Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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After a positive test you just need 2 weeks before you stop being contagious correct?
CDC stated that 98% of people who test positive are not contagious after 10 days from symptom onset, which is partly why they changed their quarantine recommendation from 14 to 10 days. I’d say the longer of 10 days from symptom onset or 72 hours with no symptoms.
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That story about the guy who got on that flight from Orlando to LA who collpased. Had people give him CPR and ****. Dude had covid symptoms, lack of taste and breathing issues and still didnt bother to get tested and go on the flight. Dont care he passed (you know what I mean) cause dude was wild irresponsible. Smh.
Woke up with some chest tightness.
Went to urgent care tested negative finally.
Anxiety is a mfer

Back in April I was having crazy chest tightness from anxiety. Had never experienced anxiety like that before. For a minute I thought it was my heart. Got checked out and was healthy as could be. Haven’t felt very anxious since. It was very eye opening to see what anxiety can do to a person.
That story about the guy who got on that flight from Orlando to LA who collpased. Had people give him CPR and ****. Dude had covid symptoms, lack of taste and breathing issues and still didnt bother to get tested and go on the flight. Dont care he passed (you know what I mean) cause dude was wild irresponsible. Smh.
took an antibody test today.. i have a little left (showed up slightly).. the nurse said from what she saw, antibodies last about 6 months.. i got it back in june.
imma ask a potentially dumb question so don't flame me if it is lol

for all the local mom & pop stores, restaurants, etc that the media claimed will be "permanently" close, how do we know they won't just pop back open when/if the pandemic is over with?
took an antibody test today.. i have a little left (showed up slightly).. the nurse said from what she saw, antibodies last about 6 months.. i got it back in june.
You just took it because you were curious? I always thought those tests just said detected or not, so I’m surprised to hear they actually show relative amounts detected as well. You understand that your B cells can always make more antibodies rapidly if COVID is detected?
imma ask a potentially dumb question so don't flame me if it is lol

for all the local mom & pop stores, restaurants, etc that the media claimed will be "permanently" close, how do we know they won't just pop back open when/if the pandemic is over with?
Them being mom and pop stores, they most likely can’t afford to have been closed this long. Some may be able to open back but the high majority won’t.
imma ask a potentially dumb question so don't flame me if it is lol

for all the local mom & pop stores, restaurants, etc that the media claimed will be "permanently" close, how do we know they won't just pop back open when/if the pandemic is over with?
Of course they don’t know that, but I believe those reports are based on polls taken by asking owners. They would obviously need to come up with the funds to reopen again and many are dipping into their personal accounts to cover ongoing business expenses.
imma ask a potentially dumb question so don't flame me if it is lol

for all the local mom & pop stores, restaurants, etc that the media claimed will be "permanently" close, how do we know they won't just pop back open when/if the pandemic is over with?
I'm really not a business guy so idk but I'm assuming it depends on the store.

Some of these stores I guess gets loans to start up their business and whether or not they're able to open up again will depend on if they can get more loans?
You just took it because you were curious? I always thought those tests just said detected or not, so I’m surprised to hear they actually show relative amounts detected as well. You understand that your B cells can always make more antibodies rapidly if COVID is detected?

yeah, i wanted to see where i was at since so many cases were popping up - including multiple people i personally know. it was free, didnt need to provide much info either. when i showed up there were about 6 people in front of me, when i left there were about 6 more people, took about 15 mins to get tested / results.
imma ask a potentially dumb question so don't flame me if it is lol

for all the local mom & pop stores, restaurants, etc that the media claimed will be "permanently" close, how do we know they won't just pop back open when/if the pandemic is over with?
Every situation is different.
Restaurants cost alot to start and maintain.
Who knows if they didn't liquidate their equipment or not.
imma ask a potentially dumb question so don't flame me if it is lol

for all the local mom & pop stores, restaurants, etc that the media claimed will be "permanently" close, how do we know they won't just pop back open when/if the pandemic is over with?
i know one local shop owned by a good friend of mine is shutting down at the end of the month. it took a lot of work to get rid of inventory (at a huge loss) and then clear out the shop of all the furnishings, display racks, office stuff - tons of stuff. he can't just "reopen" because there are start up costs, build outs, hiring . . . lots of time, money, and resources that he doesn't have.
I am just curious. I can understand shutdown dining hurt business who selling alcohol/drinks or "dining experience" like bars, nightclubs, lounges, brews places, etc. For regular restaurants, why is doing take-out not enough? Not every restaurant is fully seated even before pandemic. OK, I guess dim sum places are exception lol.
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