Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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I have several friends that are very much on the right side of the aisle when it came to the election and “plandemic”. I was in shock when I heard one use that term. Also several friends involved with the fallacies surrounding the “big lie”. Both of which said “I’ll pass” regarding the vaccine. The third I’m not sure if he got it or not. Also a friend of the family has passed on the vaccine as well.

As a friend I very much hope they don’t get Covid. And if they do, I hope it doesn’t make them really sick. That said I can’t control the situation and if their decision lands them in deep water well it’s just how the cookie is going to crumble.

It’s been damn near a year and a half of this ****. At this point there isn’t any excuse—the **** is free and readily available for anyone who wants it. I have zero qualms about scoffing at unvaxxed folks who die from COVID. And I mean that sincerely, friends and family included. I hate folks gotta die, but it isn’t like they haven’t had AMPLE warning of what the potential results of going unvaxxed are.

I agree. I don’t wish they get it, and I don’t wish anyone gets sick. But my mindset is more along the lines of whatever happens happens. Put it like this. They aren’t sympathetic figures at all to me.

Especially the ones who’ve constantly mocked people for wearing masks and taking covid seriously, calling people sheep etc. Please forgive me if I’m not overly sympathetic to them if they get sick.
I don’t want them to die either but at the end of the day they choose to make it about themselves, especially if they won’t wear a mask either. They also tend to not be the fittest people. I mean if you want to promote not getting vaccinated, at least be fit and be in top physical condition so you can survive sickness.

I also don’t want my life to be inconvenienced because of them. It’s time to move on from this, I don’t want restrictions back.
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It’s been damn near a year and a half of this ****. At this point there isn’t any excuse—the **** is free and readily available for anyone who wants it. I have zero qualms about scoffing at unvaxxed folks who die from COVID. And I mean that sincerely, friends and family included. I hate folks gotta die, but it isn’t like they haven’t had AMPLE warning of what the potential results of going unvaxxed are.

I'm not calling you out by any means superblytrife superblytrife

First thing first, I got the shot in March when it was available to me, just wanna get that out there, so I'm not defending these people at all. What I'm trying to do is have a real conversation/. I have 3 close friends who aren't vaxxed yet, and my younger brother & his wife aren't either(their kids are all to young for it) My father in law, die hard Republican got vaxxed(he's early 70's, watches Fox News religiously too.

It's a shame that any more people die from this, no matter what. some of those people still have children, spouses, etc that love and depend on them. It's terrible that they've made the choice not to get the vaccine, and even worse that they haven't fully thought about the possible ramifications of they even are admitted to the hospital, let alone die. Could these same people even afford the medical bill associated with being hospitalized with covid?

Maybe they think that they don't have any serious co-morbidities that would lead to either of those outcomes? Maybe they aren't in the age range where the most deaths have occured? (50 on up)

So it comes back to why these people think they won't get it, or in their eyes the rare chance they do, that they will be fine? What's the real disconnect, & how do we change that? A big part of it, I think, is that people don't trust the "government", CDC/WHO. But on the other hand, they trust Trump, or anyone attached to him, since he's an "outlier" from the machine? Maybe they haven't had any real first hand experience with someone that they know that have got it, let alone die from it? They don't see it spreading much in their community, so it's not really real enough to them? Do they think heard immunity will happen?

How many people are scared of going to the Dr, or just plain don't even see a Dr. for years?? In my younger days, I don't think I went to the Dr. once from 18-32? Was that stupid, probably, but I never really had anything to push me to go either. Our medical community isn't on the side of preventative testing, & most people don't feel the need to do so, or if they do, feel discouraged when their Dr. doesn't think it's necessary.


Glad you are adding something to this conversation, thanks.
I'm not calling you out by any means superblytrife superblytrife

First thing first, I got the shot in March when it was available to me, just wanna get that out there, so I'm not defending these people at all. What I'm trying to do is have a real conversation/. I have 3 close friends who aren't vaxxed yet, and my younger brother & his wife aren't either(their kids are all to young for it) My father in law, die hard Republican got vaxxed(he's early 70's, watches Fox News religiously too.

It's a shame that any more people die from this, no matter what. some of those people still have children, spouses, etc that love and depend on them. It's terrible that they've made the choice not to get the vaccine, and even worse that they haven't fully thought about the possible ramifications of they even are admitted to the hospital, let alone die. Could these same people even afford the medical bill associated with being hospitalized with covid?

Maybe they think that they don't have any serious co-morbidities that would lead to either of those outcomes? Maybe they aren't in the age range where the most deaths have occured? (50 on up)

So it comes back to why these people think they won't get it, or in their eyes the rare chance they do, that they will be fine? What's the real disconnect, & how do we change that? A big part of it, I think, is that people don't trust the "government", CDC/WHO. But on the other hand, they trust Trump, or anyone attached to him, since he's an "outlier" from the machine? Maybe they haven't had any real first hand experience with someone that they know that have got it, let alone die from it? They don't see it spreading much in their community, so it's not really real enough to them? Do they think heard immunity will happen?

How many people are scared of going to the Dr, or just plain don't even see a Dr. for years?? In my younger days, I don't think I went to the Dr. once from 18-32? Was that stupid, probably, but I never really had anything to push me to go either. Our medical community isn't on the side of preventative testing, & most people don't feel the need to do so, or if they do, feel discouraged when their Dr. doesn't think it's necessary.

Glad you are adding something to this conversation, thanks.

I think everything you said applies to why folks don’t/won’t get vaxxed. The problem is that all of those reasons involve regular *** people thinking they know something that the medical professionals and scientists don’t.

Vaccines are safe and effective and they have been for YEARS. Of course there will be outliers who have a reaction to a vaccine, but by and large, they’re safe. I’m all for people taking information and making decisions based on said information, but this is a case where people are thinking too damn much. Millions of people have been vaxxed and are perfectly fine—just get the damn shot(s) and let’s move on from this mess.
People don’t trust the government, don’t trust science, don’t trust the media, and get their news from FB, IG memes, troll accounts, etc. The well is poisoned and it’s easy to exploit. I have a good friend who explained that he hasn’t gotten vaccinated because “He doesn’t really do vaccines like that.” As if we haven’t had to be vaccinated throughout our lives to attend schools, travel certain places, etc. This is a college educated dude with his own business that has been traveling and socializing throughout the pandemic. Had two people I went to HS with post this meme the other day.

A lot of mistrust by Black people of the vaccine due to history here, which is definitely valid, but it’s misguided when millions of white people are running up to get this vaccine and protecting themselves. What exactly do you think is going to happen? You’re going to get a special tainted Black dose?
Has there been any news about when we need to reup on the vax? We're coming up on 6 months since the first wave of vaccines right? Do they need to get another shot or they good for a year?
Has there been any news about when we need to reup on the vax? We're coming up on 6 months since the first wave of vaccines right? Do they need to get another shot or they good for a year?

I don’t think we have enough data yet. I understand that some of the antibody trials are looking promising - still showing good blood results at up to a year. Here they’re talking about more vulnerable folks getting a booster but we’ll have to wait a bit longer to know enough.
I don’t think we have enough data yet. I understand that some of the antibody trials are looking promising - still showing good blood results at up to a year. Here they’re talking about more vulnerable folks getting a booster but we’ll have to wait a bit longer to know enough.
I think we have to be careful to separate press releases from vaccine manufacturers and independent research done by governments and scientists. While Pfizer may say that boosters will be needed after 6-9 months, it's important to understand that their motivations aren't exactly pure. Everything I've seen has indicated that mRNA vaccine induced immunity remains strong for at least 8 months in the majority of those individuals who received the first doses in December 2020. Undoubtedly there are people with weaker immune systems who did not mount a robust immune response initially, and their antibodies will wane faster as well. Those are the same people who are most likely to have bad outcomes if they are infected and will thus be ideal candidates for receiving booster shots this fall/winter. I wish there was a quick/easy way to determine this in order to screen people, but AFAIK it does not exist. The same can be said for those who had prior COVID infection and likely did not need 2 doses. It would be pretty sad if countries moved forward with booster doses while much of the world remains unable to obtain initial doses for their most vulnerable. It remains true that none of us are truly safe until we are all protected.
Man no one is wearing masks indoors anymore
Figure more folks would considering cases are going up

Sadly, the large majority of people have no idea what the daily case numbers are. They heard that cases were dropping and we don't need to wear masks anymore, so the pandemic must be over. There has also been this strange narrative that we don't need to worry about it until the Fall/Winter again, so people are feeling very confident all of a sudden this summer.
Yeah I think like only 57% of people in my state are fully vaccinated
So basically that’s like half the people you interact with
Is there anything out there that indicates the current variants are more at risk of affecting kids than in the past?

The article reminded me that most children can't even get a vaccine let alone choose not to
Is there anything out there that indicates the current variants are more at risk of affecting kids than in the past?

The article reminded me that most children can't even get a vaccine let alone choose not to
There is nothing specific about the Delta variant that makes it more dangerous for children. It does, however, cause higher viral loads (study out of China suggests up to 1,000X) which can lead to faster symptom onset and problems if your immune system is not able to handle it. IMO, the biggest difference for kids is that parents have let down their guard and are taking children to many places (often without masks as rooster rooster mentioned above) that were either previously closed or considered too risky. Summer camps with indoor activities and shared sleep/bunk arrangements have been noted to be problematic, but parents are in a rush to get kids back to normal so they can have a bit of time for themselves.
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