Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Over here, hospital admissions are finally catching up to the infection rates, so now that we've delt with the mutant mink, it's back to the regular scheduled COVID programming. My stocks are fine, just been keeping an eye on sales and grabbing this and that, keeping everything topped off. My brother just passed to negative tests, because his COVID app put him in proximity of something or someone.
I honestly am not worry about toilet paper. I use toilet spray just like those in Japan.
Still have same water stocks from the first lockdown. I've boiled water too.
Still have plenty clorox/lysol wipes, spray, laundry and hand sanitizer.
My biggest complaint would be lining up to get into the costco or groceries stores if that what would happen.


I'm a big advocate for bidets but that **** is meant to be used in conjunction with the basic hygiene action of wiping your ***, it is NOT a substitute for toilet paper.
Average daily cases up to 150k and deaths over 1100.

The hospitalizations map (below) is useful. The question is whether the high numbers in the upper midwest/west will be followed by more hospitalizations in the rest of the country. So far, there's no reason to think that won't be the case. But, some positive signs -- the rate of growth in cases appears to be slowing down in the Dakotas and Illinois. We'll need another week or two to see if that's real, but hopefully the rest of the country will follow that trend soon.

Look at Ga - ain’t no way. I see these people moving around like it’s normal with NO masks.

This what I was talking about:

What you say is facts Grine Grine , look at all those states in red in that IG pictures THEN compare them to the information from the link I just posted about WHICH STATES HAVE or DO NOT HAVE A STATEWIDE MASK POLICY
Looking at the curve chart for NY and we are at the same number of daily cases that we were in mid March when we shutdown.
What is Being taken into account differently this time? We should Be locking down Today. Every day we wait is more dangerous.
The numbers are there what the heck is Cuomo waiting for?
Looking at the curve chart for NY and we are at the same number of daily cases that we were in mid March when we shutdown.
What is Being taken into account differently this time? We should Be locking down Today. Every day we wait is more dangerous.
The numbers are there what the heck is Cuomo waiting for?

Can't compare mid March numbers to now because of the lack of testing back in March. All they knew in March was that it was way more widespread than the actual number of positive tests.
Southern states under trumpist governors won’t shut down, that’s a fact. The northeast and west coast definitely will along with the Midwestern states that are controlled by more moderates. It best believe that the death rates outside of major metropolis’ this time around will be higher or on par with what is going to occur in the areas that do shut down.
Over here, hospital admissions are finally catching up to the infection rates, so now that we've delt with the mutant mink, it's back to the regular scheduled COVID programming. My stocks are fine, just been keeping an eye on sales and grabbing this and that, keeping everything topped off. My brother just passed to negative tests, because his COVID app put him in proximity of something or someone.

what’s the latest on the mink mutation? You say it’s “dealt with” but last I heard they hadn’t determined if the mutation would make vaccines ineffective against it.
EDIT: nevermind, found this
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GLad your case was mild and it’s over. I had a family member recover within 10 days.
We’re people at your wife’s office wearing masks?

No. Unless they had a customer sit at their desk. But the person who had it kept coming in to work when they had a "tickle in her throat" and coughing.

We got official time lines from the health dept finally, shes done with her quarantine today and im done wednesday. But now since our kid never showed any symptoms in our time she herself has to do an additional 2 weeks to make sure it doesnt show up.

We get to spend thanksgiving cooped up in our house to ourselves
kink mutation?
Yeps pretty much this.

It's been a bit of a mess and the Veterinary and Food Administration has now both been criticized for acting too fast and too slow.

The fur farms also seems to struggle with transparency, they refused to accept mobil labs to test or identify their laborers, probably because they rely on guest workers, who are working and living under questionable conditions.

Seems like it's the end of an industry, that will not be missed or mourned much.
No. Unless they had a customer sit at their desk. But the person who had it kept coming in to work when they had a "tickle in her throat" and coughing.

We got official time lines from the health dept finally, shes done with her quarantine today and im done wednesday. But now since our kid never showed any symptoms in our time she herself has to do an additional 2 weeks to make sure it doesnt show up.

We get to spend thanksgiving cooped up in our house to ourselves
Hopefully they implement a mask policy after this so your wife doesn’t have to work under those conditions
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