Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Sounds about right. My state can do 50-60k per day for a 2.5million base

but even then , an entire stadium of vaccinated folks is still filling out for the ones who don’t take well to the vaccine (approx. 5%). So we will be shut down for years at this current rate.
Some governors don’t want to give up any control.
Even if we are all vaccinated, we are holding out for the the 5% that don’t take the vaccine well. My state may be locked down forever.
Still just minor symptoms thankfully. No fever since Wednesday morning. Thursday/Friday and yesterday morning I felt almost normal. About yesterday afternoon I just felt tired as hell. Gonna just keep resting and hopefully in a few days feel back to normal.

Edit- Yeah... I feel just all around ****** and tired as hell today
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parents got their first dose of the PFE vaccine
they seem totally fine. is the second dose suppose to be stronger?
parents got their first dose of the PFE vaccine
they seem totally fine. is the second dose suppose to be stronger?
It’s exactly the same, but the immune system has been primed to detect it after the first dose and therefore commonly causes more side effects.
Cases being at ~ 1% during the summer with people still getting vaccinated then will really help us end this thing.

To many people testing positive in New York and the Vaccination process is horribly slow . 110k shots total combined yesterday and only 60k today . They legit have to be pumping out at least 200k shots a day
Stadium looks pack. From the bird view, it looks like there is tailgating party going on nearby the stadium. 🤷‍♂️
Sounds about right. My state can do 50-60k per day for a 2.5million base

but even then , an entire stadium of vaccinated folks is still filling out for the ones who don’t take well to the vaccine (approx. 5%). So we will be shut down for years at this current rate.
Some governors don’t want to give up any control.
Even if we are all vaccinated, we are holding out for the the 5% that don’t take the vaccine well. My state may be locked down forever.


Hang in there dude


Hang in there dude
It’s not even a joke. We have a red/yellow/green reopening criteria since November. We’ve had two counties get into yellow awhile back. Now we have 3-4 in yellow. The criteria lists a less than 5% positivity rate, along with a less than 8 cases per 100,000 people number. One state in the us would qualify for reopening to green, which is basically 50% open (and movie theaters and close contact would still not be allowed EVER).
No, they’re saying “look at all the CO2 he’s breathing in. He’s worse off doing that” :lol:

It’s that and “viruses are much smaller than that so masks are useless”.

I just don’t get it - they’re so determined to undermine anything - and the science is pretty clear.
It’s not even a joke. We have a red/yellow/green reopening criteria since November. We’ve had two counties get into yellow awhile back. Now we have 3-4 in yellow. The criteria lists a less than 5% positivity rate, along with a less than 8 cases per 100,000 people number. One state in the us would qualify for reopening to green, which is basically 50% open (and movie theaters and close contact would still not be allowed EVER).
Dude, You are just getting yourself worked up again.

A state where everyone is vaccinated will not have the same level of infections as it would in the middle of constant surges. Also, vaccines bring not only the rate of infection down but the rate of severe disease.

Things will get better. But it will take time.
What kind of mask was that guy wearing? Two ply cloth?
They’ve been saying for months, if not a year now, the candle test is quick and easy. Some masks look decent but try to blow out a candle and you’ll see it’s effectiveness right away.

RustyShackleford RustyShackleford I hope so. My fear is that the governor will be worried about the 5% who won’t take well to the vaccine. Even in our green framework, close contact activities will NEVER be allowed. Movies and bars have been closed for 10 months now. A light bulb went off for many governors. Maybe it’ll happen here.
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