Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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The world cup is in qatar right? Even with closed roof stadiums, the heat is gonna suck.
this whole olympics is going to suck. there's barely any excitement for it. this aint it. they need to just call it off.

except that the world cup will be played in november/december
oh yeah true, the players would boil in summer.

so delaying the Olympics another year would've been viable but I think they're stuck now.

Olympics is pretty much the worst setup for spread of a virus, so it should be the last thing we bring back, along with cruise ships.
Japan just needs to ask to host whatever future olympics doesn't have a destination yet.
I think the Olympics get cancelled. This is the part in the movie where you think Jason died when he fell out the window only to realize he ain't as dead as you thought
IOC is corrupt as hell

Japan would get sued and get screwed on future games

for the athletes, windows are small.. for even the big names who can win multiple medals, shh can change real quick and they need to maximize certain opportunities

money unfortunately is dictating way too much of this
Same thing happened with the NBA on a smaller scale

the league would have been f’d if they didn’t go through this rushed season.. they already lost a ton on that China deal and then had tv contract considerations if they didn’t have the season

it’s obvious how bad this all can end up and yet here we are
I would definitely be shocked if the olympics just straight up got canned., we are only 3 days away from the opening ceremony. Like has been said that network money alone will keep this thing afloat even with all these other sponsors pulling out.
But the summer olympics as a whole is extremely flawed as a thing

realistically it should only be in certain places.. countries spend a shhh ton of money and these venues notoriously just go to waste
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But the summer olympics as a whole is extremely flawed as a thing

realistically it should only take place in certain places.. countries spend a shhh ton of money and these venues notoriously just go to waste
Word, this also happens with the winter olympics. They'll construct all these new stadiums, venues, grandstands, etc. and then never use 90% of them after the games finish. Yet countries want to keep funding this stuff. Is the potential revenue really worth it?!?
Unless it’s already a developed nation with much of the infrastructure already established then it’s a net waste. Look at the World Cup that was held in South Africa or the winter Olympic in Socci. They aren’t being used for what their original intention was. Having a country like the US or England host it is just easy because there isn’t much that needs to be built. If anything it’s just an excuse for a new stadium or 2. Not everything from scratch like it is in many nations.
Unless it’s already a developed nation with much of the infrastructure already established then it’s a net waste. Look at the World Cup that was held in South Africa or the winter Olympic in Socci. They aren’t being used for what their original intention was. Having a country like the US or England host it is just easy because there isn’t much that needs to be built. If anything it’s just an excuse for a new stadium or 2. Not everything from scratch like it is in many nations.

Maybe they can use those stadiums as COVID mass vaccination sites? Sorry, but I couldn't resist trying to get us back on topic.

For those who care, scientists have discovered an existing antiviral drug that shows promise against COVID in early studies:
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Unless it’s already a developed nation with much of the infrastructure already established then it’s a net waste. Look at the World Cup that was held in South Africa or the winter Olympic in Socci. They aren’t being used for what their original intention was. Having a country like the US or England host it is just easy because there isn’t much that needs to be built. If anything it’s just an excuse for a new stadium or 2. Not everything from scratch like it is in many nations.

london games is a perfect example, that shh was really the England games.. but obviously they got all the soccer stadiums and track is already big over there

even the super bowl shouldn’t really be in certain cities anymore

and that’s before all of this
international tournaments just don't make any damn sense.

lets all come from different parts of the world and concentrate in one area. we can all expose eachother then we will all go back to where we came from and expose everyone else. it's the perfect scenario for the virus to spread.
Welp, Lambda is here :frown:
Saw on the news there's a clinical trial go ahead for a HIV cure. The one benefit of covid is all the medical tech advancement and resources now.
Just not sure what we are going to do at this point. The remainder of the unvaccinated population aren’t going to change and if the US pulls back in previous mandates we are going to have riots on our hands. Stuck between a rock and hard place.
The one benefit of covid is all the medical tech advancement and resources now
Instead of entertaining the notion that mRNA tech is new, (and feeding conspiracy theories), media outlets would've used their (and our) time better by properly explaining the history of the technology (the concept was first explored 40 years ago).

But that might get people to see the benefits of funding long-term R&D projects (especially if they can benefit the public), but in our instant gratification society,

Just not sure what we are going to do at this point. The remainder of the unvaccinated population aren’t going to change and if the US pulls back in previous mandates we are going to have riots on our hands. Stuck between a rock and hard place.

Vaccine passport / vaccination status check is the only thing they can do. It might get more people to get it when they see their life is actually impacted since some businesses will no longer want their business.
Vaccine passport / vaccination status check is the only thing they can do. It might get more people to get it when they see their life is actually impacted since some businesses will no longer want their business.
Would be great but seems a lot strongly oppose it for whatever reason.
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