Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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the world is never going to beat this

This is not new. Viruses mutate as they replicate and SARS-CoV-2 has been mutating for over a year and will continue to mutate over time. As the virus undergoes evolutionary pressure from natural infection and vaccine, we will likely see certain mutations that will escape immunity to some degree. We have already seen this with the South African variant, but to a large degree the vaccines will still provide high levels of protection against severe disease, hospitalization, and death. It will likely become an endemic virus that we deal with the rest of our lives, but hopefully regular booster shots that incorporate mutations will keep the virus at manageable levels where the majority of infections are similar to a cold or flu that most people can treat at home. I am no longer convinced that it can be eradicated completely.

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Damn came back positive :smh: Good news is I haven't had fever/chills since Tuesday night/yesterday morning. Feel almost 100% today, except a little scratchy throat. Just frustrating because I haven't done **** since the start of all of this except go to work and occasionally go to the grocery store when my wife doesn't do pickup.

My wife's test came back negative. Now I'm confused :lol:
My wife's test came back negative. Now I'm confused :lol:

When did you first feel symptoms and have you continued being around her since you suspected you might be infected? It's possible that she tested too early and the test didn't detect, or it's possible that she got lucky and won't become infected. Wishing both of you all the best.
My wife's test came back negative. Now I'm confused :lol:

Have her re-test in a few. Probably too early. Or hopefully she hasnt caught it. My boy had his girl come over (she took a test a couple days prior and was waiting for results, def didnt think she had it) and she stayed a night or two. When she went home, got the results and she tested positive. He got tested twice after she told him and was negative. Weird how it works.
When did you first feel symptoms and have you continued being around her since you suspected you might be infected? It's possible that she tested too early and the test didn't detect, or it's possible that she got lucky and won't become infected. Wishing both of you all the best.
First symptoms was yesterday morning. Nah I been in the bedroom she been in living room with kids. She taking them tomorrow to get tested so I told her just get another test just to see. Hopefully they are all negative. Thanks

Evidence continues to indicate that your vitamin D levels play an important part in immune function in general, but also specifically against COVID-19. A new study found that people who regularly use vitamin D supplements have 34% lower risk of COVID-19 infection. Those who test positive and are vitamin D deficient have a 14.73 times higher risk of DEATH. I personally take 2,000 IU daily. 1k in a D3 pill every morning and 1k in my multivitamin every night. jrp44 jrp44 I suggest taking 4,000-10,000 IU daily as long as your symptoms are present and your wife and kids should be supplementing as well, if they aren't already.
This is not new. Viruses mutate as they replicate and SARS-CoV-2 has been mutating for over a year and will continue to mutate over time. As the virus undergoes evolutionary pressure from natural infection and vaccine, we will likely see certain mutations that will escape immunity to some degree. We have already seen this with the South African variant, but to a large degree the vaccines will still provide high levels of protection against severe disease, hospitalization, and death. It will likely become an endemic virus that we deal with the rest of our lives, but hopefully regular booster shots that incorporate mutations will keep the virus at manageable levels where the majority of infections are similar to a cold or flu that most people can treat at home. I am no longer convinced that it can be eradicated completely.

Just like Dr. Fauci said, getting vaccine now is very important step. Otherwise, we won't be able to catch up with the mutated virus.

Evidence continues to indicate that your vitamin D levels play an important part in immune function in general, but also specifically against COVID-19. A new study found that people who regularly use vitamin D supplements have 34% lower risk of COVID-19 infection. Those who test positive and are vitamin D deficient have a 14.73 times higher risk of DEATH. I personally take 2,000 IU daily. 1k in a D3 pill every morning and 1k in my multivitamin every night. jrp44 jrp44 I suggest taking 4,000-10,000 IU daily as long as your symptoms are present and your wife and kids should be supplementing as well, if they aren't already.

Yeah I been taking I think a 5,000 IU vitamin D every morning since last year sometime. Along with multivitamin, and zinc. Thanks for the heads up
Ya’ll clean your phones often right? I clean my everytime I get back in my car if im out, used to spray it with something then wipe it down but effed up the ear speaker like that, now I just use sanitizing wipes but I think I may have messed up the ear speaker again. I can only talk to people if I put it on speaker.
Ya’ll clean your phones often right? I clean my everytime I get back in my car if im out, used to spray it with something then wipe it down but effed up the ear speaker like that, now I just use sanitizing wipes but I think I may have messed up the ear speaker again. I can only talk to people if I put it on speaker.

Check out PhoneSoap. Been using their products for quite a few years now.

On that Vitamin D, been on that since April 2020 @5000IU with Nanoceutical Solutions.
Lol, my mom has been on my *** reminding me to take vitamin d and zinc supplements everyday...when she doesn't need to. I always remember.

Any recommended Vit D supplements? Also do I really need zinc supps if my daily multi already has the recommended daily amount? I think its 15mg(?).
Random cringe moment.

Was at Ikea, this mom was deciding which stuffed toy her baby in a stroller wanted by stuffing (no pun intended) each bear, dog, horse, etc in his face and seeing which one he liked. Bruh. How many people must have touched those/how many times those maybe fell on the floor.
Any recommended Vit D supplements? Also do I really need zinc supps if my daily multi already has the recommended daily amount? I think its 15mg(?).
Nature Made or Nature’s Bounty are both easy to find and pretty reputable. Go at least 2,000 IU (50 mcg) in winter when you likely aren’t getting much direct sun. How much is in your multi?
Nature Made or Nature’s Bounty are both easy to find and pretty reputable. Go at least 2,000 IU (50 mcg) in winter when you likely aren’t getting much direct sun. How much is in your multi?

I used to use Optimen til it ran out, just use One Day now. Gotta upgrade actually, its barely cutting it if that.
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