Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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This is how it played out for me. I have Pfizer and so does my wife. She didn't catch it despite us spending two nights together until I tested positive. In my case though, the Binax rapid test caught it and I think early detection and isolation really prevented anything worse (spreading it).

It definitely will hit a vaccinated person a little different. Very mild, but still receive all the symptoms even if they are short lived.

By exposed, does one know the exact instant of when they injested or caught it? Unless she came into contact with just those two people; anyone can still be a spreader. And the lag between having it and symptoms can still be upwards of ten days. It could be a total coincidence that she caught it from two friends who she hung out with unmasked.

She also could have caught it afterwards. But like I said, unless she remembers sharing forks or someone coughing in her face, I wonder how she's making that determination. Maybe she gave it to them? It's definitely a tale of caution. Assess your own risks essentially.
By exposed, does one know the exact instant of when they injested or caught it? Unless she came into contact with just those two people; anyone can still be a spreader. And the lag between having it and symptoms can still be upwards of ten days. It could be a total coincidence that she caught it from two friends who she hung out with unmasked.
The certainty with which a lot of people claim they know who/where they got it from always had me raise an eyebrow for sure.
The certainty with which a lot of people claim they know who/where they got it from always had me raise an eyebrow for sure.
Yea no doubt. Til this day of the 4 people that caught it in our group, we have no idea who gave it to who.
Yea no doubt. Til this day of the 4 people that caught it in our group, we have no idea who gave it to who.

Are you all out wildin just as often as one another? The 2 people who have gotten COVID in my office so far are exactly who I would suspect to be most likely to catch it based on their extra curricular activities and lame masks (when worn).
Asymptomatic infections were a thing prior to the vaccine which has been part of the reason for mixed attitudes on Covid imo.
Are you all out wildin just as often as one another? The 2 people who have gotten COVID in my office so far are exactly who I would suspect to be most likely to catch it based on their extra curricular activities and lame masks (when worn).
Not even. The one kick it we had which was at a house (seems like the likely scenario of all the spreading), everyone was vaccinated. Some even get weekly test for work in the medical field (one of the ppl that got it, which is why I got tested).

There is one guy though, who believes in all these conspiracies. He says he's vaccinated, but no one believes him. I think he is the culprit....didnt even isolate when he got home and gave it to his daughter. :smh:
Not even. The one kick it we had which was at a house (seems like the likely scenario of all the spreading), everyone was vaccinated. Some even get weekly test for work in the medical field (one of the ppl that got it, which is why I got tested).

There is one guy though, who believes in all these conspiracies. He says he's vaccinated, but no one believes him. I think he is the culprit....didnt even isolate when he got home and gave it to his daughter. :smh:

Sounds like you do know, afterall... :wink:
Are you all out wildin just as often as one another? The 2 people who have gotten COVID in my office so far are exactly who I would suspect to be most likely to catch it based on their extra curricular activities and lame masks (when worn).
Only places I really go is work and to stores. That's about it.

I think far too much has been made of labeling folks and being prejudice based on what others see or read. Hell, someone here assumed I was some unvaccinated white man cuz I dont want to wear a mask anymore.

I'm just saying, I dont think the assumptions being made, such as the certainty of where you caught the virus, is helping too much of anything.

Another data point as to why Andrew Cuomo is a clown

I won't be surprised if this was the case in other states. Especially in places like Florida and Texas

The Covid death count is most likely much higher than the official number

Yeah brought this up last year as fam who work in healthcare told how he was fudging the numbers i.e. shipping off pretty much almost cold dead older folks over to nursing homes so it won't count against the hospitalized covid number and be just another old person dead of "natural causes". Plus I remember last year TX having an unusual amount of asthma hospitalizations.
Only places I really go is work and to stores. That's about it.

I think far too much has been made of labeling folks and being prejudice based on what others see or read. Hell, someone here assumed I was some unvaccinated white man cuz I dont want to wear a mask anymore.

I'm just saying, I dont think the assumptions being made, such as the certainty of where you caught the virus, is helping too much of anything.
Pretty much. I think the important thing is the measures you take if you contract it. I called every single person personally that I was in contact with for those 2 days I didnt know. Which weren't many just 3 ppl.

At a certain point you just accept you took the risk to kick it or whatever. Hell you can catch it at the grocery store. But you have to take the proper measures when you contract it and also focus on recovery and isolation.
This is one smart virus. My state is requiring masks for all student athletes (youth and high school) inside and OUTSIDE, but no such requirements exist for professional sports or college.
This is one smart virus. My state is requiring masks for all student athletes (youth and high school) inside and OUTSIDE, but no such requirements exist for professional sports or college.

It's important we do everything in our power to protect children and not necessarily trust them to make wise decisions on their own that could have serious consequences for their health and safety. Even though I know there's lower likelihood of people spreading COVID outdoors, I don't trust my kids or their friends to distance appropriately so I ask my 2 children to wear their masks indoors and outdoors at school, even though they're technically only required indoors by the school. Do you have children?

Another data point as to why Andrew Cuomo is a clown

I won't be surprised if this was the case in other states. Especially in places like Florida and Texas

The Covid death count is most likely much higher than the official number

There are many places in this country where coroner is an elected position, and some of these places don't even require one to come from a medical background.
Now, when someone does die of Covid, what are the chances that an covid-denying coroner elected in MAGA country puts down "pneumonia" in the death certificate instead of the real reason?

We're undercounting.
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