Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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Stay safe my NT brethren.

apparently the cops came but didn't do anything because protest. it's a mall, private property :stoneface:

The LAPD was called to the mall, but some eyewitnesses tell us they were surprised the protesters weren't asked to leave or cited.

The LAPD tells ABC7 their role on Sunday at the mall was just like any other protest: facilitate first amendment rights, keep the peace, and not intervene unless necessary.

apparently the cops came but didn't do anything because protest. it's a mall, private property :stoneface:

Similar thing happened at my local Trader Joe’s over the weekend. While I support peoples’ right to gather and demonstrate peacefully, I don’t understand how they think this nonsense actually advances their ridiculous agenda.
I got the Covid19 Vaccine on 12/23. A week later on 01/01 I test positive for the Coronavirus. 🤦🏻‍♂️ I started feeling bad in New Year’s Eve and got tested on 01/01. So far I have mild symptoms. Lost my sense of smell and get body aches. No coughing and no fever.

It's very possible you were exposed before getting the vaccine, unfortunately. The virus can take up to two weeks to show up, and if it was in your system prior to getting the vaccine, unfortunately it can only do so much.

In other news:

Los Angeles is ******. We are so so ******* ******.
It's very possible you were exposed before getting the vaccine, unfortunately. The virus can take up to two weeks to show up, and if it was in your system prior to getting the vaccine, unfortunately it can only do so much.

In other news:

Los Angeles is ****ed. We are so so ****ing ****ed.

Damn this is wild ...
It's very possible you were exposed before getting the vaccine, unfortunately. The virus can take up to two weeks to show up, and if it was in your system prior to getting the vaccine, unfortunately it can only do so much.

In other news:

Los Angeles is ****ed. We are so so ****ing ****ed.

how do people not care at all over there? It has to be the nice weather. ****** weather in the northeast deters people from wanting to do much in the winter I guess.
With this more transmittable strain does anyone think a mask will end up being useless ?

no one mentions if the persons who caught the stronger strain was wearing a mask or not wearing a mask

im sure some people in the uk where the strain first came from wore masks and still became sick
I know a mask it not 100% full proof
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Similar thing happened at my local Trader Joe’s over the weekend. While I support peoples’ right to gather and demonstrate peacefully, I don’t understand how they think this nonsense actually advances their ridiculous agenda.
So cops can remove ppl from a park so the president can take a photo op but won't remove ppl who wanna spread covid at a mall?

Useless cops.
With this more transmittable strain does anyone think a mask will end up being useless ?

no one mentions if the persons who caught the stronger strain was wearing a mask or not wearing a mask

im sure some people in the uk where the strain first came from wore masks and still became sick
I know a mask it not 100% full proof

if anything that would make mask wearing more important....

He’s lucky - the UK government have decided that it is better to have more people vaccinated than to give everyone their second dose after 4 weeks - so locally after tomorrow all second doses are delayed.
I was supposed to get my second one next week - haven’t heard yet but the meeting I was in this morning said you’d get a new appointment for 12 weeks after the initial dose if it was schedule for after today.
bro I didn’t get sick ONE time this year. Not the sniffles. Not a cough. Not a fever. NOTHING. I can say with 100 percent certainty, that hasn’t happened at any point in my life.

I’ve gotten a few colds a year since before I can remember. Covid prevention def kept me safe from the spread of disease in 2020.

Masks gonna be a regular thing for me on the subway, etc going forward for the reasons you just mentioned. Not just corona prevention but getting sick in general cause even the regular flu is no fun. Being sick is no fun.
I opened a browser I never use on my work computer (that I never use to search/shop for non work-related items) and the ads suggested knew that I was looking for kids shoes (bought this weekend).

Don't need a vaccine implant to track people and how they behave.

Sad news out of Egypt:

With this more transmittable strain does anyone think a mask will end up being useless ?

no one mentions if the persons who caught the stronger strain was wearing a mask or not wearing a mask

im sure some people in the uk where the strain first came from wore masks and still became sick
I know a mask it not 100% full proof
AFAIK, the size of viral particles has not changed, just that the virus binds to cell receptors more easily. Quality masks will still provide high levels of protection and basic masks will still provide some, but not nearly as much as most people imagine. Now is as good a time as any to buy the best masks you can afford and strongly consider wearing eye protection and even ear plugs, earbuds, etc just in case.
I opened a browser I never use on my work computer (that I never use to search/shop for non work-related items) and the ads suggested knew that I was looking for kids shoes (bought this weekend).

Don't need a vaccine implant to track people and how they behave.
:lol: I bet the people worried about tracking all watch the same youtube videos without realizing how they are being fed them or how they end up with the same social media post circles.
how do people not care at all over there? It has to be the nice weather. ****ty weather in the northeast deters people from wanting to do much in the winter I guess.

People just flat out don't give a ****. Everyone wants to party. Everyone wants normalcy, but nobody wants to put in the work and make the temporary sacrifices. It has always been this way.
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