Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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just saw someone post this on FB. it's probably time to remove them:
All of a sudden people trust the FDA with all their hearts. Half the approved chemicals and foods on the list most people actively avoid eating today. Now, some suddenly believe that big pharma cares about them, versus their wallets.

Tell that person you'll be pissing on their grave.
Boosters are supposed to be 8 months after the second dose right?

That is correct, though the FDA approved it for a small group of people who can get it sooner. One of them is immunocompromised people, like myself. Being a transplant patient (liver) I got my 2nd dose of Pfizer on April 20th. So if I was a normal patient, I would have to wait till near the end of December, but being in the group who can get it now, I'm glad I can. Getting my booster shot tomorrow in the morning.

Cliffs: Vaccine breakthrough infections occur, but infectious virus shedding is reduced in these cases.
My dad has turned into a trump loving, fauci hating idiot. Don't know why he has to tell everyone how much he hates fauci, not like anyone cares. he blames fauci for not knowing everything about covid by day 1, hates him for not being clear on if 1 or 2 masks are necessary, mad his salary is more than potus. Meanwhile won't criticize trump for anything.
FDA approval won’t bring about a wave of people lining up for the shots.

Actually it did. For some people, this was what was blocking them from getting it in the first place.

Idk if it's just a mental thing, but our vaccine numbers/appointments increased by a lot last couple of days and a lot of my patients straight up said they were waiting for this moment despite there being emergency approval already.
How bad would things to be for there be another lockdown? Serious question?
The more people get vaccinated, the less there will be a need for a lockdown (since the whole point of it was to not overload the healthcare system) unless we manage to identify and spread a vaccine-resistant variant of the virus.
How bad would things to be for there be another lockdown? Serious question?

Like they are now.

We just haven't had one again because our elected officials are either gutless or too busy pandering to worst common denominator to do what is right. As a result, we're going to keep experiencing wave after wave after wave. We could be rid of Covid if everyone got the vaccine and we hunkered down for a month, but too many people put their self interest, which they masquerade as freedom, above the common good.

Like they are now.

We just haven't had one again because our elected officials are either gutless or too busy pandering to worst common denominator to do what is right. As a result, we're going to keep experiencing wave after wave after wave. We could be rid of Covid if everyone got the vaccine and we hunkered down for a month, but too many people put their self interest, which they masquerade as freedom, above the common good.

You mean everyone in the world though? None of us are safe until ALL of us are safe. If COVID exists anywhere in the world, we are all at risk.
My dad has turned into a trump loving, fauci hating idiot. Don't know why he has to tell everyone how much he hates fauci, not like anyone cares. he blames fauci for not knowing everything about covid by day 1, hates him for not being clear on if 1 or 2 masks are necessary, mad his salary is more than potus. Meanwhile won't criticize trump for anything.

As someone who graduated from the brother school of the HS that Fauci graduated from, I’m disgusted by people who talk bad about him. Dude is probably one of the most bipartisan individuals in the federal government and the way we were taught in our schools was to serve people, especially those in need. He has been the head virologist at the federal level for 2 decades. He doesn’t care about party or anything, he just wants things to work. Plus, if he went private hed make 10x the money he makes now.

The fact that people don’t understand that the health communities understanding of the virus is ever evolving plus the variants, just proves why not everyone’s opinion matters.
As someone who graduated from the brother school of the HS that Fauci graduated from, I’m disgusted by people who talk bad about him. Dude is probably one of the most bipartisan individuals in the federal government and the way we were taught in our schools was to serve people, especially those in need. He has been the head virologist at the federal level for 2 decades. He doesn’t care about party or anything, he just wants things to work. Plus, if he went private hed make 10x the money he makes now.

The fact that people don’t understand that the health communities understanding of the virus is ever evolving plus the variants, just proves why not everyone’s opinion matters.
Yup. My dad hates whoever trump, fox news, oan, newsmax tells him to hate. he was telling his fauci rant to my cousin who is a doctor and uncle who was a nurse. Wish they told him to STHU. My uncle just told him the more we learn about covid we will have to adjust things.
I don't think there's much (if anything) in place to stop people from getting boosters, and I would also say there's no health risk to it and no reason to feel guilty about taking somebody else's shot. If anything you're doing society-at-large a favor by boosting your immunity.

The question is when exactly to do it, whether to jump teams between Pfizer and Moderna, and whether to try to wait it out for a delta-specific booster. My answer to all of these questions is that it probably doesn't matter too much either way. If you are already vaxxed, you have a good amount of protection, so when and if and how you get a booster will help regardless but won't necessarily be a game-changer.
Yeah I always gotta remind myself that Delta was discovered outside the states and vaxx rates globally are still awful
How many people were convinced COVID would never make it out of Asia? Most VOC’s have spread around the world and even places like Aus and NZ are struggling to try and contain Delta. No length of lockdown will get us out of this mess and anyone who thinks otherwise hasn’t been paying attention.
You mean everyone in the world though? None of us are safe until ALL of us are safe. If COVID exists anywhere in the world, we are all at risk.

No, I was talking about the U.S. The first step is managing COVID outbreaks here. We can't manage the world, but we can control things here.

Folks coming to the U.S can easily be quarantined for the necessary amount of time before being allowed to travel within the country though. I'm acquainted with a few Chinese students and one told me that upon returning to China from the U.S, he had to quarantine for 3 weeks in a hotel room before they let him leave and go to his family home in Beijing. We can mandate a similar kind of quarantine process for visitors coming into the U.S while managing COVID among the natives.

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