Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Just spoke to my wife’s cousin who is in the medical field. She’s saying numbers could be misleading due to the same person testing positive multiple times (ie testing positive once and then taking another test to see if they can go back to work and still testing positive). These are not counted as one but are all counted as separate instances to the overall count. False positives are counted as well. She mentioned a story of a little league baseball team having 8 players test positive and then negative 4 hours later, those still added to the overall count. Hearing this just makes me more confused, and make me not know who or what to believe anymore man. I’m still siding on the side of caution and not doing anything “normal” but man...what are we supposed to believe??
All of this is irrelevant when you consider the immense strain covid has put on our hospitals, how we allocate our resources, and what services we can or can’t offer due to this pandemic. These effects can’t be fudged or exaggerated.

When I hear people cite “99.9% survival rate” or “pre-existing health conditions” or “exaggerated infection rate/death count” what I really hear is “I don’t understand the real impact covid has placed upon our healthcare system.”
Just spoke to my wife’s cousin who is in the medical field. She’s saying numbers could be misleading due to the same person testing positive multiple times (ie testing positive once and then taking another test to see if they can go back to work and still testing positive). These are not counted as one but are all counted as separate instances to the overall count. False positives are counted as well. She mentioned a story of a little league baseball team having 8 players test positive and then negative 4 hours later, those still added to the overall count. Hearing this just makes me more confused, and make me not know who or what to believe anymore man. I’m still siding on the side of caution and not doing anything “normal” but man...what are we supposed to believe??
You can believe that rising hospitalizations and deaths are a clear indication that the situation is out of control and this virus is dangerous and worth taking serious. It has been reported in my county that hospitals are full and patients are being treated in the hallways because there are no rooms available.
You can believe that rising hospitalizations and deaths are a clear indication that the situation is out of control and this virus is dangerous and worth taking serious. It has been reported in my county that hospitals are full and patients are being treated in the hallways because there are no rooms available.
It's another case of people trying to overturn something that's obvious and true with some dubious observation that's anecdotal and shaky.

example: "staying at home doesn't reduce transmission of covid because I have a friend of a friend who knows somebody who got covid but never left his house." (I'm pretty sure 99% of these cases are dudes having affairs who didn't want to admit it). But we're supposed to overturn our centuries of scientific knowledge about germ theory and viruses for the sake of this guy.
If you look closely, “my friend’s cousin” is listed at the very tip of the evidence heirarchy:
You can believe that rising hospitalizations and deaths are a clear indication that the situation is out of control and this virus is dangerous and worth taking serious. It has been reported in my county that hospitals are full and patients are being treated in the hallways because there are no rooms available.
Thing is folks can just take a trip to the overcapacity hospitals or nursing homes to see how dire **** is themselves but would rather run internet theories.
So this changes that people are being infected with covid-19 and confuses you how?

I apologize if I wasn’t clear, being insensitive and if I came off as someone who thinks this is fake. I believe this is very real. I guess my post was more so coming from a place of uncertainty, fear and mental fatigue. I’m not in the medical field and she is so she probably hears and speaks to more people with knowledge than I do. I’ve taken it seriously, limited going out to essential things, mask everywhere I go, etc. I guess it’s just deflating and frustrating to hear different stories and perspectives and we as a society can’t just agree and do what’s safe and right. Stay safe man.
Where's everyone getting their masks now? Amazon has a lot of 50 packs for reasonable prices but who knows about the quality? Just looking for the antiviral blue ones with a wire nose that are decent.
they are super corrupt and do alot of things in self interest instead of best interest of the people

You sound beyond ridiculous right now. I’m not saying either individual is beyond reproach, but the amount of responsibility both of those individuals have is insane. California was doing well until fatigue took over the population and people stopped following guidelines. Let’s not pretend that the public shouldn’t be held accountable for their own actions.
You sound beyond ridiculous right now. I’m not saying either individual is beyond reproach, but the amount of responsibility both of those individuals have is insane. California was doing well until fatigue took over the population and people stopped following guidelines. Let’s not pretend that the public shouldn’t be held accountable for their own actions.
:lol: im not gunna defend people who do stupid things with their power

if there were not massive backlash garcetti would have stuck with his original decision to shut down testing in favor of a movie production, there is a reason people have been literally outside his home protesting.

second mr newsom is a scumbag who uses his power to bypass taxes, read this article on how he received a multimillion dollar mansion from his cousin without paying a cent of taxes

Isn't that the case for all vaccines? I thought that was one of the main anti-vax talking points was that these companies "get away with" causing harm to people and they can't get sued.
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