Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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Yeah it’s getting wild out there
Hearing more and more stories of vaccinated people getting infected
Yankees players catching the virus after getting vaccinated is alarming.

There is nothing magical about a vaccine that can put a forcefield around your nose. If virus particles are inhaled, they will quickly replicate until they are neutralized by your immune system. If you have been vaccinated, those antibodies should kick into high gear quickly and keep you from becoming sick. However, if you're being tested frequently the PCR tests are sensitive enough to detect the virus before you're even symptomatic.
Who said it was going to leave? Everyone knows this was going to be flu like. Except like the flu it kills more people wnd damages people at a higher rate long term than the flu does. People taking a half assed approach are ******* it up for others.
There is nothing magical about a vaccine that can put a forcefield around your nose. If virus particles are inhaled, they will quickly replicate until they are neutralized by your immune system. If you have been vaccinated, those antibodies should kick into high gear quickly and keep you from becoming sick. However, if you're being tested frequently the PCR tests are sensitive enough to detect the virus before you're even symptomatic.

yup. It’s safe to assume these dudes went wildin out sometime and around all star weekend. That’s why everyone still says to mask up and be vigilant even with the vaccine.

also remember infected doesn’t equal sick/symptomatic/RIP, it just means there was a detectable amount of virus in their systems.

People who contract COVID-19 even after vaccination are likely to have a lower viral load, experience a shorter infection time and have milder symptoms than those who are unvaccinated, according to research that includes data from ongoing University of Arizona Health Sciences studies.

Viral load – the amount of SARS-CoV-2 virus found in a test sample – is not an indicator of how contagious an individual is, though early COVID-19 research suggests viral load could play a role in disease severity and secondary transmission.

I can’t find numbers/evidence but like Blake P Blake P said testing has advanced enough that positive prob equals a low enough viral load that you’re asymptomatic, relatively not infectious and itll clear out on its own. Just be smart/vigilant and we shouldn’t have to worry about breakthrough infections. It’s the idiots in the country/world that we have to worry about :smh:
There is nothing magical about a vaccine that can put a forcefield around your nose. If virus particles are inhaled, they will quickly replicate until they are neutralized by your immune system. If you have been vaccinated, those antibodies should kick into high gear quickly and keep you from becoming sick. However, if you're being tested frequently the PCR tests are sensitive enough to detect the virus before you're even symptomatic.

They need a different criteria for vaccinated people. Not all cases are going to be equal. It’s not doom and gloom again
So like the flu if you were constantly exposed to people who don't get the flu vaccine you'd prob have people testing positive for that too. I just get frustrated with the anti-vaxxers being like well this person got vaccinated (for COVID) but still got it, by this point everyone (or those old enough to know better) should be aware the vaccine isn't bulletproof and there are going to be outbreaks. The hope is that those vaccinated and testing positive are largely asymptomatic but of course there will be some who still exhibit severe symptoms for some reason or another.
Mask mandates got lifted too soon. Once colleges go back in a month it’s going to boom again. These 18- to early 20’s somethings are reckless.
Mask mandates got lifted too soon. Once colleges go back in a month it’s going to boom again. These 18- to early 20’s somethings are reckless.
Data shows if you are fully vaccinated it’s ok to go maskless. The problem is they didn’t really implement a way to check vaccination status. Unvaccinated people obviously are not wearing a mask unless they are checked for status. Not that difficult to implement something with everyone having a smart phone. Why punish those that are vaccinated by making them wear a mask when they aren’t the problem.
Everyone I know starting the semester soon is required to get vaccinated to go back to class. It’s been a mess so far with some kids refusing it and looking for vaccine cards.
Data shows if you are fully vaccinated it’s ok to go maskless. The problem is they didn’t really implement a way to check vaccination status. Unvaccinated people obviously are not wearing a mask unless they are checked for status. Not that difficult to implement something with everyone having a smart phone. Why punish those that are vaccinated by making them wear a mask when they aren’t the problem.

I agree with you. The problem is THOSE people (you know who) are going to claim their civil rights are being violated by being asked about their medical history and vaccination record.

If I had It my way you would have to show your vaccination card to go maskless anywhere.
I agree with you. The problem is THOSE people (you know who) are going to claim their civil rights are being violated by being asked about their medical history and vaccination record.

If I had It my way you would have to show your vaccination card to go maskless anywhere.
I agree with you. The problem is THOSE people (you know who) are going to claim their civil rights are being violated by being asked about their medical history and vaccination record.

If I had It my way you would have to show your vaccination card to go maskless anywhere.
There should be a QR code on your phone 2 weeks after vaccination that you scan in/out of every store, restaurant, etc. but the government is so scared to offend anyone they decided it would be better to do nothing.
There should be a QR code on your phone 2 weeks after vaccination that you scan in/out of every store, restaurant, etc. but the government is so scared to offend anyone they decided it would be better to do nothing.

those people compared it to Jewish people having to show their identification papers to the Nazis during the Third Reich :stoneface:

Just optional vaccine passports they got their panties in a bunch :smh:
I agree with you. The problem is THOSE people (you know who) are going to claim their civil rights are being violated by being asked about their medical history and vaccination record.

If I had It my way you would have to show your vaccination card to go maskless anywhere.

As a Black Man my heart breaks for these people because they are encountering more hate and racism than I ever had. Makes me sick that we live in a country where we are judging people not by the content of your character but by your willingness to get vaccinated for a virus that is deadly. MLK didn't March for this and DLK doesn't coach for this. I don't post for this.
I agree with you. The problem is THOSE people (you know who) are going to claim their civil rights are being violated by being asked about their medical history and vaccination record.

If I had It my way you would have to show your vaccination card to go maskless anywhere.

you have to show your financial history for a loan. Have to show citizen status for travel. This is no different. No one going to ask for your health history. It’s just vaccinated or not. Nothing else to show.
There should be a QR code on your phone 2 weeks after vaccination that you scan in/out of every store, restaurant, etc. but the government is so scared to offend anyone they decided it would be better to do nothing.

Even in states like CA. They have no problem rolling out restrictions but won’t do anything to let vaccinated people live their life normally.
As a Black Man my heart breaks for these people because they are encountering more hate and racism than I ever had. Makes me sick that we live in a country where we are judging people not by the content of your character but by your willingness to get vaccinated for a virus that is deadly. MLK didn't March for this and DLK doesn't coach for this. I don't post for this.

I don’t think not getting a vaccine should be frowned upon but those that refuse it should have no problem with restrictions they must face.
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