Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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Look at Ga - ain’t no way. I see these people moving around like it’s normal with NO masks.

This what I was talking about:

This is terrifying seeing MN (where i live), a blue state, 3rd in daily case behind CA and TX. Especially considering the massive difference in population. Im wondering how much of this is skewed due to the rate of testing in various states. We have a democratic governor but a republican led senate. There is currently an outbreak amongst many republican members of the senate, including the majority leader. They recently sent out a letter regarding that outbreak, and only sent it to republicans members smh.

From what I understand, we want to shutdown but absolutely cannot afford to without federal assistance. So theres not currently any plans to shutdown. We had over 8k new cases yesterday. Hospitals are at nearly 90% capacity. This is insane.
Whats the feels on the vaccine news from Pfizer and Moderna?

Too good to be true?
it's very good. better than expected. we still need to wait for more results to come in but it's going to be effective enough to give us a chance to eradicate this virus. while 50% efficacy would've still been useful, 90% effective helps on so many fronts. even if it ends up being 80%, it's still great. given both mrna vaccines have similar numbers, it seems to be real and not some statistical fluke.

I want to know if the dozen or so people who got the vaccine and then got infected had a more mild course as well, and/or were they less infectious.

I also want to know how long the immunity lasts. months? years?

it's incredible to think that we could have a vaccine deployed by spring or even winter. that's faster than even the more optimistic estimates from this past March.
it's very good. better than expected. we still need to wait for more results to come in but it's going to be effective enough to give us a chance to eradicate this virus. while 50% efficacy would've still been useful, 90% effective helps on so many fronts. even if it ends up being 80%, it's still great. given both mrna vaccines have similar numbers, it seems to be real and not some statistical fluke.

I want to know if the dozen or so people who got the vaccine and then got infected had a more mild course as well, and/or were they less infectious.

I also want to know how long the immunity lasts. months? years?

it's incredible to think that we could have a vaccine deployed by spring or even winter. that's faster than even the more optimistic estimates from this past March.

Based on the way the anti bodies are leaving the infected, it seems like we may need a few doses throughout the year. Scary that a virus can be this potent.

Don’t take what I’m saying as fact, it just my initial reaction based on what the research has been showing. I’m hoping I’m wrong though.
Based on the way the anti bodies are leaving the infected, it seems like we may need a few doses throughout the year. Scary that a virus can be this potent.

Don’t take what I’m saying as fact, it just my initial reaction based on what the research has been showing. I’m hoping I’m wrong though.
that's exactly why we need some data on how long immunity from the vaccination lasts. and how it is meditated.

a lack of detectable antibodies doesn't necessarily mean you've lost immunity.
You have a Ph D to interpret the data. You should be on every news channel informing us of your immense knowledge.
I should be on the China virus task force alongside Birx and Atlas. My early epidemiological modeling (even though I'm not an epidemiologist) predicted that only 10 people would die without any lockdowns or masks. Now 250k are dead, because of lockdowns and masks. CDC and CNN (both in the same state that stole the election for Biden) lied to us about hydroxychloroquine. The studies were flawed. You need to take HCQ in the twelfth hour of the third day of your infection, and it needs to be a full moon, and you need to chase it with a shot of bleach. Of course the "scientists" and "doctors" knew this but purposefully used HCQ on the fourth day, but any Trump U graduate can tell you that it's obviously not going to work after day 4 (duh).
Based on the way the anti bodies are leaving the infected, it seems like we may need a few doses throughout the year. Scary that a virus can be this potent.

Don’t take what I’m saying as fact, it just my initial reaction based on what the research has been showing. I’m hoping I’m wrong though.
Memory T cells should provide long lasting immunity far after antibodies naturally wane, as commonly happens with most illnesses, including the original SARS that people who were infected ~17 years ago still show strong T cell immune response to this day. That’s the best case scenario, anyway.
I hate when they be like “YOU WANT THE GOVERNMENT TO CONTROL YOU!?!!l”

weird. What’s wrong withwearing a mask.
It's a warped, toxic way of thinking. They confuse 'freedom' with 'do whatever you want to do, regardless of how inconsiderate it is and avoid anything that's an inconvenience'.
It’s just really interesting to see hundreds of millions of lay people have opinions on deeply complex statistical and medical topics they’ve had 0 formal education and training in. Really, really interesting. With the utmost confidence too.

Anything that suggests they do something that's slightly outside of what they desire is considered 'impinging on their freedom' and they consider it "mind control" :smh: you have a narcissist leader and it brings out the narcissist in his followers.
Trump is basically the white version of gangsta rap.
Dont disprect gangsta's or rap like that :smh: Trump is the whitest version of white people.

People have to protect themselves how they see fit. Moving out of my current place because I got 2 many roommates who want to live normally. My new place is way more expensive but I can control my environment better. I'm hibernating like a bear this winter.
It’s just really interesting to see hundreds of millions of lay people have opinions on deeply complex statistical and medical topics they’ve had 0 formal education and training in. Really, really interesting. With the utmost confidence too.
“You think you’re so smart because you went to school??????????”
- trump supporter
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