Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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One of the nursing assistants at my job won't shut up about how she thinks the vaccine is pointless because "you can still get COVID even if you get the shot."

I said "and you can still die in an accident if you're wearing a seatbelt and a helmet. Are those things pointless too?"

It went over about as well as you'd expect it to.
I just received an email from my son’s school in the case they switch over to virtual learning. They said they are prepared for it. He starts next week so we’ll see how everything goes.

It’s crazy and it’s only going to get worse. Smh.
I wanted to go to LA for a couple days to take a mini vacay and take the kids to museums, etc… But w/ kids getting Covid at an alarming rate, we decided to keep it safe and just stay home. Sucks cuz we just bought a new Sienna and i wanted to take it for a road trip. Lol. Pretty much all of our Fall plans are on hold until further notice.

LA has enough outdoor areas to enjoy. Woudnt be so bad especially since you driving and not flying.
One of the nursing assistants at my job won't shut up about how she thinks the vaccine is pointless because "you can still get COVID even if you get the shot."

I said "and you can still die in an accident if you're wearing a seatbelt and a helmet. Are those things pointless too?"

It went over about as well as you'd expect it to.

This is going to be her on the ventilator

a restaurant.

a ******* restaurant.

a place where one can, at one's leisure, choose to sit and be served a luxurious multiple course meal by a team of people.

this person, this elected official, endorsed and empowered by the public, compares the temporary and necessary denial of this absolute privilege to being randomly carted off by a federal government to a human roach motel or a straight-up oven.

I do not see why or how I'm supposed to seek out common ground with someone who would think, believe, or share that.

it's hard to resist the idea that some folks really just need their *** whooped one good time.
a restaurant.

a ****ing restaurant.

a place where one can, at one's leisure, choose to sit and be served a luxurious multiple course meal by a team of people.

this person, this elected official, endorsed and empowered by the public, compares the temporary and necessary denial of this absolute privilege to being randomly carted off by a federal government to a human roach motel or a straight-up oven.

I do not see why or how I'm supposed to seek out common ground with someone who would think, believe, or share that.

it's hard to resist the idea that some folks really just need their *** whooped one good time.
We need a time machine specifically for *** whoopings. Gotta give these idiots a taste of what they constantly make false equivalencies to.
Can we send the people who claim mandatory mask wearing and vaccinations is some tyranny nazi stuff to north korea and afghanistan? They need a reality check.
They won't go. Them dudes had the opportunity to wreck major havoc during the insurrection and they didn't. That was their MOMENT to flex all that Proud Boy/Militia BS they've been talking since 2016 and what happened? Majority of them went to hiding and tried to deny it.

We need a time machine specifically for *** whoopings. Gotta give these idiots a taste of what they constantly make false equivalencies to.

be some ****, right? strap fools to a VR simulator for a highly realistic experience of having actual soldiers legally kick down your door in the dead of night before beating the tar out of you, killing your dad, then ******* your sister in front of you.

you don't get to call the cops, you don't get to cry on Facebook, you just get to go in a ditch behind the murder factory.

then compare that with the sensation of...wearing a piece of cloth over your face intermittently?

...being gently denied access to a place of leisure during an emergency?

...receiving (just a bit of) free socialized medicine?

you can always tell when a mf has never ever been told "no," and a fist in the philtrum is a highly concentrated form of "no."

it gets harder every damn day not to want that for some people.
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