Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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You're making reasonable assumptions but unfortunately, a large segment of our population are unreasonable.

I think there's a large amount - too large - of Americans who made up their minds about the vaccines, no matter what the incentives are.

They've been drop the restrictions on vaxxed people and now they're about to reapply restrictions again (at least Cali is) with no real increase in vaccination rate

If they reimplement I think many of these politicians are gone. Moderate Democrats are fed up with the left leaning agenda. Newsom can guarantee recall. They have no real end game in this if you can’t make this thing fair for those that have continuously done what has been asked.
Too many people bought into the vaccine efficacy and thought testing positive will be rare. I wouldn’t really worry too much about the testing positive part. I’m watching more for who gets sick and how bad it is.
Note that when evaluating the efficacy of the vaccine, the rate of infection of vaccinated people has always been less important than the rate of vaccinated people who do not end up hospitalized as a result of being infected.

I think the part where the vaccine turns you from a person at risk of dying from the virus to a person merely carrying the virus with some possible side effects has confused a lot of people. Even though reducing the severity of COVID symptoms has been part of the messaging promoting the vaccines, the widespread lack of understanding of the purpose of the vaccine has resulted in authorities lifting restrictions prematurely.

CCDH, a UK/US non-profit and non-governmental organization, found in March that these 12 online personalities they dubbed the “disinformation dozen” have a combined following of 59 million people across multiple social media platforms, with Facebook having the largest impact. CCDH analyzed 812,000 Facebook posts and tweets and found 65% came from the disinformation dozen. Vivek Murthy, US surgeon general, and Joe Biden focused on misinformation around vaccines this week as a driving force of the virus spreading.

On Facebook alone, the dozen are responsible for 73% of all anti-vaccine content, though the vaccines have been deemed safe and effective by the US government and its regulatory agencies. And 95% of the Covid misinformation reported on these platforms were not removed.
Have to agree with the sheriff. The county failed to implement vaccine verification and now they are just looking for the easy way out by making others carry out orders that aren’t backed by anything

I agree with your first statement about failure to implement vaccine verification, but that's necessarily not the county's fault. It should have been done at the federal or state level, similar to how NY adopted the Excelsior Pass, though admittedly I have no clue whether it is being implemented widely. It's definitely better than nothing and lays the groundwork for widespread implementation at some point. As for masks, there is plenty of evidence that indoor masking provides protection to both the wearer and others, with better protection obviously provided by higher quality well fitted masks than the BS ones you see most people wearing (below their noses). There is no mask mandate in my county and many of the remaining people I see wearing masks voluntarily while shopping are STILL not wearing them properly.
I agree with your first statement about failure to implement vaccine verification, but that's necessarily not the county's fault. It should have been done at the federal or state level, similar to how NY adopted the Excelsior Pass, though admittedly I have no clue whether it is being implemented widely. It's definitely better than nothing and lays the groundwork for widespread implementation at some point. As for masks, there is plenty of evidence that indoor masking provides protection to both the wearer and others, with better protection obviously provided by higher quality well fitted masks than the BS ones you see most people wearing (below their noses). There is no mask mandate in my county and many of the remaining people I see wearing masks voluntarily while shopping are STILL not wearing them properly.

Federal or State would be nice but we know they aren’t going to. The county here is going above and beyond what anyone requires so they should look at their own solutions vs jumping straight to restrictions. Masks have been for show 90% of time which is why I don’t have much faith in making people wear them that don’t want to and will not wear the proper type.
Federal or State would be nice but we know they aren’t going to. The county here is going above and beyond what anyone requires so they should look at their own solutions vs jumping straight to restrictions. Masks have been for show 90% of time which is why I don’t have much faith in making people wear them that don’t want to and will not wear the proper type.

What evidence do you have to support that 90% figure?... I'll wait. :wink:

It's a very quick and easy thing to do for people to cover their faces. It's the absolute MINIMUM that people can do if they want to be out carrying on with life as "normal" during a global pandemic. If nothing else, the mandate lets people know that in case they haven't been paying attention, there has been a change in the trajectory of the pandemic in LA county. Time to wake up the sleepers.

No disrespect intended. Stay safe, my man.
What evidence do you have to support that 90% figure?... I'll wait. :wink:

It's a very quick and easy thing to do for people to cover their faces. It's the absolute MINIMUM that people can do if they want to be out carrying on with life as "normal" during a global pandemic. If nothing else, the mandate lets people know that in case they haven't been paying attention, there has been a change in the trajectory of the pandemic in LA county. Time to wake up the sleepers.

No disrespect intended. Stay safe, my man.

Just from observation. Those that don’t really want masks will use neck gaiters or exposed noses. plenty others using masks incorrectly.
That’s my point too.The state needs to do more to reward vaccination. Implement a vaccination check and let vaccinated people enjoy the right to chose mask or no mask. Mask for the rest. A lot of these people will change their mind and get the vaccination

If you have your vaccine, why do you care what others do?
If you have your vaccine, why do you care what others do?

OMG, this is exactly what the anti-vaxxers are saying... it's like saying, "why do you care if other people drive drunk?"
I'll say it again for the ones in back who haven't been paying attention. The unvaccinated are catching and spreading this disease at far greater rates than those who have been vaccinated. They are putting all of us at risk because breakthrough infections can happen. There are many who cannot be vaccinated or who are immune compromised and for whom vaccinations are less effective. The virus cannot mutate if it doesn't spread, so anyone remaining unvaccinated is increasing the likelihood of a variant that will escape vaccine induced immunity. Anyone resisting vaccination for no good reason or spreading anti-vax misinformation is willingly putting all of us at risk. Fckem.
Their behavior impacts the quality of my life. Their behavior alone is making restrictions come back.

but a mask or vaccine was never 100% and everyone was never going to get a vaccine

You're talking about quality of life, when you're talking about forcing to get a vaccine card and mask restrictions. As if the police don't have better things to do. And I thought it was just a mask? Now people don't want to have to wear one?

Where exactly does that stop once you start doing that?

Funny how Americans react once people start doing things they don't like.

Why isn't it easier to wear your mask and protect yourself(either go outside or don't) instead of trying to control others.
but a mask or vaccine was never 100% and everyone was never going to get a vaccine

You're talking about quality of life, when you're talking about forcing to get a vaccine card and mask restrictions. As if the police don't have better things to do. And I thought it was just a mask? Now people don't want to have to wear one?

Where exactly does that stop once you start doing that?

Funny how Americans react once people start doing things they don't like.

Why isn't it easier to wear your mask and protect yourself(either go outside or don't) instead of trying to control others.

Do you walk around wearing a helmet if you aren’t riding your bike? It’s basically equivalent of that if you are vaccinated. At some point those that have done what has been asked of us deserve normal life again. They aren’t the ones that are increasing risk. No one saying to police it. It’s not even a police issue. You can easily give people a QR code on your phone to show vaccinated or not. If you aren’t, wear your mask or go elsewhere that is outside.
Sorry but complaints of vaccinated people wanting to control the lives of the unvaccinated sounds hypocritical to me.

Unvaccinated people are complaining about not being controlled while they indirectly exert control over vaccinated-people's lives. They are preventing us from reaching herd immunity and ending this pandemic, allowing this **** show to continue in some form or the other, raising the chances of a variant coming along that is might deadlier and resistant to the vaccines we currently have. People still have to mask up and be cautious because the high number of unvaccinated people allows cases to rise again. Imagine you are a health care worker that is vaccinated, and after going through hell with this thing, you see an increase in hospitalizations. Your job is getting hectic again because hard-headed people want to remain unvaccinated.

Unvaccinated people's insistence on acting like everything is normal prevents us from truly getting back to something resembling normal.

The one saving grace of this whole situation is that we have highly effective vaccines; if we only have vaccines that were 50-60% effective, unvaccinated people would cause us to have peaks in infections and deaths a couple more times over the next few years.
Sorry but complaints of vaccinated people wanting to control the lives of the unvaccinated sounds hypocritical to me.

Unvaccinated people are complaining about not being controlled while they indirectly exert control over vaccinated-people's lives. They are preventing us from reaching herd immunity and ending this pandemic, allowing this **** show to continue in some form or the other, raising the chances of a variant coming along that is might deadlier and resistant to the vaccines we currently have. People still have to mask up and be cautious because the high number of unvaccinated people allows cases to rise again. Imagine you are a health care worker that is vaccinated, and after going through hell with this thing, you see an increase in hospitalizations. Your job is getting hectic again because hard-headed people want to remain unvaccinated.

Unvaccinated people's insistence on acting like everything is normal prevents us from truly getting back to something resembling normal.

The one saving grace of this whole situation is that we have highly effective vaccines; if we only have vaccines that were 50-60% effective, unvaccinated people would cause us to have peaks in infections and deaths a couple more times over the next few years.

The rules are already in place. No one is asking for tougher restrictions on the unvaccinated. The problem is they aren’t following the rules. Federal and state both say what unvacdonated can and can’t do. There is no control over their lives from the vaccinated. It’s all science based.
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