Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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Just got the official message that my second dose is delayed - with the explanation that one dose is 90% effective so they'd rather do that more and delay the second one which apparently extends how long it is effective for.
Your employer made the call, I assume? It’s strange to see this because all the news outlets are reporting that there’s so many doses sitting in freezers not being distributed, so there’s no real shortage of available vaccines and the bottleneck is not having enough manpower to handle the “paperwork” and injections due to staff shortages. I guess it’s possible that they want to try and get through all first doses before moving on to the second?
And I’ve read that the first dose is only ~50% effective, FWIW.
Many healthcare personnel refused to get the vaccine for w.e reason (too early data, already have antibodies, etc). Most of the extra are from that, but cant be distributed to the public because of this phase like approach.

I think delaying the 2nd dose is a big mistake.
Many healthcare personnel refused to get the vaccine for w.e reason (too early data, already have antibodies, etc). Most of the extra are from that, but cant be distributed to the public because of this phase like approach.

I think delaying the 2nd dose is a big mistake.

My friend who has been super cautious, also a nurse doesnt wanna take it cause she might get sterile? Idk lol. Gimme her dose then.

Woke up feeling chilly, chills this morning and was like todaaayyys the dayyyy huh. Then realized my space heater turned off smh. It doesnt really cover my room to begin with so its always cold, my building heater unit is broke so have to do with that. :lol:
My friend who has been super cautious, also a nurse doesnt wanna take it cause she might get sterile? Idk lol. Gimme her dose then.

I heard that floating around too. Did some digging, it's a conspiracy.

23 women in the trial became pregnant after being vaccinated, 1 had an issue (received placebo). From an immunological standpoint, it doesnt target the placenta, different protein.
I heard that floating around too. Did some digging, it's a conspiracy.

23 women in the trial became pregnant after being vaccinated, 1 had an issue (received placebo). From an immunological standpoint, it doesnt target the placenta, different protein.

If she werent a nurse id try to talk some sense into her but since she is I feel like its how a fat dude would try to tell a brolic dude how to workout. :lol: I just hit her with the “word, wait til theres more info then.”
It's probably cuz I'm a guy so I can't relate but I think I'd be more scared of long term health complications via contracting the actual virus than getting sterile via vaccine

I'm also not sure where the getting sterile thing is coming from. Never heard of that side effect.

Not even nurses are exempt from disinformation. Smh
If she werent a nurse id try to talk some sense into her but since she is I feel like its how a fat dude would try to tell a brolic dude how to workout. :lol: I just hit her with the “word, wait til theres more info then.”

you’re a nurse too man ?
Your employer made the call, I assume? It’s strange to see this because all the news outlets are reporting that there’s so many doses sitting in freezers not being distributed, so there’s no real shortage of available vaccines and the bottleneck is not having enough manpower to handle the “paperwork” and injections due to staff shortages. I guess it’s possible that they want to try and get through all first doses before moving on to the second?
And I’ve read that the first dose is only ~50% effective, FWIW.

Yeah, but in this context my employer is the Scottish NHS. We’ve got a pretty good system for getting it done - the issue is the supply not the administration so from that aspect what they are doing makes sense.
Yeah, but in this context my employer is the Scottish NHS. We’ve got a pretty good system for getting it done - the issue is the supply not the administration so from that aspect what they are doing makes sense.

Oh, my bad... I assumed you were in the US. That makes alot more sense now that you mentioned you are from the UK. Was your first dose Pfizer?
Still feel fine.

Day 4 since positive test.
Day 6 since quarantine started (12/31).

Dr said by day 10 if no symptoms still, you are good to go.

Need to get a negative test to return to work. Have that scheduled for 1/13. Hopefully thats negative.
So around the same time that they would have presumably been infected? I pray they have a full and speedy recovery.

So what's the take on cases like this ... Will the immunity acquired from them being through with the virus will be as good as the vaccine, or will they have a second dose, or will start over?
So what's the take on cases like this ... Will the immunity acquired from them being through with the virus will be as good as the vaccine, or will they have a second dose, or will start over?

I've seen evidence that points to stronger immune reaction from full 2 dose mRNA vaccination than natural infection, but in this case I honestly don't know. My guess would be that they will give the second dose on schedule, assuming the individuals recover by the time they are scheduled to receive it.
nah if you have naturally contracted the virus you can't get the second dose...there's a grace period before you can get the vaccine

I know cuz there's a coworker who got the virus and she was told she can't get the vaccine for some time - I can't remember how long but maybe it was six months?
nah if you have naturally contracted the virus you can't get the second dose...there's a grace period before you can get the vaccine

I know cuz there's a coworker who got the virus and she was told she can't get the vaccine for some time - I can't remember how long but maybe it was six months?
I’m gonna have to read up, cuz I remember specifically reading a CDC faq about vaccines that said as long as you don’t currently have the virus they recommended you take the vaccine. IIRC, the only ones who were specifically recommended to wait 3 months were those who had received monoclonal antibody therapy.

EDIT: found it, 3rd question down

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I’m gonna have to read up, cuz I remember specifically reading a CDC faq about vaccines that said as long as you don’t currently have the virus they recommended you take the vaccine. IIRC, the only ones who were specifically recommended to wait 3 months were those who had received monoclonal antibody therapy.

EDIT: found it, 3rd question down


Great info as usual!
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