Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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For some people if is already are lol
This is actually an important discussion we need to have as a society about what "immunity" really means. I would argue that if vaccine passports (or similar) are going to be implemented, we should also be thinking about what it means for those who have recovered from the virus. If nothing else, they should probably be considered exempt from vaccination for a predetermined period (3-6 months?) if they can prove they have developed a robust immune response through antibody and/or T cell testing.
Seems like antibody testing needs to return. That never really popped up in my parts. Not to say chipping is necessarily needed but with technology today, a true vaccine/health database has to be around or in the words.

Upon vaccination, they didn’t really care or ask if I had covid. With so many non symptom cases, youd think they would test for antibodies before giving the vaccine. But they must know something that they’re not vocalizing with us.

and these anti vax folks who are the most vocal and now dying, are they choosing to go out and do activities that are the biggest risk around? Are they licking door knobs? It can’t all be masks, right? We have a guy who’s on a school board who defied the states school mask mandate and was subsequently suspended (The whole board was). Now he’s fighting for us life in ICU with covid.
Seems like antibody testing needs to return. That never really popped up in my parts. Not to say chipping is necessarily needed but with technology today, a true vaccine/health database has to be around or in the words.

Upon vaccination, they didn’t really care or ask if I had covid. With so many non symptom cases, youd think they would test for antibodies before giving the vaccine. But they must know something that they’re not vocalizing with us.

and these anti vax folks who are the most vocal and now dying, are they choosing to go out and do activities that are the biggest risk around? Are they licking door knobs. It can’t all be masks, right? We have a guy who’s on a school board who defied the states school mask mandate and was subsequently suspended (The whole board was). Now he’s fighting for us life in ICU with covid.
It's not that antibody testing ever left, it was just never part of the US strategy. IMO, it was simply not prioritized because there are no clear guidelines on what antibody level really means IRL. For example, what is the optimal antibody level to determine immunity? Since nobody knows, the government (rightfully) prioritized vaccination. I'm not saying one strategy is right or wrong, but simply that both must be considered. I would never argue that someone who has recently recovered from COVID is less immune than someone who is fully vaccinated, so if vaccine is going to be required for certain activities it makes sense that perhaps recovery from COVID should also be allowable for a certain time period when antibody levels are likely high. I also understand that recent studies point to the fact that those who have recovered from infection are still 2.5x more likely to be reinfected than those who are fully vaccinated. I have heard that some countries take prior infection into account, but I don't have all the details.
This is actually an important discussion we need to have as a society about what "immunity" really means. I would argue that if vaccine passports (or similar) are going to be implemented, we should also be thinking about what it means for those who have recovered from the virus. If nothing else, they should probably be considered exempt from vaccination for a predetermined period (3-6 months?) if they can prove they have developed a robust immune response through antibody and/or T cell testing.

This sounds like a disguised anti-vaxx lawsuit. Also, the current protocol is to have post covid infected people get the vaccine 90 days after recovery (if treated with monoclonal antibiotics). The article referring to him writing in the Wall Street Journal (Rupert Murdoch owned paper) about this cements the point. So much bad judgment on display that will definitely effect his future career path.

And here is a good article supporting the notion that vaccine acquired immunity is superior to natural:

He mentions the (small) risk of vaccine induced pericarditis in the Wall Street Journal article but neglects to mention the significant risk of that and other heart complications in the unvaccinated covid population:
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This sounds like a disguised anti-vaxx lawsuit. Also, the current protocol is to have post covid infected people get the vaccine 90 days after recovery (if treated with monoclonal antibiotics). The article referring to him writing in the Wall Street Journal (Rupert Murdoch owned paper) about this cements the point. So much bad judgment on display that will definitely effect his future career path.

Is that 90 day waiting period an official policy, a recommendation, or just something that certain vaccination centers follow? I do know some people who have waited at their doctor's recommendation and others who did not and got it as soon as their symptoms subsided. If it's an official policy, it would make sense that those who can prove they are in that 90 day waiting period should be exempt from vaccine mandates temporarily.
Is that 90 day waiting period an official policy, a recommendation, or just something that certain vaccination centers follow? I do know some people who have waited at their doctor's recommendation and others who did not and got it as soon as their symptoms subsided. If it's an official policy, it would make sense that those who can prove they are in that 90 day waiting period should be exempt from vaccine mandates temporarily.

It’s on the CDC website:

The 90 day wait is only for those who get treatment.
Some interesting numbers coming out.
As some of the lowest vaccinated communities, Louisiana, Missouri, Arkansas, and now Florida appear to be declining in cases. That’s per nytimes. Are they testing less and manipulating the numbers a bit?
And some of the higher vaccinated communities are starting to surge.
Some have argued there’s a naturally occurring element at play here. I guess we’ll know more as fall hits.
Here is the Wall Street Journal editorial the lawsuit guy above published:

In it, he cites an article claiming it suggests that naturally acquired covid immunity may be “more robust” than vaccine immunity. I went through the entire article and could not find any reference to that. The authors never even come close to comparing natural versus vaccine acquired immunity.

In it, he cites an article claiming it suggests that naturally acquired covid immunity may be “more robust” than vaccine immunity. I went through the entire article and could not find any reference to that. The authors never even come close to comparing natural versus vaccine acquired immunity.
Probably went to the same debate school Ninjahood went to.
We’re all about to get it here with the state fair. :lol:
Good luck. We’re requiring vaccination for patrons at my state fair (but workers are exempt. They can just test negative lol).
Louisiana had a small county fair a few weeks back and had a super spreader event. I can’t seem to recall the town or county.

It looks like Iowa just finished theirs up. The impending surge is moving north.

Some La county numbers/news
Lots of unvaccinated folks going crazy with parties and get together apparently driving the numbers up. What the numbers are truly saying is, if everyone was simply vaccinated, this returns to hospitals being less than full and sort of like an annual flu. The ones not wearing masks are the ones driving the numbers up. The ones masked are already protected. It’s sort of a cruel punishment imho. There’s a multiplier of around 3-4 of unvaccinated just driving this up. For every 10 cases vaccinated people try to prevent by wearing masks, the unvaccinated are creating 30-40 of their own. Not a good look.
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Speaking of incentives, would these folks be persuaded if their celebrity idols were there at the vaccination sites? Like a meet and greet? I know some talk about getting vaccinated on their social media. But has any big celebrity been at these vaccine sites live and in person? Free autograph and show ticket for those who get it etc.? But I guess the opposite angle is that why persuade someone to do the obvious?

Just saw this
Only 2,000 vaccine shots available. Better than nothing surely but nowhere near the capacity of that stadium. And the dude who got promises to sit closer must not realize the 14 day time frame it takes to be fully vaccinated. Not sure they would allow him to be so close
It's the same ones that go to white lives matter rallies.

This is both hilarious and true. I’ve been wondering how we broach the topic b/c by and large, it’s white folks that are WILDIN at these rallies and school board meetings. Of course there are always the ninjahood-type outliers, but I know who I’m seeing doing the absolute most 99% of the time.

The conversation probably doesn’t belong in here, but I think it’s one that needs to be had.
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