Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I went to Trader Joe’s here in queens after golf on Saturday and I was pleasantly surprised that like 90% of the people inside wore masks, and the right way too. New Yorkers are still more diligent about mask wearing even thought they don’t have to if they don’t want. Was a nice site to see.
TBF, Trader Joe's is our Libbie grocery store. :lol: I just went to one yesterday. Same thing. :nerd:
TBF, Trader Joe's is our Libbie grocery store. :lol: I just went to one yesterday. Same thing. :nerd:
I can second this. In the Seattle area most grocery stores now have upwards of 75% unmasked but when I went to TJ's last week it was almost the opposite of masked/nonmasked ratio.
Is the Olympic village more spread out this year? Seems like a breakout is inevitable there
Damn man, it's sad that this starting up all over again. Mixing in unvaccinated with vaccinated people everywhere in full re-openings isn't helping.
Seems like a lot of these breakthrough cases are coming from being unmasked in an indoor environment. A lot of offices and places of business are doing this and it's going to be a **** show come September when so many offices bring their employees back.
In a pandemic that is still and never was over I don't get why keeping the most simple safety procedure in place of wearing a mask when indoors was ever even lifted.
What worries me is the break through cases that are showing symptoms and requiring quarantine. We always knew there were going to be break throughs since the vaccines do not provide full immunity but I was hopeful that they would be asymptomatic cases.

Question for all the vaxxed folks on here: Have any of you gotten antibody tests done after full vaccination to see how much protection the vaccine has actually given you?
I have a feeling that the Games are either going to get postponed or cancelled. Sucks, for those athletes who have worked their whole lives for one shot and may never get another chance to do so. Selfishly I was also looking forward to watching T&F.
couldnt let the marketing $$$ go to waste
Japan spent so much money for these games. They losing out on ticket sales, merchandise sales, hotel bookings and other stuff spectators would've spent money on. The broadcasting rights are I think are worth over $3 billion, losing that would hurt them the most.
I have a feeling that the Games are either going to get postponed or cancelled. Sucks, for those athletes who have worked their whole lives for one shot and may never get another chance to do so. Selfishly I was also looking forward to watching T&F.
Some of these athletes went there unvaccinated too.

That's kinda gambling with one's career IMO, especially when nobody can guarantee how the virus can affect them physically if they catch it.
The IOC really should've considered cancelling the Olympics all together. I get money plays a big role in this, but it's looking bad.

It ain't worth it.
Or maybe just delay it again until 2022. These athletes give no dambs though. It's worth the risk to them and the durability of those cardboard beds gonna be tested.
I think one issue with delaying until next year is that it would coincide with the world cup and most of the world would rather watch futbol.
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