Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Gullible - quick to believe something that isnt true.
Quite opposite. I 2nd guess and question everything with a grain of salt.
But to answer your question. No. Not as gullible as you believing what I posted was set in stone. It wasn't. Never said it was a fact. Never said it was set in stone. Never said it was concrete evidence. I actually mentioned the opposite, if it suffices to be slightly untrue than not then I would delete it.

She publicly took a vaccine, she publicly collapsed, so I publicly showed/voiced my concern(if it was true).

Not one ruthless bone in my body.

As of yesterday morning.
It wasn't confirmed, nor was it unconfirmed.
It wasn't positive, neither was it negative.
Again, as of yesterday morning.
I had the same amount in the room to believe as you did to doubt.

So you took a look at a YouTube video from some random ****wad with the flimsiest "evidence" I've ever seen in my life, noted that there's no supporting evidence to back up any of the claims, no news articles, no nothing, and you still thought to yourself "this is enough to consider being legitimate and is worthy of investigating further"?

Yeah...you're coming off as gullible, my man.

But since you seem to want everyone else to disprove this nonsense for you rather than doing a simple google search, here you go:


So you took a look at a YouTube video from some random ****wad with the flimsiest "evidence" I've ever seen in my life, noted that there's no supporting evidence to back up any of the claims, no news articles, no nothing, and you still thought to yourself "this is enough to consider being legitimate and is worthy of investigating further"?

Yeah...you're coming off as gullible, my man.

But since you seem to want everyone else to disprove this nonsense for you rather than doing a simple google search, here you go:

Broham, you're late.
That's not the only video I viewed before making that post. I did way more than what you are assuming I did.
Your cartoon illustration is implying that I mentioned if I had some sort of expertise in what posted. Did not imply that at all. Mind you, I did waaaaay more than performing your Google search. Mind you again, the link you posted was produced "This Morning", 48 hours after my post. Your posting information that I come across yesterday morning. Let it go....

Broham, you're late.
That's not the only video I viewed before making that post. I did way more than what you are assuming I did.
Your cartoon illustration is implying that I mentioned if I had some sort of expertise in what posted. Did not imply that at all. Mind you, I did waaaaay more than performing your Google search. Mind you again, the link you posted was produced "This Morning", 48 hours after my post. Your posting information that I come across yesterday morning. Let it go....
Sorry for the delay. I was busy getting vaccinated and caring for COVID patients all day yesterday, but if you can reply a day later why can't I?

You posted nonsense and gave it credence, people immediately realized it was nonsense, and now you wanna nitpick and dissect insignificant parts of my post to save face. If you did more extensive research and still thought "this is a question worth asking," then you're even worse off than I initially assumed.

When you post things that are CLEARLY ******** with no legitimate evidence and justify it with the "I'm just asking questions" excuse, you come off looking gullible. Deal with it.
Anyone in the NY area get a call/missed call from a number, I listened to the voicemail and an automated vocie said “time to stay home, stay safe stay home”. Wasnt contact tracing or anything since I havent given out my number to anyone/any establishment. They really want people to chill out since Christmas is a couple days away I guess.
i got that call from some weird number a few months back. it was like 3am and i answered it without really looking cause i thought it was a work emergency. hearing that damn robo voice in the middle of the night tell me to stay home had me shook on some horror movie steez :lol:
i got that call from some weird number a few months back. it was like 3am and i answered it without really looking cause i thought it was a work emergency. hearing that damn robo voice in the middle of the night tell me to stay home had me shook on some horror movie steez :lol:

This aint a bad idea actually, Christmas around the corner and all. Make people stay home or really limit the gathering.
so UK discovered a new strain 3 months ago, didn't say anything, didn't do anything, allowed flights in & out of the country...am I understanding this right?
Correct. FWIW, they seem to be doing a thorough job of genome sequencing to actually find viral mutations. Up until now it was just another of many different variants, but the fact that it has become the dominant strain in a relatively short amount of time led them to sound the alarm because it is spreading more rapidly than other strains and Christmas is around the corner. UK had previously announced that rules for household mixing would be relaxed around the Christmas holiday, so this was their way of reinforcing those rules to help limit spread. The strain has not been determined to be more dangerous, but officials say it spreads more rapidly due to a mutation in the spike protein that allows it to bind to cells easier. The strain didn’t necessarily originate in the UK, but they found it because they are aggressively looking, unlike most places.

EDIT: found this video from the head of BioNTech stating the mutation only affected 1% of the spike protein and their vaccine targets multiple parts of the remaining 99% so it’s highly likely to work against the new strain (as well as others that have also occurred)
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Has anyone seen how the vaccine rollout will go after medical workers (in hospital) and long-term care facilities (CVS/Walgreens will go on-site) are covered? How would someone go about proving it’s their turn? Will it be up to employers to give their employees some kind of certification? Will it be up to vaccination centers to make people prove it? For example, I could technically fall under a 1b category due to the nature of my employment, but I don’t anticipate anyone seeking me out to let me know it’s my turn, and I’m sure this will become an issue as people try and say they are part of an earlier group to cut the line. I know this is a bit premature and 1b won’t be up until Feb/March at the earliest in most states, but this article got me thinking about next steps.

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Just found out a family member of mine rejected the vaccine at work. She’s a Registered Nurse. Who has lupus. :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface:

The kicker? She now wants the vaccine after her husband tested positive for COVID. You can’t make this **** up. :lol:

Oh, and now several family members who were in contact with her and her husband aren’t feeling well. The levels of idiocy that went into the decision to not get vaccinated are absolutely mind blowing.
So I’ve been symptom free for going on 2 weeks now, back at work and taking on the world. Only thing is my smell is back but I can’t smell bad smells. Like food, air freshener anything that smells good I can smell it but I can’t smell anything bad. When I drop a deuce I smell nothing, pass gas? Nothing. Breath in the morning? Nothing. Taste is back but not as good as it was. My favorite foods don’t taste the same. My grandmother says the same, her favorite coffee is nasty to her now. Anybody else deal with this.
So I’ve been symptom free for going on 2 weeks now, back at work and taking on the world. Only thing is my smell is back but I can’t smell bad smells. Like food, air freshener anything that smells good I can smell it but I can’t smell anything bad. When I drop a deuce I smell nothing, pass gas? Nothing. Breath in the morning? Nothing. Taste is back but not as good as it was. My favorite foods don’t taste the same. My grandmother says the same, her favorite coffee is nasty to her now. Anybody else deal with this.
This freaks me out.
Like, really does my head in.
They put some top notch engineering into this mutation.
Just found out a family member of mine rejected the vaccine at work. She’s a Registered Nurse. Who has lupus. :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface:

The kicker? She now wants the vaccine after her husband tested positive for COVID. You can’t make this **** up. :lol:

Oh, and now several family members who were in contact with her and her husband aren’t feeling well. The levels of idiocy that went into the decision to not get vaccinated are absolutely mind blowing.

Unfortunately, her bad decision to decline the vaccine likely has little to do with whether she would have contacted COVID because it hasn’t been out long enough to have affected her immunity. If her husband and contacts already have symptomatic disease, they contracted it 5+ days ago and she contracted it AT LEAST 2 days before that. if you work backwards, she would have been exposed a week (or more) ago, long before any vaccine that is currently available would have had enough time to give her any immunity.
I’m pretty sure the vaccine would be detrimental to those with auto immune diseases like lupus. I wonder what other alternative they have going forward
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