Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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J&J filed for EUA, but I think they should wait for results from their 2 dose regimen first to ensure ideal dosage.

Fauci said, "we also would like to develop a universal vaccine against all coronaviruses since we've already experienced three separate (coronavirus) pandemics, one of which we still are right in the middle of."

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We’re averaging about 3k deaths a day.These openings and closings aren’t working. They’re just playing with peoples lives at this point.

It's all about Money man.

Goes back to the "money rules everything around me" convo.
You've gotta look at it from the decision makers POV though. (NOt saying I agree but I understand).
Sacrifice a few hundred bodies even if that means thousands can go back to work.
It is what it is.
I just hate that they pretend it is anything but that. Don't pretend that you care about "learning loss."
It's hot in Florida even now, I wonder how long the vaccine will last stored in a car.
Moderna can last 12 hrs at room temp.

Pfizer spoils really quickly. It has to thaw in a regular freezer first. And then I think a minute out of the freezer it has to be given?
Heads up, 100 Blue Bon KF94 masks for $88 after code "BLUE72OFF"

Aaron Collins' test data shows them to have 99.4% aerosol filtration efficiency and they're one of his top picks for smaller faces. At 88 cents per mask, these are an incredible value, IMO.
Moderna can last 12 hrs at room temp.

Pfizer spoils really quickly. It has to thaw in a regular freezer first. And then I think a minute out of the freezer it has to be given?

Correction. Pfizer can be stored at regular fridge temperatures for 5 days, or 2 hours at room temperature. A vial has to be completely used within 6 hours once punctured regardless of whether it's put back into the fridge, and cannot be refrozen.
Got my 2nd modern on tuesday at 4pm. Felt light headed and tired that night. Next day by noon felt mild headache, body aches, and injection site pain. Just rested after work and felt fine by bedtime. Yesterday by noon felt back to normal.

How does that compare to side-effects (if any) after your fist dose? I'm scheduled to get my first dose of Moderna next week. I'm ready!
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