Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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The whole "sterile scare" over these vaccines come from the fact that the FDA still hasn't approved the Pfizer & Moderna vaccines to be used on pregnant women yet, since both companies are stating to still be in the clinical trial study with pregnant women on these vaccines to test for possible side effects on the baby embryo/baby fetus thru the vaccine.

That's why you see some females be cautions about wanting to get the vaccines now........since there is no FDA approval yet if it is safe for pregnant women to take the vaccine.

I will need to confirm, but I’m almost positive I read that there were some women who became pregnant while participating in the trials.

EDIT: this isn’t the one I was thinking of, but the source appears legit

Any good deals on surgical masks out there? :nerd:

Need to re-up.
I don’t mean to be in your pockets like that, but your health is worth so much more than settling on some basic masks. There are high quality KN95 and KF94 masks available that aren’t nearly as cheap, but won’t break the bank and will actually provide protection against aerosol infection. PM if you need links, but they’re in the ~$2 per mask range and can be reused for at least 40 hours as long as they aren’t soiled. I do recommend airing them out for 3-4 days between uses.
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So about a week into the vaccine, yesterday I was feeling off.

I kept taking my temperature cuz I was wondering if I had a fever but it kept saying no.

Right before I went to sleep last night, I was developing mild pain along the right side of my face. I thought I could sleep it off.

Woke up at 9am with a lot of pain along the right side of my face. I couldn't tell where the pain was originating. I just felt pain from my forehead to my neck on just the right side.

I was a febrile, but bp was high (159/100). I took two Tylenol and aspirin and it got better within half an hr.

Pain free right now, but that whole thing was kinda weird.

Not sure if it was a vaccine side effect thing or just something else
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So about a week into the vaccine, yesterday I was feeling off.

I kept taking my temperature cuz I was wondering if I had a fever but it kept saying no.

Right before I went to sleep last night, I was developing mild pain along the right side of my face. I thought I could sleep it off.

Woke up at 9am with a lot of pain along the right side of my face. I couldn't tell where the pain was originating. I just felt pain from my forehead to my neck on just the right side.

I was a febrile, but bp was high (159/100). I took two Tylenol and aspirin and it got better within half an hr.

Pain free right now, but that whole thing was kinda weird.

Not sure if it was a vaccine side effect thing or just something else

I hope I’m wrong but this might have happened to you
hope your feeling better
i had bell's palsy many years ago. there was zero pain in my face and no elevated bp when i got it. it was just a weird sensation when i tried to smile. looking in the mirror, you could see one side of my face was just....not cooperative. it went away after about 3 weeks.
Biden administration wants to change dosing schedule from holding back vaccines to make it available for those who need the booster dose to giving more ppl first doses.

Biden administration wants to change dosing schedule from holding back vaccines to make it available for those who need the booster dose to giving more ppl first doses.

I wonder about that. What would happen if I get the first dose today, but can't get he next for 5-6 months+ because supply and demand. Will that make the first dose useless and require both shots again?
Idk. The trials studied what happens when ppl take their two shots as scheduled. What happens if you deviate from that is anyone's guess.
So about a week into the vaccine, yesterday I was feeling off.

I kept taking my temperature cuz I was wondering if I had a fever but it kept saying no.

Right before I went to sleep last night, I was developing mild pain along the right side of my face. I thought I could sleep it off.

Woke up at 9am with a lot of pain along the right side of my face. I couldn't tell where the pain was originating. I just felt pain from my forehead to my neck on just the right side.

I was a febrile, but bp was high (159/100). I took two Tylenol and aspirin and it got better within half an hr.

Pain free right now, but that whole thing was kinda weird.

Not sure if it was a vaccine side effect thing or just something else

based on facial pain with that distribution without trauma it sounds like nerve inflammation most likely from the vaccine (since that was the only intervention prior to the symptoms). BP could've been high from anxiety/stress but that's pretty high.
based on facial pain with that distribution without trauma it sounds like nerve inflammation most likely from the vaccine (since that was the only intervention prior to the symptoms). BP could've been high from anxiety/stress but that's pretty high.
ah. if it's inflammation then that that must be why the tylenol helped. no?
So about a week into the vaccine, yesterday I was feeling off.

I kept taking my temperature cuz I was wondering if I had a fever but it kept saying no.

Right before I went to sleep last night, I was developing mild pain along the right side of my face. I thought I could sleep it off.

Woke up at 9am with a lot of pain along the right side of my face. I couldn't tell where the pain was originating. I just felt pain from my forehead to my neck on just the right side.

I was a febrile, but bp was high (159/100). I took two Tylenol and aspirin and it got better within half an hr.

Pain free right now, but that whole thing was kinda weird.

Not sure if it was a vaccine side effect thing or just something else
What’s your normal bp?
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