Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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I honestly can’t relate to any of their sentiments and takes on the situation. My daughter is 7 and she understands that “the virus” is why she’s having to wear a mask and the importance of it. I think most kids will continue to be okay wearing one if parents are okay with them wearing it…

IMHO, not enough emphasis is placed on parental responsibility and modeling good behavior. Nearly ALL parents dropping their children off at my kids' school walk them in unmasked, which sets a terrible example for those children. I have no idea what they're saying at home about the importance of mask wearing, etc, but as a parent you set the tone when you lead by example. Before we get out of the car I put my mask on first so they know I'm serious about it and not telling them to do something I'm unwilling to do myself.
Pretty eye opening look at side effects of vaccine vs infection

*Lymphadenopathy is swollen lymph nodes
**Herpes zoster is shingles, which can result when your immune system is "compromised" and prior chickenpox infection is reactivated. I've also heard anecdotally that Epstein-Barr Virus (mono) can be reactivated by COVID, but it's not illustrated here.
This whole situation begins with Trump and his idiot base. When you have the POTUS flat out lying and politicizing a public health issue these are the consequences. Now you have a slew of less educated, low income folks spewing misinformation because the official response was such BS. Notice how the argument shifted from getting vaxed to mask choice. IMO if there is a responsible POTUS at the beginning of this then we’d probably have it under control at this point.
It's funny cuz not even trump can tell maga antivaxxers to get the shot. Someone posted the clip of him getting booed in alabama.
Ppl be so pressed to run out and make a scene that they don’t even take the 45 secs to proofread a sign :lol: …Just adds to the embarrassing behavior :smh:
I guess this is kinda cool if kids are still into comics...

Sadly, radio silence about kids under 12. It’s like they think it’ll go away if no one talks about it.
nt'ers who are parents, besides being uncomfortable what is so horrible about kids wearing masks? These anti-mask parents going crazy and assaulting people.
My experience is my daughter has no problems wearing a mask, you tell her to put one on or she going in the store she does it no complaints ….They had a restart last week with masks this time and she only talks bout the actually school/friends part, not the mask
If you really wanted people to get it, the govt can build a stimulus around getting the shot. You want the stimulus, get the vaccine. Even if it’s a 1000, people will go get the vaccine.

For 1000 90 percent of people who I know who ain’t take it would take it next day for 1k . That 100 incentive ain’t enough sadly 100 dollars is peanuts in New York
nt'ers who are parents, besides being uncomfortable what is so horrible about kids wearing masks? These anti-mask parents going crazy and assaulting people.

Got 2 boys…a 7 yr old and a 1.5 yr old. The oldest has ZERO complaints wearing a mask wherever we go out. We explained to him what was happening and at first he didnt understand but as 2020 went on he obviously saw more people wearing masks out, places/stores that we would frequent were closed, etc… and he started to make sense of it. There’s even been times we’ll be out walking and he sees somebody w/ no mask on and he’ll point at them and say out loud “they aren’t wearing a mask!” Lmao.

Like i said before, these parents who don’t believe in Covid or masks, don’t have your kid attend school. Do home school so you can do and teach them whatever you’d like. Public and private schools teach SCIENCE curriculum so they should stay away from learning that cuz science is a lie. Hahaha. I live in San Diego and i feel parents don’t want to deal w/ their kid being home cuz it gets in the way of their yoga class and lunch date w/ the gals. Lmao.

I have friends who are anti-mask/vaxxers and i haven’t hung out w/ them since the pandemic started. I see their IG stories and i hope they stay safe for the sake of their kids.
For 1000 90 percent of people who I know who ain’t take it would take it next day for 1k . That 100 incentive ain’t enough sadly 100 dollars is peanuts in New York

Giving out a 1000 probably beats the economic rollercoaster. I don’t see how anyone that doesn’t want the vaccine change their mind unless they get really sick
It's important we do everything in our power to protect children and not necessarily trust them to make wise decisions on their own that could have serious consequences for their health and safety. Even though I know there's lower likelihood of people spreading COVID outdoors, I don't trust my kids or their friends to distance appropriately so I ask my 2 children to wear their masks indoors and outdoors at school, even though they're technically only required indoors by the school. Do you have children?
I'm not against masks if it's universally applied. I guess that's my issue. If 77% of a high School football team is vaccinated and 77% of a college football team is also vaccinated, and they're both playing 60 minute games against random opponents, it feels like their risk factors are nearly identical.
It's just a funny bit or hypocrisy. You can film a movie at a school full of actors and they could be 'playing' sports unmasked as the real everyday citizens cannot.
I'm not against masks if it's universally applied. I guess that's my issue. If 77% of a high School football team is vaccinated and 77% of a college football team is also vaccinated, and they're both playing 60 minute games against random opponents, it feels like their risk factors are nearly identical.
It's just a funny bit or hypocrisy. You can film a movie at a school full of actors and they could be 'playing' sports unmasked as the real everyday citizens cannot.

Not everything is easily explained, but I'll add my perspective. High schoolers are going back home to expose whoever they live with (parents, younger siblings who may not be vaccinated) whereas college students are generally not. Might not always make sense, but don't forget that most HS students are still minors, whereas most college students are considered adults and therefore better suited to make their own decisions. I'm sure there are more reasons, but these are the first ones that come to mind. If there's one thing I can say about the things you complain about, they are certainly unique.
It’s some nasty *** people in Mississippi and I’m sure they’re the ones spreading the virus. Just walked into a doctors office and this group had their children running around while coughing. Then they allowed the children to take off their masks while coughing. Once the doctor called them back to a room they decided to leave their nasty *** tissue on the table they sat next to in the waiting lobby. Glad somebody was nice enough to tell me not to sit by them.
Not everything is easily explained, but I'll add my perspective. High schoolers are going back home to expose whoever they live with (parents, younger siblings who may not be vaccinated) whereas college students are generally not. Might not always make sense, but don't forget that most HS students are still minors, whereas most college students are considered adults and therefore better suited to make their own decisions. I'm sure there are more reasons, but these are the first ones that come to mind. If there's one thing I can say about the things you complain about, they are certainly unique.
Reinfecting or infecting their siblings is a good point.
This is also happening as OR adds in a pretty strict outdoor mask mandate, but exempts all competitive sports. If we're all about setting good examples the burden is on these kids to do as such, as their heroes and sports stars do not. The bigger professional leagues are all about $$. They're above the laws/rules. But maybe that's the conspiracy nut in me talking. It's easier forcing a state funded organization to mask up and not NCAA competitor's
Reinfecting or infecting their siblings is a good point.
This is also happening as OR adds in a pretty strict outdoor mask mandate, but exempts all competitive sports. If we're all about setting good examples the burden is on these kids to do as such, as their heroes and sports stars do not. The bigger professional leagues are all about $$. They're above the laws/rules. But maybe that's the conspiracy nut in me talking. It's easier forcing a state funded organization to mask up and not NCAA competitor's

Yeah, I don't know the NCAA rules, but it seems NBA did a good job enforcing masking and protocols with little interruption to their last season. NFL seems to be talking a good game, but we'll see how it works out in the midst of this Delta wave.
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