Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Speaking of incentives, would these folks be persuaded if their celebrity idols were there at the vaccination sites? Like a meet and greet? I know some talk about getting vaccinated on their social media. But has any big celebrity been at these vaccine sites live and in person? Free autograph and show ticket for those who get it etc.? But I guess the opposite angle is that why persuade someone to do the obvious?

Just saw this
Only 2,000 vaccine shots available. Better than nothing surely but nowhere near the capacity of that stadium. And the dude who got promises to sit closer must not realize the 14 day time frame it takes to be fully vaccinated. Not sure they would allow him to be so close
The ****

“They told us we could possibly sit at the front of the stage with him if we got vaccinated, so we said ‘sure,’” fan Michael Airth, who got vaccinated at the show, said.
I was at the post office today and there were about 10 maskless people, including two kids. It’s really not just the maga types anymore, just about everyone has given up. I understand it’s hot outside, but they have the a/c on indoors. People really do suck.
We’re all about to get it here with the state fair. :lol:
Yep I'm debating going to my state's fair next month. It's south of Seattle where many won't be wearing masks I'm sure being that it's so country out there. The FB page says masks are required in any indoor setting there but I'm sure there'll be plenty of chin diapers and lots more not wearing at all. I do miss the fair and their scones so very tempted to still go.
I was at the post office today and there were about 10 maskless people, including two kids. It’s really not just the maga types anymore, just about everyone has given up. I understand it’s hot outside, but they have the a/c on indoors. People really do suck.
If it's kids under 3, then I could understand. But yeah, out here in SF. I am seeing more and more folks maskless when I'm walking to and from my building.

Just continue to do your part and what's best for you.
Me: It has been a few days since I heard of a conservative foolishly catching Covid and putting themselves in the hospital


If it's kids under 3, then I could understand. But yeah, out here in SF. I am seeing more and more folks maskless when I'm walking to and from my building.

Just continue to do your part and what's best for you.

Definitely over 3. I’ve never been around that many maskless people before. I’m terrified about bringing it home to my kid. Very little is know about long haul covid in the under 12 population.
Definitely over 3. I’ve never been around that many maskless people before. I’m terrified about bringing it home to my kid. Very little is know about long haul covid in the under 12 population.
Completely understand how you feel. Daughter started Kindergarten and is used to wearing a mask. More concerned with my son, who is 2, because he doesn't like wearing a mask.
Speaking of masks, Arkansas has a mask mandate BAN and is seeing cases drop. Are they lying about cases? Herd immunity through sheer force of everyone being exposed? Maybe they’re testing less? Or maybe behaviors are changing? School hasn’t officially started everywhere so maybe their drop in cases is premature. Mid September may see it all start back again. Not seeing a whole lot on these states who have dropped in cases lately.
Speaking of masks, Arkansas has a mask mandate BAN and is seeing cases drop. Are they lying about cases? Herd immunity through sheer force of everyone being exposed? Maybe they’re testing less? Or maybe behaviors are changing? School hasn’t officially started everywhere so maybe their drop in cases is premature. Mid September may see it all start back again. Not seeing a whole lot on these states who have dropped in cases lately.

This was announced the other day:
Speaking of masks, Arkansas has a mask mandate BAN and is seeing cases drop. Are they lying about cases? Herd immunity through sheer force of everyone being exposed? Maybe they’re testing less? Or maybe behaviors are changing? School hasn’t officially started everywhere so maybe their drop in cases is premature. Mid September may see it all start back again. Not seeing a whole lot on these states who have dropped in cases lately.

I see cases have slightly dropped, but it doesn't look like a sustained trend. Overall, cases are still WAY up and it looks more like cases have peaked temporarily. Time will tell.

just a reminder about how ******* upset we should all be over the past 3 months. we could easily be in the same boat if the remaining 30% of our population had received the free miracle vaccine in late spring.

every time you have to put on a mask, remember what the anti-vaxxers have done.

also lol at Sweden being wrong

Crazy part is people in the comments of that now-deleted post, said the OP believed it.

" OP actually believes this ****, just go look at his profile. People go get vaccinated "

" Good god. I checked out his profile. This guy really thinks he’s the main character in some thriller movie where he uncovers a massive government conspiracy and he’s leading the world to salvation. "

So the guy that posted it is probably the guy himself.

And it makes you wonder if he's going to go kill people and then that post will become evidence.

Stay safe yall. Disinformation is crazy. I hope the cops get to this nut before he can hurt anybody.

More info here

"Walmart pharmacists were forewarned of Key by one Springfield resident who saw plans earlier in the day on the internet.

The resident does not want to be named for fear of retaliation, but told the News-Leader about the incident.

Saying she was "still a little bit shocked" by the confrontation, the woman saw their plans around 3:30PM


The woman has followed the group since its inception a few months ago.

"I saw the post and I thought about it for a little while and I thought, 'you know I'm gonna, I should go out there early and alert security,'" the woman said. "I just, you know, I just felt I needed to do that so I did."

Key's plans were set for 6 p.m., so the woman got there 20 minutes before and spoke with one of the pharmacists on duty.

"I told the pharmacist what was going on and that they were probably going to show up," she said. "(The pharmacist) didn't say very much but immediately you could see the concern on her face. You can just feel that tension in her, and she thanked me and then I walked away because I was going to hang around to see what happened."

Despite viewing the entire confrontation, the resident said Key and his group did not notice her, for which she was "grateful."

"I don't think I had a fear (of violence). But, you know, I certainly had concerns... I mean it's just always in the back of my mind that that's a possibility."
Crazy part is people in the comments of that now-deleted post, said the OP believed it.

" OP actually believes this ****, just go look at his profile. People go get vaccinated "

" Good god. I checked out his profile. This guy really thinks he’s the main character in some thriller movie where he uncovers a massive government conspiracy and he’s leading the world to salvation. "

So the guy that posted it is probably the guy himself.

And it makes you wonder if he's going to go kill people and then that post will become evidence.

Stay safe yall. Disinformation is crazy. I hope the cops get to this nut before he can hurt anybody.

More info here

"Walmart pharmacists were forewarned of Key by one Springfield resident who saw plans earlier in the day on the internet.

The resident does not want to be named for fear of retaliation, but told the News-Leader about the incident.

Saying she was "still a little bit shocked" by the confrontation, the woman saw their plans around 3:30PM


The woman has followed the group since its inception a few months ago.

"I saw the post and I thought about it for a little while and I thought, 'you know I'm gonna, I should go out there early and alert security,'" the woman said. "I just, you know, I just felt I needed to do that so I did."

Key's plans were set for 6 p.m., so the woman got there 20 minutes before and spoke with one of the pharmacists on duty.

"I told the pharmacist what was going on and that they were probably going to show up," she said. "(The pharmacist) didn't say very much but immediately you could see the concern on her face. You can just feel that tension in her, and she thanked me and then I walked away because I was going to hang around to see what happened."

Despite viewing the entire confrontation, the resident said Key and his group did not notice her, for which she was "grateful."

"I don't think I had a fear (of violence). But, you know, I certainly had concerns... I mean it's just always in the back of my mind that that's a possibility."

so this dude and his mob rolls up to Walmart live streams himself and his crew making terrorist threats to a bunch of medical professionals and a store of employees/customers and the cops told them to leave :stoneface:
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