Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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just a reminder about how ****ing upset we should all be over the past 3 months. we could easily be in the same boat if the remaining 30% of our population had received the free miracle vaccine in late spring.

every time you have to put on a mask, remember what the anti-vaxxers have done.

also lol at Sweden being wrong

All restrictions gone September 10th.

Going to be interesting.
Rutherford believes the biggest reason cases are dropping is the fact the Bay Area already had high vaccination rates to begin with, and therefore would not see as large of a delta variant-driven surge.

I live in Solano County. Biggest reason why we're they are they only county in the Bay Area is because of the MAGAites/Anti-Vaxx folks in Fairfield, Vacaville, and Dixon.
I live in Solano County. Biggest reason why we're they are they only county in the Bay Area is because of the MAGAites/Anti-Vaxx folks in Fairfield, Vacaville, and Dixon.

Yea I know. They led for a bit in cases in winter. Interesting things are falling equally. I don’t think masks make a big impact as people get infected in private settings where masks aren’t really in play. Delta falling off hopefully for good here
It’s just kind of wild that this was a superspreader event yet Lollapalooza wasn’t. I get their were more vaccinated at Lolla, but they say you can spread it if your vaccinated.
Pelosi had an outdoor non socially distant fundraiser last week. No known surges there. But LA county reinstates their outdoor mask policy.
It’s just kind of wild that this was a superspreader event yet Lollapalooza wasn’t. I get their were more vaccinated at Lolla, but they say you can spread it if your vaccinated.
Your viral load is lower if you're vaccinated and infected, which reduces your ability to contaminate people.

People who contract COVID-19 even after vaccination are likely to have a lower viral load, experience a shorter infection time and have milder symptoms than those who are unvaccinated, according to research that includes data from ongoing University of Arizona Health Sciences studies.
gry60 gry60 didn’t LA county say that 25% of their hospitalizations are from vaccinated.
Some of these figures are all over the place. Just get vaccinated. Even if 25% of what we’re seeing now is all we’re getting, that would not put hospitals over the limit.
do we have figures/stats on their age & if they have any comorbidities?

for the NTers who got it & recovered, any after effects, small or big?
gry60 gry60 didn’t LA county say that 25% of their hospitalizations are from vaccinated.
Some of these figures are all over the place. Just get vaccinated. Even if 25% of what we’re seeing now is all we’re getting, that would not put hospitals over the limit.

It’s vague to. Is it partially vaccinated, fully vaccinated but within the 2 weeks period post shot, or fully vaccinated with the proper waiting period. I’m sure they lump all3 plus more into those buckets.
gry60 gry60 didn’t LA county say that 25% of their hospitalizations are from vaccinated.
Some of these figures are all over the place. Just get vaccinated. Even if 25% of what we’re seeing now is all we’re getting, that would not put hospitals over the limit.
LOS ANGELES - COVID-19 cases in Los Angeles County continue to rise.

The county has been averaging daily new cases between 2,000 and 2,500 over the past week. Numbers like these haven’t been seen since February.

During a meeting with the County Board of Supervisors, Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said over the past few weeks case rates have risen drastically among unvaccinated people. Cases also rose among vaccinated people, but at a smaller and slower rate.

"Over the period of July 1 through July 16... There were 13,598 cases diagnosed in LA County and unvaccinated people represented 74% of all of the cases, fully vaccinated people represented 26% or 3,592 of the cases," Ferrer stated.
I feel 25% of this current surge is sustainable for hospitals if everyone was vaccinated. Flu 2.0.
If there was no 75% unvaccinated, and just the 25% figure, we would be at yearly flu levels easily.

That’s to say the 25% become the 100%, and it becomes the norm.
Some are arguing 25% of current 2,000 beds is still 500 vaccinated taking up beds . It’s gonna be a numbers fight for years.
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