Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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What happened to whywesteppin 🤔
sup. I'm around, lurking more than posting these days.

It's infuriating that the USA has been given a gift with plentiful access to the vaccine but still ~100 million Americans won't take it. That's a lot of people who could still die or get badly sick.

The enemy now is not the virus but the unvaccinated. They are their own victims but others will get sick too, especially those who are immunocompromised or elderly, even if they got the vaccine. We could stamp this out if the remaining 100 million get the vaccine. We could reach that point by Labor Day. But we won't.
Coworker tested positive today, she wasn't vaccinated I believe. I took an at home test cause everything was closed... Came back positive. Fully vaccinated. I stopped wearing a mask at work.

Not taking off my mask ever again. Going to get tested in the morning in case it was a false positive, but yeah.
Coworker tested positive today, she wasn't vaccinated I believe. I took an at home test cause everything was closed... Came back positive. Fully vaccinated. I stopped wearing a mask at work.

Not taking off my mask ever again. Going to get tested in the morning in case it was a false positive, but yeah.

Fully Vaccinated went on a trip to SD, both my friends who are fully vaccinated tested positive, took my test yesterday, awaiting results, **** sucks probably have it
I basically wanna know these for fully vaccinated peeps who're tested positive:
1. which vaccine you got?
2. do you develop any symptoms? Asymptomatic? Mild?
3. how long until you develop symptoms? This might be hard to tell since you don't know where/when you got it.
4. how long until you recover?

Yeah I start wearing mask again especially indoor. Damn here we go again. However, I do believe it won't be as worse as last year, at least for majority of fully vaccinated people.

Da irony
Friends had fevers, shortness of breath, and just bad fevers in general.

I have a stuffy nose, and loss of smell and taste but i'm fine other wise, its so ****ty but what else can you do, vaccinated and tried to live my life,
Sadly your outcome looks like the best case scenario. Everyone will have to face the virus at some point.

New variants are a given. That’s why it makes no sense to freak out every time. Its highly unlikely much of the developing world will be vaccinated enough to prevent these mutations from occurring.
Sadly your outcome looks like the best case scenario. Everyone will have to face the virus at some point.
Seems like it, could be worst, not hospitalized and just a few headaches here and there, but still pretty annoying, oh well

Go get vaccinated, I fully believe if I wasn't it would be obviously much worst
New variants are a given. That’s why it makes no sense to freak out every time. Its highly unlikely much of the developing world will be vaccinated enough to prevent these mutations from occurring.
Best thing we can do is be aware and remain vigilant, which is why I haven’t let down my guard and continued to wear a mask indoors. Too many have gotten fooled into thinking the threat is gone after months of falling infections, hospitalizations and deaths. I’ve heard so many “after COVID” comments as if it’s over and done.
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Best thing we can do is be aware and remain vigilant, which is why I haven’t let down my guard and continued to wear a mask indoors. Too many have gotten fooled into thinking the threat is gone after months of falling infections, hospitalizations and deaths. I’ve heard too many “after COVID” comments as if it’s over by and done.

I went to Trader Joe’s here in queens after golf on Saturday and I was pleasantly surprised that like 90% of the people inside wore masks, and the right way too. New Yorkers are still more diligent about mask wearing even thought they don’t have to if they don’t want. Was a nice site to see.
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