Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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No excuses for the crowd that has been saying “It’s not FDA approved.” welp, now is your chance to get it.

But we all know what’s gonna happen…more mental gymnastics and excuses.

Also, I hope this encourages ppl to get it and be at peace with it.

nah what's gonna happen is that bug chasers are slowly gonna get locked out of everywhere but their own little enclaves.

no travel no ballgame no college no gym no bar no job no insurance no military no no no thank you **** you bye.

kinda crazy but no bs, lot of us are only here to argue about vaccination because we're vaccinated...shout out to Jonas Salk.
I've been doing some research into what religious exemption to vaccination actually means in the real world and surprisingly there are very few mainstream faith organizations that specifically prohibit vaccination, with the few rare cases being those fringe religions that believe in "faith healing."

Religions with an absolute objection to vaccines include:
  • Churches that rely on faith healing including small Christian churches such as Church of the First Born, End Time Ministries, Faith Assembly, Faith Tabernacle, and First Century Gospel Church.
  • The First Church of Christ, Scientist (Christian Scientist) believes in healing through prayer and that vaccines aren't necessary. However, there are not strict rules against vaccination and members can receive required vaccinations.
The argument this time seems to be 'How come its only Pfizer that got the full approval? Why about Moderna and JJ? Seems like something is fishy there.' 😅
I've been doing some research into what religious exemption to vaccination actually means in the real world and surprisingly there are very few mainstream faith organizations that specifically prohibit vaccination, with the few rare cases being those fringe religions that believe in "faith healing."

Religions with an absolute objection to vaccines include:
  • Churches that rely on faith healing including small Christian churches such as Church of the First Born, End Time Ministries, Faith Assembly, Faith Tabernacle, and First Century Gospel Church.
  • The First Church of Christ, Scientist (Christian Scientist) believes in healing through prayer and that vaccines aren't necessary. However, there are not strict rules against vaccination and members can receive required vaccinations.

I did the same a few weeks ago when someone mentioned religious exemptions to me - but as you say, there aren't really any - just the fringe groups really and not worth thinking about.
Boosters are supposed to be 8 months after the second dose right?

Yes, starting the week of September 20th, which would be for those who got their second doses on or before January 20th. Pfizer EUA was granted December 11, 2020, with first doses beginning shortly afterward, so this would presumably be for those who received the earliest Pfizer doses - medical professionals and elderly.
How does it work if I have j&j. Do they even give those anymore? I only hear about the other two.
Expect some results to be released regarding J&J 2 dose trial very soon. I'm fairly certain we will also be seeing official recommendations regarding J&J recipients to be given mRNA boosters ASAP.
Expect some results to be released regarding J&J 2 dose trial very soon. I'm fairly certain we will also be seeing official recommendations regarding J&J recipients to be given mRNA boosters ASAP.
I need the data about mixing mRNA vaccines to be published

I'm ready to take my immune system talents to Moderna...
It was already mandatory in a lot of places prior to approval.

True, but here are the places that were waiting for the full FDA approval that are finally executing mandatory vaccine requirements starting today

With exception of the Pentagon, a lot of these school districts and state governments were waiting on this full FDA approval to finally push forward a required vaccine mandate so they have the "legal backing" to fight against any anti-vaxxer that tries to challenge their policies.

Now that there is full FDA approval..........let's see how quick these ************* lose their jobs
just saw someone post this on FB. it's probably time to remove them:
All of a sudden people trust the FDA with all their hearts. Half the approved chemicals and foods on the list most people actively avoid eating today. Now, some suddenly believe that big pharma cares about them, versus their wallets.

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