gf's oncologist didn't tell her anything different. Just to schedule for one within the next month or so. She hasn't done it yet but planning to get something on the calendar for the end of next month

Pft I totally forgot honestly. So she can take it even if her counts are low?
Good news shes post treatment! Hope shes well. This 2nd session was rougher side effect wise than the first but im starting to come around now. My counts are low so idk what my doc would tell me.
Hang in there fam. You'll see it through.

Yeah hopefully you get some answers. I havent seen much on what ppl in current treatment should do
There’s a surprising number of nurses/ hospital workers who are unvaccinated in every blue or red state/ area. Nurse shortages are happening sadly.

thats the news/narrative some people look at. If these folks don’t want it and they are on the front lines, why me? But it’s never a majority of nurses. They’ll listen to the one nurse out of ten , and not the nine who’ve had it.
There’s a surprising number of nurses/ hospital workers who are unvaccinated in every blue or red state/ area. Nurse shortages are happening sadly.

thats the news/narrative some people look at. If these folks don’t want it and they are on the front lines, why me? But it’s never a majority of nurses. They’ll listen to the one nurse out of ten , and not the nine who’ve had it.

these are the people protesting outside of their own workplaces for their employers trying to keep them alive. Baffles me how these people got into nursing/medicine in the first place. The money is great sure but do they just go about hating their jobs?
Been wearing these for awhile but finally looking to upgrade
They don’t exactly fit my large (size 8 fitted) head. Any chance they make XL or XXL masks? It’s been a bit too tight for many months now. Lots of prolonged pain happening around the ears. 99% of the average masks tend to fit the average young adult but nothing else.
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