Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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Two questions and sorry for being annoying guys.

When I go test again and if thats positive, can the city tell me to quarantine for more time? I didnt ask that when I was on the phone with the contact tracers after I answered their questions.

Secondly, my cousin tested positive as well but he hanged up on the NYC tracers. I told him they might come to your house and IDK if they can ticket you. Can they? I told him to call back but hes so stubborn, just like my uncle.
Will the US Gov distribute enough of the vaccine before deaths total half a million?
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It's probably cuz I'm a guy so I can't relate but I think I'd be more scared of long term health complications via contracting the actual virus than getting sterile via vaccine

I'm also not sure where the getting sterile thing is coming from. Never heard of that side effect.

Not even nurses are exempt from disinformation. Smh
There was false info floating around social media which has been proven false.

If people are currently trying or are already pregnant, I don’t blame them for not wanting the vaccine. There is a lack of information and trials aren’t done on pregnant women for obvious reason. But citing reasons like infertility, which aren’t proven, is just BS.
1st dose of the Moderna vaccine today

So pointless if some healthcare workers don’t want it, make some sort of portal where people who are interested can take their place
It's early. But it's messy. Here's a rundown on my state.

They said healthcare workers are tier 1A. Without vaccinating all of them, they moved onto long term care facilities and other front line workers. One city got in trouble because not everyone in their tier 1A wanted them, so they opened it up to teachers. This is a smaller town in a vast state.

The state finds out and wants the vaccines back so they are redistributed back to tier 1A in other areas. Everyday there's a new group 'cutting the line'. The town claims they would have expired or gone bad so they opened it up to the next tier.

Then the state decides to have ONE event code for healthcare workers to sign up and get vaccinated at an arena. Come to find out, the code works for everyone, no matter the age or profession, or conditions. Thousands cut the line in this case.

They're treating this too softly. Have 24/7 vaccinations. If you want it, wait in line. Start with the older folks who are the ones mostly dying.

At this rate; we're about 2 years away from my state being fully vaccinated. If the goal is here immunity, open up the flood gates if their goal is to reopen and get on with life. Some states love these lockdowns.
It's early. But it's messy. Here's a rundown on my state.

They said healthcare workers are tier 1A. Without vaccinating all of them, they moved onto long term care facilities and other front line workers. One city got in trouble because not everyone in their tier 1A wanted them, so they opened it up to teachers. This is a smaller town in a vast state.

The state finds out and wants the vaccines back so they are redistributed back to tier 1A in other areas. Everyday there's a new group 'cutting the line'. The town claims they would have expired or gone bad so they opened it up to the next tier.

Then the state decides to have ONE event code for healthcare workers to sign up and get vaccinated at an arena. Come to find out, the code works for everyone, no matter the age or profession, or conditions. Thousands cut the line in this case.

They're treating this too softly. Have 24/7 vaccinations. If you want it, wait in line. Start with the older folks who are the ones mostly dying.

At this rate; we're about 2 years away from my state being fully vaccinated. If the goal is here immunity, open up the flood gates if their goal is to reopen and get on with life. Some states love these lockdowns.

States definitely need to get their act together. Governors have already been instructed to keep priorities fluid if it will help speed things up, but most arent

IMO, they need to start holding mass vaccination “events” where people gather (outdoors where possible, but perhaps in arenas, cinemas, or conference centers where weather is an issue) appropriately spaced out and vaccines are administered in batches to large groups rather than one by one. Drive through would be ideal, but I suppose there’s that need to monitor for rare allergic reactions.
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So far so good homies with the 2nd dose. No side effects so far and I feel great now especially after that beer.
Did you ever see that (debunked) Russian warning to stop drinking for a long period before and after getting the vaccine?

Did you ever see that (debunked) Russian warning to stop drinking for a long period before and after getting the vaccine?

nah never seen this haha.
i just straight up asked the nurse if i could crack a brew when i get home. she told me to have fun but wait a little bit to see if i have any side effects first
It's probably cuz I'm a guy so I can't relate but I think I'd be more scared of long term health complications via contracting the actual virus than getting sterile via vaccine

I'm also not sure where the getting sterile thing is coming from. Never heard of that side effect.

Not even nurses are exempt from disinformation. Smh

The whole "sterile scare" over these vaccines come from the fact that the FDA still hasn't approved the Pfizer & Moderna vaccines to be used on pregnant women yet, since both companies are stating to still be in the clinical trial study with pregnant women on these vaccines to test for possible side effects on the baby embryo/baby fetus thru the vaccine.

That's why you see some females be cautions about wanting to get the vaccines now........since there is no FDA approval yet if it is safe for pregnant women to take the vaccine.
The smoke still needs to clear from the holiday reporting numbers but it looks like covid is still on the rise, which means January will be the deadliest month on record. We will likely end up in the range of 90k-100k deaths.
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