Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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As expected, my local school district will not enforce mask for students this coming school year. Parents just need to fill out an exemption form stating the health reasons, but not because of "politics" or "discomfort" reasons. 🤡
:lol: I haven't watched this, but the title, then screenshot alone made me laugh

SMH, I was out a few weeks ago at a restaurant with a friend and he runs into someone he knows that's a nurse and she goes off on how she's unvaxxed, isn't going to be a statistic when they find out the vaccine has long term health defects and other BS. She said she's going to wait a couple years before deciding if the vax is right for her and to see if more information comes out about how the first batch of vaccines were unsafe smh. So with all this and other non-believers of the vaccine for miscellaneous reasons it seems we are going to be dealing with all these antivaxxers for years to come.
:lol: I haven't watched this, but the title, then screenshot alone made me laugh

This shows how access to info is the issue. Money and volunteers tend to be the issue when it comes to research. You have to guarantee that funds will be available (takes time) and you have to inform willing participants about what it is you want to test, and that process takes time too. For these vaccines, countries threw blank checks at pharma companies and people were literally lining up to be part of the trials. All of this has been published in newspapers and shown on TV, but these Karens with degrees had more trust in Facebook massage therapist friends and whoever was slurping Orange Man on Fox and Friends throughout 2020.
I literally just watched that vid on youtube and wanted to talk about it. Not surprised people from nc believe that crap. Plus that respiratory therapist makes even people like me who flunked out of RT school look bad.

To complete this: "But we also have a highly effective vaccine against this virus that has been available to every American for months now."

Before everybody panics, there are three simple ways forward, each of which on its own is more than enough, even for the worst case about delta (which I still think is being overblown and most analysis I've read agrees. I've already posted multiple Twitter threads yesterday so I'll hold off on those for now). Here are three easy ways to get through this:

1) vaccinate another 20% of the population

2) give a booster in the early fall

3) rapid tests before you visit loved ones who are immunocompromised or haven't been able to get the vaccine

None of these requires more lockdowns or tightening restrictions or cancellation of travel. So before we get carried away, wonder why we don't widely push any one of these options.
:lol: I haven't watched this, but the title, then screenshot alone made me laugh

One of my former colleagues is a "medical freedom advocate" and she sounds (and looks) exactly like these women.

She's also arguably one of the dumbest people I've ever met in my entire life. One of those people who says blatantly false things loudly and assertively in hopes that she'll either sound convincing or that no one will want to bother calling her out on her ********. Was extremely glad to see her go.
As expected, my local school district will not enforce mask for students this coming school year. Parents just need to fill out an exemption form stating the health reasons, but not because of "politics" or "discomfort" reasons. 🤡

They are bowing to the loudest and most ignorant voices. Here is the body of the email I sent to our private school principal this morning:

Thank you for the informative newsletter. I realize everyone is in a hurry to get back to normal, but I hope you don't allow the loudest voices to dictate the school's COVID protocols for the upcoming school year. The situation for our unvaccinated children is as dire as it has ever been since the start of the pandemic. Make no mistake, we would continue to keep our kids home until they are able to be vaccinated if there was an option for distance learning. Now is not the time to remove restrictions and policies that allowed the school to make it through last year "with flying colors," but rather double down on those efforts in order to keep our children as safe as possible. Getting rid of cohorts and gathering as a school for prayer service and mass just means the school will have to quarantine larger groups of students WHEN there is an outbreak. Why take the risk of sending the students to music class despite the scientific data that has proven singing is a factor in super spreading viral particles? Requiring masks is a good first step, but masks that are well fitted and made from quality materials (not paper or basic cloth) are the bare minimum and our students deserve better than that. I hope you take my thoughts into consideration when determining the protocols and procedures that will help keep our children safe and healthy this school year.
Dumbest timeline

good for them


Up next, require proof of vaccination for park entry!

EDIT: Might not be a bad idea for big travel/entertainment companies like this to offer free entry if you get vaccinated on site. Set aside X number of shots daily for free entry to keep it from getting out of hand.
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