Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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It's been almost a week since my first dose. So far so good. Just got a reminder email from my workplace about the 2nd dose distribution starting next week. Im glad they don't cancel/delay it. I am under impression they don't have vaccine shortage since they still offer walk-in for the 1st dose for those who missed out. What interesting is we also receive moderna. Im curious what they are planning to do with it. I really hope they are looking to start distribute that to the public or at least staffs' family.
So is it vaccine or bust for the U.S. now? There is just too much division and people becoming lax over the protocols that it appears things may not start to get much better until the spring or even later.
It’s great that we’re capable of doing 200k + tests per day. I remember when it was impossible to get tested just 6-7 months ago.
And places are packed and road ways are full. Did we shut down too early? Or are Americans just too hard to control in any manner?

Americans are just stupid and reckless overall. Jackass wasn't made elsewhere.

Wondering how India, which is also massive country is doing on a day to day basis?
I chat regularly with ppl living in India. Seems to me that they carry their lives just like pre-pandemic with the exception of mask wearing. They're not that great with contact tracing. Seems like they only test if you have symptoms.

When I ask how the hospitals are like they say they are 'fine.' I suspect maybe their government downplay their numbers.

One Indian friend of mine said 10 of his coworkers had covid at one point and he was low key bragging that he didn't get it. I told him, what if you was an asymptomatic carrier and you were the one giving it to them, and he was like :wow:
So is it vaccine or bust for the U.S. now? There is just too much division and people becoming lax over the protocols that it appears things may not start to get much better until the spring or even later.
Many don't even believe that. They're being told vaccinated AND Masks and distanced is a necessity for a long while, so why even vaccinate?
And places are packed and road ways are full. Did we shut down too early? Or are Americans just too hard to control in any manner?

We have one of the highest inflection rates in the world here in AZ, and you would have no idea if you went out to the malls/parks/restaurants. Folks out here just decided they don’t care about the virus or the consequences. It’s why I won’t go out without a KN95/KF94 mask
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