Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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So I’m assuming all those who didn’t get the vaccine because it wasn’t approved will be lining up for it?

In all seriousness, this actually gives more additional LEGAL LEVERAGE for major national businesses to be able to enforce vaccine mandates in their workplace............pushing more pressure on unvaccinated workers to risk losing their jobs for not getting vaccinated
No sorry, it’s messy.

Let’s call friend Amy and my daughter Bella.

A few days ago Bella’s sister became unwell, got tested and was positive. Whole family ily got PCR tests the next day and came back negative so Bella continued going to school. Yesterday evening Bella’s lateral flow test (kids are doing them twice weekly voluntarily) came back positive so she’s arranged a PCR for confirmation (but like I said I’d be surprised if it was negative - she’s living with a known positive case).
That day Amy spent most of the day with her including eating lunch (outside but unmasked obviously) and a car journey so she’s had pretty decent exposure only a few hours before she tested positive.
Plus, as you say she was around other kids at school - masked most of the time but not always.

This is all avoidable if we’d stuck to the isolation period for family contacts - it’s not exactly rocket science.

As toooldforthis toooldforthis said though it was all about keeping kids in school - but that’s a fairly shortsighted view if they start getting sick in decent numbers.

Damn, it's common sense that if one person in a household is positive the rest of the household needs to quarantine as presumed positives until their quarantine/test period (minimum 10 days after last known exposure) is over. Wild.

I was holding out for something like this,was also waiting some too just to make sure I felt safe taking it. Figured it'd happen even told my freinds they'll probably start paying $100 to get it... got my first shot last week though. 🤦‍♂️ Wonder if I still get the $$$
now what are their excuses?

Lose their job if they work for a company that has stores/businesses all over the US...............you know them big box national stores will start pushing mandatory vaccine mandates in every store in the US regardless if a GOP governor is preventing forced mandates from occurring.

Let these unvaxxed fools keep chattin **** until they ain't got no more food to eat

You paying her bills? It’s sort of crazy but I think back to all of the times we had sick coworkers right next to us. Or family members with a flu or sinus infection and we just knew we’d eventually get it and it was just normal?

Many places don’t have paid time off as an option. We wish everyplace of business was beyond rich to do that or have the government step in and help the workers. But reality is crazy and not so cut and dry. Would you be willing to pay $12 for a beer in order to give the wait staff proper PTO?

I hope we can learn from this. But it’s not looking good. Any true signs of sickness, we need to go hide away at home. But not many have that luxury to do so.
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You paying her bills? It’s sort of crazy but I think back to all of the times we had sick coworkers right next to us. Or family members with a flu or sinus infection and we just knew we’d eventually get it and it was just normal?

Many places don’t have paid time off as an option. We wish everyplace of business was beyond rich to do that or have the government step in and help the workers. But reality is crazy and not so cut and dry. Would you be willing to pay $12 for a beer in order to give the wait staff proper PTO?

I live in the bahamas, you don’t want to know what I pay for a beer at some places

well not so much anymore since I’d rather stay home and not risk potential exposing my 4 year old nephew
Update this morning - we’re now doing 12-16yo’s - but they’re starting with those who have other issues (diabetes etc) which make them more vulnerable or those who live with someone who is immunocompromised. Hopefully in another few weeks they’ll open it up.
You bargained with your life for $100 ?
No, nothing like that at all, had every intention on getting the vaccine in May, taking myself off of UI and opening business back up, once my Dr. said I should be safe (I've had seizures since a child) typically its a new med that triggers it, also and they alway come in 2s one right after the other so I'd built up a little anxiety to it. Always knew I'd take it, just wasn't in a hurry to be first just in case...Then pops passed away from heart attack 4/23. Its literally just me now, brother and mom both passed in 2013 and I was spinning circles planning funeral,organizing things pops was a mess. I had 2 rental properties. Pops had five so overnight 2 went to 7, not sure you've had to go through something like that, I hope not... but before you know it 2/3 months pass before you can even start feeling like things are in order. Bills had to be changed or paid, he'd not filed taxes since 2019... some property taxes HAD to be paid, city inspector on my rentals decided June was good to inspect, it's 3in1 townhomes,I live in the bigger one and the other two I rent and anything more than 2 in Baytown is considered apt complex/multi family complex. So lots of rules have to be followed. I.e smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, exterminations all needed to be renewed mainly, they canceled them for 2020 because of COVID, many more tedious things still need to be done, I just was granted am extension yesterday. Otherwise it was looking like I was just going to have to eat the fine, each month until it was complete. Just one thing after another until I realized it's June already... then 6/17 my tenant and close, maybe best freind of over 20 years killed himself. 😔

No real good reason I know, and didn't intend to go this long ever honestly. Just a series of events that led to it keep getting postponed, or just flat out forget. By July I was like at this point, might as well wait for an incentive to do it, knew it'd happen at some point I was even right on the amount of $100, but as Delta started getting stronger just decided to get it over with. Not sure how good that's going to do now though, with this Lambda supposedly being vaccine resistant, either way it needed to be done and was way past due. Just didnt think it'd be week after I got my first shot.😡 govt cheese would start flowing. That and I live like a hermit, very anti social even before COVID. Doordash, Instacart, and Favor had it to where I'd maybe not leave home for weeks at a time. All of the tenants DD rent, I still video call my Dr's, lawyer court, basically everything. Even my 😤 man now takes cashapp, Venmo, or Zelle...🤣 and does no contact deliveries for $20 more. 🤣 What's gonna irk me is after I get fully vaccinated I end up being one of the "break through" cases and contract it.

They should have just started with $100, I think many, many, more would have already taken it. Heck I've got a couple freinds that think they have to pay for it, and can't afford it even. I bet they'll be getting a shot tomorrow now. 🤣 "]
So update on my personal story - Amy has now been confirmed positive on her PCR test so I’m expecting to be contacted about my daughter because she clearly meets the definition of a contact.

Looks like she’s missing her trial tomorrow so that’s this season probably ruined. I know that’s insignificant when people are dying but it’s just irritating when it was so easily avoidable - if her friend had told us she wouldn’t have gone to her house or in her car - school exposure is one thing but that was extra and not necessary.
No, nothing like that at all, had every intention on getting the vaccine in May, taking myself off of UI and opening business back up, once my Dr. said I should be safe (I've had seizures since a child) typically its a new med that triggers it, also and they alway come in 2s one right after the other so I'd built up a little anxiety to it. Always knew I'd take it, just wasn't in a hurry to be first just in case...Then pops passed away from heart attack 4/23. Its literally just me now, brother and mom both passed in 2013 and I was spinning circles planning funeral,organizing things pops was a mess. I had 2 rental properties. Pops had five so overnight 2 went to 7, not sure you've had to go through something like that, I hope not... but before you know it 2/3 months pass before you can even start feeling like things are in order. Bills had to be changed or paid, he'd not filed taxes since 2019... some property taxes HAD to be paid, city inspector on my rentals decided June was good to inspect, it's 3in1 townhomes,I live in the bigger one and the other two I rent and anything more than 2 in Baytown is considered apt complex/multi family complex. So lots of rules have to be followed. I.e smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, exterminations all needed to be renewed mainly, they canceled them for 2020 because of COVID, many more tedious things still need to be done, I just was granted am extension yesterday. Otherwise it was looking like I was just going to have to eat the fine, each month until it was complete. Just one thing after another until I realized it's June already... then 6/17 my tenant and close, maybe best freind of over 20 years killed himself. 😔

No real good reason I know, and didn't intend to go this long ever honestly. Just a series of events that led to it keep getting postponed, or just flat out forget. By July I was like at this point, might as well wait for an incentive to do it, knew it'd happen at some point I was even right on the amount of $100, but as Delta started getting stronger just decided to get it over with. Not sure how good that's going to do now though, with this Lambda supposedly being vaccine resistant, either way it needed to be done and was way past due. Just didnt think it'd be week after I got my first shot.😡 govt cheese would start flowing. That and I live like a hermit, very anti social even before COVID. Doordash, Instacart, and Favor had it to where I'd maybe not leave home for weeks at a time. All of the tenants DD rent, I still video call my Dr's, lawyer court, basically everything. Even my 😤 man now takes cashapp, Venmo, or Zelle...🤣 and does no contact deliveries for $20 more. 🤣 What's gonna irk me is after I get fully vaccinated I end up being one of the "break through" cases and contract it.

They should have just started with $100, I think many, many, more would have already taken it. Heck I've got a couple freinds that think they have to pay for it, and can't afford it even. I bet they'll be getting a shot tomorrow now. 🤣 "]

Man, that’s rough. Hope things get better soon. The current situation just makes all those things more difficult.
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