Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Is that just the protocol to make visitors wear a procedural mask regardless of what mask they come in wearing? Probably better than trying to make security have to determine which masks are acceptable or not.
Yea it's protocol at all hospitals. Gotta spend a full day each month for blood treatment and they always make me swap out my own mask for a procedural one each time, not a big deal at all and it's the same rule for everyone.

Some folks seemingly think they're above following rules designed to help protect them and it's a damn shame, that or they're scared to death about being slightly inconvenienced >D

Wearing one or another mask won't shrink your balls or land you in a cage, Chad :lol: :smh:
Part of the whole point of this is you shouldn't be in situations where you need to wear a mask unless you're an essential employee. Like, outside of a trip to get groceries or pick up your prescriptions or to see a doctor or whatever, you should be trying to avoid situations where you need to wear a mask.

So it puzzles me that these harshly anti-mask MAGAs are always upset about wearing a mask. Why don't you just stay in your ******* trailer park and not worry about it then?
No sense in even targeting any group in particular for not taking it seriously. The maga population is not much worse than the fools who wear their masks on their chin in my eyes. Only difference is one group verbalizing their denial out loud. All the events and parties still being thrown is a testament to that.

No knock, but I had never heard or RT.com before, and a quick fact check shows that it's a Russian news source that's not known to be very reliable.
No knock, but I had never heard or RT.com before, and a quick fact check shows that it's a Russian news source that's not known to be very reliable.

no you’re right I’ve heard the same thing about RT but it sounds very interesting
also I enjoy reading RT they cover a lot of stuff the US media don’t touch

but no one know wheres this virus really originated from
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This is what drives me to the point of hopelessness. The word “Essential” was a joke from jump. If things are really bad, this Virus is really that bad, none of these places should be open, period.
We are Asking folks to wear a mask in Public places such as shopping malls and Restaurants, but allowing them to take it off at any point they deem necessary, as long as they put it back on(but not really monitoring whether they put it back on.) These places and situations are unmanageable, and it’s a chore to monitor, a chore nobody wants. Basically, unless there is a complete lockdown, you can’t monitor this. We’re fooling ourselves if we think we can. We are fooling ourselves thinking that masking up is making a dent, it’s just peace of mind to see masks worn, in my opinion. I watched a coworker take a #2 and walk out of the restroom without washing his hands. The mask on his face(that he wears religiously) gives me no comfort, it’s only a facade.
people are moving around freely which leads to crowding. I don’t see stores limiting the number of customers indoors anymore which makes social distancing impossible.

Surprising that the mRNA vaccines are the first to report data, but happy they seem to be highly effective. I seriously doubt the "traditional" vaccine types will have such high efficacy, but we shall see!

What are your thoughts on these rna vaccines? Is there one you prefer if you had the choice? Is this the first time in history that there is an rna vaccine? If so we’re really just shooting blindly and hoping for the best without knowing long term effects

I don’t think we’ll ever have another administration as inept as Trump and Co. Dude threw away the pandemic playbook that was GIVEN to him. Amongst many many many many other awful mistakes and purposeful ignorance. I don’t think it’s plausible to have Things line up with having a once in a lifetime inept presidency mixed with a once in a lifetime pandemic. I guess I just HOPE that’s the case.....
Every administration so far has failed to replenish the Emergency PPE supply, to bring PPE manufacturing back to the states and bring drug/pharmaceutical production back. Until an administration at least tries to do these things Then nothing will change.
Gg fellas

time to get supplies again. Local Costco had half of the pallets of water empty. Target completely out of paper towels with toilet paper half gone.

not trying to start panic in here but the writing is on the wall, states gonna shut down again.
I honestly am not worry about toilet paper. I use toilet spray just like those in Japan.
Still have same water stocks from the first lockdown. I've boiled water too.
Still have plenty clorox/lysol wipes, spray, laundry and hand sanitizer.
My biggest complaint would be lining up to get into the costco or groceries stores if that what would happen.
Had stopped by the gas station to go into the convenient store. This store has notices plastered all over the doors that a mask is required to enter. I go in and this lady is in there without a mask. She was also the lazy owner of the mini van parked right in front of the entrance where it's clearly marked a red zone. These types of "entitled" people really piss me off. And the clerk didn't say anything to her.
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