Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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If you could just send this to my parents that would be great.

“We’re doing everything properly to stay safe”. Yeah, except you just reeled off a list of people who you’ve met for breakfast/lunch/coffee in the last few weeks.

The only reason to allow people in restaurants is financial - and I get it will be hard, but it would have been cheaper to just throw money at it for a few months. In March.
enough is enough. any and everyone needs to go to prison.

permanent lockdown n enslavement lets go accelerate already hit em in the meat supply chains starve em out come onnnnn yayyy
Pfizer giving us that Christmas bonus (no Clark Grizwold) this year by packing vials full of EXTRA doses!

I reconstituted a bunch of vials today, they usually hold 5 doses each. For some reason, some hold a 6th dose, but no one wants that 6th dose :lol: DOH and Pfizer arent sure why, speculation is needle size, but the concentration is the same so shouldn't be a problem.

Also my hospital is gonna be on TV for the Moderna vaccine. Be on the lookout :nerd:, gotta see if I'm scheduled that day when the media is here.
I reconstituted a bunch of vials today, they usually hold 5 doses each. For some reason, some hold a 6th dose, but no one wants that 6th dose :lol: DOH and Pfizer arent sure why, speculation is needle size, but the concentration is the same so shouldn't be a problem.

Also my hospital is gonna be on TV for the Moderna vaccine. Be on the lookout :nerd:, gotta see if I'm scheduled that day when the media is here.

Good to see most of my colleagues have changed their minds and are now lining up for the vaccine too. Peer pressure is real.

Pharmacy dept is a bit down the list though, scheduled to get vaccinated sometime in January.

I've seen reports from some local hospitals saying among staff that have been surveyed they're generally seeing 1/3 WANT the vaccine, 1/3 DON'T, 1/3 UNSURE
I've seen reports from some local hospitals saying among staff that have been surveyed they're generally seeing 1/3 WANT the vaccine, 1/3 DON'T, 1/3 UNSURE

That was initially the results at my institution too. A lot of the "unsure" crowd, including myself (wanted to milk these antibodies), is leaning towards want now. Hype is real. The published articles helped too.
I'm really losing patience with a lot of my colleagues at work over the vaccine. Been hearing way too much "I don't want it to make me infertile" and "we don't know the long term effects yet."

Hey you know what else we don't fully know the long term effects of yet? Covid-19. And what we do know isn't very promising.
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