Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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Hindsight is 20/20. Let's not pick on people whose magic 8 ball was wrong.

wasnt picking on him.
can't see how anyone who ever lived in this country had a positive outlook for COVID.

I think for me it was moreso the limited information we had on it back in January. I remember it was around February someone posted an article about this affecting 2/3rds of the globe and I started to pay more attention then but it didn't really click until March where this was all headed
I think for me it was moreso the limited information we had on it back in January. I remember it was around February someone posted an article about this affecting 2/3rds of the globe and I started to pay more attention then but it didn't really click until March where this was all headed

Once I heard about the strict lockdowns in Wuhan and saw videos of mass amounts of people trying to "win" a lottery ticket to be treated because there wasn't enough medical capacity, leading to CCP building hospitals overnight, it was obvious this was NOT a regular illness. When they started having mass outbreaks on cruise ships (full of Americans) and had to figure out how to get everyone back home, it was clear that America would not be spared like SARS. When DJT got on TV and said it was all under control and cases would soon be zero, I knew we were F'd.
I'm really losing patience with a lot of my colleagues at work over the vaccine. Been hearing way too much "I don't want it to make me infertile" and "we don't know the long term effects yet."

Hey you know what else we don't fully know the long term effects of yet? Covid-19. And what we do know isn't very promising.
:lol: Don't ya'll have to take the flu vaccine annually?
Honestly I was going off of how we handled H1N1 properly. I didn't know Trump Axe'd the "pandemic response team" at the time.

it´s tempting to blame all this on Trump things, but you gotta consider that we live in a country that enabled, empowered, and elected President Donald John Trump, a man who should have been jailed in the 80s.

Trump didn´t make it so half the population was 2 paychecks from starving in the gutter.

wasn´t Doc Prez who destroyed the education system so bad that we´re back debating the shape of the Earth.

wasn´t 45 who installed half a Congress who actively hates Americans.

other big difference is that the CCP tried to hide COVID whereas H1N1 was identified and addressed in-house.

sure he made everything worse, but the issues are systemic...America´s undoing is mostly its own doing.

this is the only result we are designed for.

not coming at you, just making sure we don´t forget after all this.
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Anyone test positive for covid with only shortness of breath as a symptom? I have some shortness that's making it uncomfortable to breathe but don't feel anything else. No fatigue or fever or anything.
Anyone test positive for covid with only shortness of breath as a symptom? I have some shortness that's making it uncomfortable to breathe but don't feel anything else. No fatigue or fever or anything.

What i feel like a lot of people are missing in these times is that other viruses and sickness didn't just take a vacation because of Covid.

My BM a few months ago swore she had Covid before because she was sick.

Maybe she did.

Or maybe she had the flu or a bad cold.

Everything is not Covid but if you feel off....

I guess it´s tempting to blame all this on Trump things, but you gotta consider that we live in a country that enabled, empowered, and elected President Donald John Trump, a man who should have been jailed in the 80s.

Trump didn´t make it so half the population was 2 paychecks from starving in the gutter.

wasn´t Doc Prez who destroyed the education system so bad that we´re back debating the shape of the Earth.

wasn´t 45 who installed half a Congress who actively hates Americans.

other big difference is that the CCP tried to hide COVID whereas H1N1 was identified and addressed in-house.

sure he made everything worse, but the issues are systemic...America´s undoing is mostly its own doing.

this is the only result we are designed for.

not coming at you, just making sure we don´t forget after all this.

Agree. Realistically, the virus was already here by the time ANYONE realized it was an issue. The biggest problem is that we were severely underprepared for how to deal with it, starting with the lack of test kits and disregard for masks by all levels of government and public health. Of course, a leader who would have actually taken the situation seriously and put experts front and center to communicate the seriousness with the public would have helped, but likely not convinced the other half of Americans that they weren't part of some conspiracy to take away their rights. Like it or not, this is America.
What i feel like a lot of people are missing in these times is that other viruses and sickness didn't just take a vacation because of Covid.

My BM a few months ago swore she had Covid before because she was sick.

Maybe she did.

Or maybe she had the flu or a bad cold.

Everything is not Covid but if you feel off....


it just snowed in NY and the roads are trash so that's why I was asking other's experiences. I'll see how I feel tomorrow when the roads should be in better shape. I'm assuming it's anxiety or allergies or something but I'll play it by ear tomorrow morning.
it just snowed in NY and the roads are trash so that's why I was asking other's experiences. I'll see how I feel tomorrow when the roads should be in better shape. I'm assuming it's anxiety or allergies or something but I'll play it by ear tomorrow morning.

I feel strongly that if you follow social distancing, it's probably not Covid.

They've done a pretty good job of telling people what not to do.
I guess it´s tempting to blame all this on Trump things, but you gotta consider that we live in a country that enabled, empowered, and elected President Donald John Trump, a man who should have been jailed in the 80s.

Trump didn´t make it so half the population was 2 paychecks from starving in the gutter.

wasn´t Doc Prez who destroyed the education system so bad that we´re back debating the shape of the Earth.

wasn´t 45 who installed half a Congress who actively hates Americans.

other big difference is that the CCP tried to hide COVID whereas H1N1 was identified and addressed in-house.

sure he made everything worse, but the issues are systemic...America´s undoing is mostly its own doing.

this is the only result we are designed for.

not coming at you, just making sure we don´t forget after all this.
I agree with most of this whole-heartedly, though I still believe that even other Republicans would have done a better job than his ***.

What makes the situation even more pathetic is half of the ******* country refuses to even acknowledge the severity of the pandemic, so how could we even learn from this disaster if half of us doesn't even take it seriously when it's getting worse everyday.
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Anyone test positive for covid with only shortness of breath as a symptom? I have some shortness that's making it uncomfortable to breathe but don't feel anything else. No fatigue or fever or anything.
I'm still operating under the assumption, I had it last January, but since I'm a hypochondriac, hardly a week goes by without me thinking I've gotten it again.

What I had started out as a fever, sore throat, went to bed and hibernated and then on day three my chest started feeling like I had taken up bench pressing. Felt heavy/tight with labored and later rattling breathing. Almost called non-emergency services that night, but when I woke up the next day, it felt much better. I've also had a few scares or near panic attacks related to this ****, where I had trouble breathing.

Just monitor it tonight, keep distancing and if you get other symptoms dry cough, fever, tiredness, you might want to get tested.


I read online, that the Danish contact tracing app bugged out and didn't notify you, unless you actively opened the app and checked the notifications. So lots of people only got notified, because they learned about the bug and then couldn't tell when or how long ago, they came in contact. I thought Oh maybe I should just go check it out, although I don't really mingle with anyone and Bingo! I've had a contact with someone, somewhere, sometime ago. So I went online to book a test time and everything was booked until Tuesday. I was suppose to meet my sister on Saturday and socially distance ourselves along the pier and exchange pleasantries. Called her and told her, she's a secretary at the university hospital and she told me to go check my booking, because slots open up and thus I booked a time for tomorrow instead. I then told her about the app and she went, hm... maybe I should check, if I have a notification too. She didn't and we ended the call. Messaged me 15 minutes later and said she got a contact notification too.

Oh my sister also told me, lots of researche nurses are being moved to bed wards, because of ICU nurses are going on sick leave or getting pregnant.
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