Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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brah los angeles is a crap show rn

both my parents got covid, recovering at home but god forbid they needed hospital care smh

corruptsum newsum and fartcetti are runningn this beautiful staate into the ground man

Curious how you think he’s running it into the ground? I don’t live there but I’m not sure what he has to do with the hospital capacity at 0%. Seems like it’s more about people not listening to stay at home orders.
The long time detroit police sheriff Benny Napoleon passed yesterday from Covid. He was 1 of 5 siblings. 4 of which all contracted Covid. His brother was in ICU for 78 days. Benny was really loved in detroit. Really cared about the city and the citizens. Hella sad back in michigan. My mom and Aunts went to school with him. Sad news. 2020 just keeps taking.

**** Trump. On everything.
Curious how you think he’s running it into the ground? I don’t live there but I’m not sure what he has to do with the hospital capacity at 0%. Seems like it’s more about people not listening to stay at home orders.
If you read about management it starts with the top down

if you implement a policy and the people below see that the so called “leader” of their organization (California) /(los angeles) are not following the policy then it breaks trust and the people will not follow it

newsom was going to gatherings with no social distancing and masks, as a leader you cannot do that and expect everyone else to follow the rules that you yourself broke. And he got caught just once who knows about all the other times he wasnt caught

this is why i say they are trash leadership
Are you experiencing any side effects by now?
None. other than my arm being a little sore.
no one I know has experienced any side effects. After my shot we all had to wait in a large socially distanced room for 30 minutes while we were monitored. There were a lot of people and I witnessed no adverse side effects from anyone.

so far so good. I get my 2nd round on the 7th I believe. I will be sure to update the thread on my condition and that of my peers as well.
The long time detroit police sheriff Benny Napoleon passed yesterday from Covid. He was 1 of 5 siblings. 4 of which all contracted Covid. His brother was in ICU for 78 days. Benny was really loved in detroit. Really cared about the city and the citizens. Hella sad back in michigan. My mom and Aunts went to school with him. Sad news. 2020 just keeps taking.

**** Trump. On everything.
Sad ****. The family used to be our landlords when I was like 9 and were very nice people. Got to know him a little when I worked for Wayne county some years back. Real *** dude who loved the city.
None. other than my arm being a little sore.
no one I know has experienced any side effects. After my shot we all had to wait in a large socially distanced room for 30 minutes while we were monitored. There were a lot of people and I witnessed no adverse side effects from anyone.

so far so good. I get my 2nd round on the 7th I believe. I will be sure to update the thread on my condition and that of my peers as well.
More importantly, what kind of snacks you get?
Curious how you think he’s running it into the ground? I don’t live there but I’m not sure what he has to do with the hospital capacity at 0%. Seems like it’s more about people not listening to stay at home orders.

He’s refusing to release data like nyc for where spread is happening. This could easily helped with targeted closures like nyc vs blanket closures since March. We been on lockdown the longest and it’s clear people are tired of it. Eating at a place with $1200 per person plate mask less is also not A good look. You put people in financial binds but eating yourself like a king. His kids also go to in person learning at a private school. Could hold his kids to distance learning to show solidarity to most that don’t have that option. London breed the same thing. Eating well and justifying it because Napa county allowed it. If it’s so safe, why is your own city banned from the same dining type even being in a better risk tier than Napa.
He’s refusing to release data like nyc for where spread is happening. This could easily helped with targeted closures like nyc vs blanket closures since March. We been on lockdown the longest and it’s clear people are tired of it. Eating at a place with $1200 per person plate mask less is also not A good look. You put people in financial binds but eating yourself like a king. His kids also go to in person learning at a private school. Could hold his kids to distance learning to show solidarity to most that don’t have that option. London breed the same thing. Eating well and justifying it because Napa county allowed it. If it’s so safe, why is your own city banned from the same dining type even being in a better risk tier than Napa.
I think that type of targeted data is handled at the county level. I know my county was releasing case numbers for each zip code, though admittedly I haven’t checked in a while because it’s not like anyone just sticks to their own neighborhood and wouldn’t simply drive a few miles to where things are open, leading to further spread. Certain industries were trying to get data released about how much spread was attributed to restaurants, for example, when it’s impossible to say exactly where someone caught it. We all know that places where people gather indoors, especially without masks, are drivers of infection. When cases are spiking pretty much everywhere, you have to take unpopular and drastic actions to save people from their own stupidity. That’s not to defend Newsom’s elitist actions, however.
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