Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Man, that’s rough. Hope things get better soon. The current situation just makes all those things more difficult.

It is man... but have had to do this with mom's already once noontime to greive now most of this stuff is time sensitive pops had a 300k life insurance policy lapse in 14' from non payment (mom always took care of that stuff) I didn't know about it, and he just didn't pay it.... It's just so time consuming, and you're right the current situation with COVID is just dragging things much longer too. For my mom's it was about a year before I got everything set up organized and changed for pops. He was anything he wanted to be, except organized.... I'm still finding bank accounts the IRA was clutch, life insurance policies I had no clue he had... I've not even gone to his house to get his personal stuff his truck or Cadillac. His wife had found out she had cancer like 2 days before he passed and she's not doing well at all. I am starting to see "some" light from the end of the tunnel, but legally I can't touch any of his Financials except the IRA (as I was the beneficiary) until the judge signs off on executorship. That's now been postponed 3 times... COVID of course. I'm just hoping she gets better, even a little (such a sweet woman, just not my mom)... they'd only been married about 3 years too. All family photos are there and who knows what else. She can keep all of the jewelry tvs furniture ibdont need that honestly I just want the sentimental stuff. Probably let her pic 1 of the 3 cars also hers is raggedy AF. Just not if they try and fight this...my lawyer says she has no ground to stand on if she fights it... still would have to go through the process and lawyer fees would go up, court costs etc. If it comes to that I'll cut her a check to go away if she'll take it. She earned that... pops could be a very difficult man and expected her to do to him the way mom's did. My mom and dad built everything together, nothing, but the Cadillac was bought after they married. The townhomes I'm own I feel was paid for in blood, I used my mom's life insurance to buy them. No way I'm letting that go without a fight...
Her brothers are handling her stuff right now and shady AF. He left her nothing in the will... (only married her to cook and clean for him) said he could never love her after the way he did my mom... so except their home and his play around bank account that had like 1200 bucks in it pretty much is it. I've got a feeling they're gonna try and dispute things. If for some reason she doesn't make it, they'll get her stuff ( SAHES A 62 YO virgin) pops never even attempted to smash. Said she was too ugly...so it's like they're looking out for themselves more than her really she's got noone to leave anything to except them. If not for the IRA though not sure how I would've paid for the funeral, I've already dropped about 12k on funeral, 6k in repairs, 15k home improvement loan 🤷‍♂️ if he'd even paid his property taxes downtown on his properties... ultimately I plan on selling there. The value of the land is insane. It's quadrupled since they bought it. People already making offers daily and ot Eben for sale, but they don't want the old houses they want the land to put up these million dollar condos

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Built in the 30's and not much to look at, but are literally 1 Mile from downtown Houston. One way and 2 miles to the heights the other. It's the location everyone wants, Washington Ave is two blocks away, where all the bars and clubs are. There's actually 3 lots there, just can't see the third... in the back it's like a grage apt on top and covered parking under. That he'd just rebuilt about 3/4yeats ago all brand new there.

These are what about 70% of the street looks like now. Taxes are nuts, just not an ideal rental location. I'd like another setup like mine, maybe 2 if things work out like they should.
2 4 units properties for sale on the same street for sale right now been watching in Baytown.
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Remember that right-wing radio guy in Tennessee that refused to vaccinated? Well...

I didn’t tell you, because I’m formulating at this point, Now that I made this decision, not to get the vaccine, what I’m going to do, what my plan of action is.

You know, God forbid I die, that’s going to be so embarrassing, [laughs], you know after all this talk about making your own personal decision
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