Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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none of what he says is reality/happens if a million+ people keep dying :stoneface:
We lost 600k with restrictions in place last year. Those who downplay Covid really don't understand what losing millions of people every year will do to the US economy. We're talking about losing millions of taxpayers and consumers. On top of that, we're talking about putting at least 10x that number on permanent or long-term disability in the same period of time (covid long haulers).

Controlling the virus is the most important thing right now.
We lost 600k with restrictions in place last year. Those who downplay Covid really don't understand what losing millions of people every year will do to the US economy. We're talking about losing millions of taxpayers and consumers. On top of that, we're talking about putting at least 10x that number on permanent or long-term disability in the same period of time (covid long haulers).

Controlling the virus is the most important thing right now.

It’s odd, you regularly see armchair athletes/coaches throwing their 2 cents in about what professional athletes do/should do in a game. I guess they feel entitled as fans. At the end of the day, they make a fool of themselves online and the athlete continues living a good life. In this case though, it’s armchair doctors/scientists who have no knowledge speculating about an actual high stakes event that involves everyone. Imagine if there was Twitter after the polio vaccine came out…
Has anyone travelled during this pandemic? I have a flight on August 11; 12 hours in a mask will be rough.
everybody is wearing a mask but also once you get your beverage a lot of people keep their mask down for a while as they slowly eat and drink. in any case, I would have your cabin air wide open so that you're breathing in filtered clean air.

people may have gotten stricter these past couple weeks with the news about covid but things were definitely getting more relaxed in late spring/early summer.
with respect to the discussion about vaccines, delta, and transmission, this thread has a good breakdown of why we should be skeptical of the claims that vaccination does not significantly reduce transmission of the delta variant:

with respect to the discussion about vaccines, delta, and transmission, this thread has a good breakdown of why we should be skeptical of the claims that vaccination does not significantly reduce transmission of the delta variant:

Sounds like the CDC is just looking for some excuse to validate their switch. It really hurts the vaccine support though. Not transmitting is a big deal to many that want to go on with their lives without having to worry too much about infecting others. My grandmother is bed ridden who can’t get the vaccine since she isn’t strong enough. Her household is all vaccinated and there was some relief in knowing their chances of infecting her were low.
I research about viruses alot more since all of this started, and I predict that this next wave that we're going to get this winter time is going to put in way more damage than the first huge outbreak did. I think everything wont be settling down until 5 to 8 years from now, once we're hit with multiple waves in each winter time with new different variants coming out each year. I recommend everyone on here stock up on vitamins/foods/water/toilet paper/ mask/ sanatizer , etc that will last over these next 4 months.

Try to be prepared in case if outbreaks get out of control this winter time. Imagine us having another shutdown out of the blue because cases spiked up unimaginably this winter. Most viruses do lasts in waves, and considering how doctors and the government are saying that it's here to stay, i think that we're definitely going to see something close to the first shutdown sometime this winter.

It hasn't gone anywhere, people are out working and living there lives like nothing else is going to happen with virus in the next few months. Ya'll make sure that ya'll don't get caught off guard if this happens.

Because it's going to be alot of what ifs, i should've, etc. No matter if you're vaccinated or not, eat healthy and keep your immune system strong, because alot of people won't be seeing this coming at all.
kingsrborn kingsrborn I agree that we should be prepared and vigilant but I think it's highly unlikely covid-19 hits us again like it did last year. The reason it hit us hard is because it was a novel virus at the time and nobody's immune system was ready for it.

Now we have about 60% vaccinated and above 30% who have been infected, so roughly 75% of our immune systems have developed some immunity against covid-19 or something similar to it. The remaining 25% are still screwed but oh well.

Where this does hurt is for the fraction of the population that are immunocompromised or unable to get the vaccine like flyknitjb flyknitjb 's grandmother. But I think as we learn more and develop booster shots we'll get to a point where even they can get good protection from a vaccine.
It is interesting how people suddenly want to see all the data for some reason. I've said it many times - they need to have a think about what peer reviewed research by registered professionals mean - you can't make stuff up (well, you can, but you get in trouble for it - the ultimate sanction is the guy who made up the autism/MMR stuff who was "struck off" the medical register). And, if they are shown that data they don't know what it means so think it is being done to hide it from them. No, that's why we have experts who understand this stuff - a large part of any science based qualification is understanding trials and what they mean - so even if your doctor isn't an epidemiologist they can read the research and understand the conclusions and then use that info to treat you - and the government science/medical advisers are doing the same. They don't need to do the research as others do that and then they apply it in their sphere.

It's frankly just ridiculous for the hordes of uneducated idiots to think they know better and that the whole of science is some grand scam to keep them down.

the peer review and scientific research study process is mind blowing. They need to teach this in ALL high schools across America, so that “peer reviewed” is not just some random word.

As part of my internship graduation requirements at university, I interned for the lead professor of the public health and human science department in his lab. Before I could even participate in ANY sort of lab work, research, ANYTHING, I had to pass this testing process. During this process I learned volumes of information about what it takes for a study to get grants, become recognized and authorized, the peer review process, review board selection committee, etc.

The general public really needs to learn about this in detail so that they can start trusting science and trusting that the gov doesn’t just roll out a vaccine on a ******* whim.
the peer review and scientific research study process is mind blowing. They need to teach this in ALL high schools across America, so that “peer reviewed” is not just some random word.

As part of my internship graduation requirements at university, I interned for the lead professor of the public health and human science department in his lab. Before I could even participate in ANY sort of lab work, research, ANYTHING, I had to pass this testing process. During this process I learned volumes of information about what it takes for a study to get grants, become recognized and authorized, the peer review process, review board selection committee, etc.

The general public really needs to learn about this in detail so that they can start trusting science and trusting that the gov doesn’t just roll out a vaccine on a ****ing whim.
To be clear, by “general public” are you talking about the same kids on TikTok calling hospitals asking if they will test them for the Delta variant and when they’re told no they try to use that as proof that there’s no such thing? You’re dreaming homie…
kingsrborn kingsrborn I agree that we should be prepared and vigilant but I think it's highly unlikely covid-19 hits us again like it did last year. The reason it hit us hard is because it was a novel virus at the time and nobody's immune system was ready for it.

Now we have about 60% vaccinated and above 30% who have been infected, so roughly 75% of our immune systems have developed some immunity against covid-19 or something similar to it. The remaining 25% are still screwed but oh well.

Where this does hurt is for the fraction of the population that are immunocompromised or unable to get the vaccine like flyknitjb flyknitjb 's grandmother. But I think as we learn more and develop booster shots we'll get to a point where even they can get good protection from a vaccine.

I know a lot of careless people that were making claims last winter they been infected multiple times and they just living with the risk. I didn’t really believe them then because we were told it’s rare or not possible. its starting to look like that reinfection is possible. I have a hard time believing people in this current surge are all new patients.
Another thread on delta. Sorry for the many posts but I hope these will help to clear up some confusion.

The bottom line: delta spreads very easily, the vaccines are very effective still against serious illness from delta, but there is concern that vaccinated people can still spread delta. To reiterate, though, that last bit is based on indirect evidence and I still would argue that vaccination helps reduce the spread of even delta.

someone in the company that doesn't work on site tested positive. was told he was vaccinated, but showing symptom like a fever.
they said he hadn't been around recently, but everybody told to mask up when around each other and any guests that come through.

went to the lunch room to see everyone eating closely. obviously, mask down. majority have been vaccinated from what i know.
i don't even work for a huge company. can't imagine how these bigger companies going to manage bringing employees back
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