Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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If Phase three trials say it is safe and effective. Then, yes.

You know that normal phase three trials last anywhere from 1 year to 4 years? And this is to see the long term effects of said medicine, so there won't be any serious long term effects? The Phase three for the vaccine so far looks to be about 4 months or so. That's just not enough time IMO.
You know that normal phase three trials last anywhere from 1 year to 4 years? And this is to see the long term effects of said medicine, so there won't be any serious long term effects? The Phase three for the vaccine so far looks to be about 4 months or so. That's just not enough time IMO.

The normal vaccine development you are talking about does not typically happen in the middle of a global pandemic and therefore it takes a lot more time to allow participants to be “challenged” naturally and be able to effectively analyze the data. By administering these vaccine trials in areas where infection rates are high, they will be able to quickly determine efficacy. As far as safety, there is no possible way to determine the potential long term side effects, though there have been small groups of people from phase 1 & 2 who received these vaccines ~6 months ago.
The normal vaccine development you are talking about does not typically happen in the middle of a global pandemic and therefore it takes a lot more time to allow participants to be “challenged” naturally and be able to effectively analyze the data. By administering these vaccine trials in areas where infection rates are high, they will be able to quickly determine efficacy. As far as safety, there is no possible way to determine the potential long term side effects, though there have been small groups of people from phase 1 & 2 who received these vaccines ~6 months ago.
Also, for tweaked vaccines (like for the flu), they don't need as long of a testing period for side effects. I don't know about the gamut of covid-19 vaccines, but at least some of them are related to vaccines for other coronaviruses, so that could help speed up development.
Today's update on the numbers. We're still getting >30k testing positive each day and averaging ~750 deaths. But in the past month the numbers have been roughly cut in half. If we can keep that up for a couple more months, we could be sitting pretty and actually start to do decent test and trace. Of course, that's not going to happen until at least January 20.

Evidence seems to be mounting that masks not only help protect others, but also the wearer. While the filtration of basic non-medical masks aren't perfect, they appear to result in lower viral inoculation and increase the chances for asymptomatic or mild infection, which still leads to a strong degree of immunity. Here are a few recent videos that include discussion about it, among other important developments...

The theory that the severity of an infection depends on the initial exposure to the virus and thus masks reduce severity of infections is a pretty intriguing one. The lower death rates in places with high mask compliance is consistent with the idea. But we need more data to say for sure.

Here is today's updated numbers. There was a backlog of 147 deaths from Arkansas that were all added today. Cases are still coming down but the decline may be slowing down.

This morning: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/09/16/cdc...ore-protection-than-coronavirus-vaccine-.html
"We have clear scientific evidence they work, and they are our best defense,” CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield said. “I might even go so far as to say that this face mask is more guaranteed to protect me against Covid than when I take a Covid vaccine."

Few hours later: https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/16/politics/donald-trump-coronavirus-masks-health-experts/index.html
The President told reporters Redfield was "confused" when he said that.
"I think he made a mistake when he said that. It's just incorrect information," Trump said.
The President also said Redfield's comments to Congress about masks possibly being more effective than a vaccine were incorrect and that Redfield may have misunderstood the question.
"Maybe he misunderstood it," Trump said, later adding, "As far as the masks are concerned, I hope that the vaccine is going to be a lot more beneficial than the masks."

Soon after that:

:stoneface: 🤡
They’re talking about going through the next opening phase in Texas, and I’m wondering what is actually left after than arenas and big churches? Can’t speak for other states, but in Houston and surrounding areas, it honestly just looks like normal pre-COVID-19 life + masks. Prospect Park and Bombshells have looked like a shoe release for more than a month, Fish City Grill in Pearland was stuffed to the brim. Don’t really know what the difference will be with the next “phase”.
I read his comment as saying that masks are very highly effective, whereas the vaccine might not be. It’s not really one or the other, but both that will help us get out of this.

yeah for sure it's gonna be both in some form. but he went all in on masks and then totally backtracked when Trump disagreed with him :stoneface:
They’re talking about going through the next opening phase in Texas, and I’m wondering what is actually left after than arenas and big churches? Can’t speak for other states, but in Houston and surrounding areas, it honestly just looks like normal pre-COVID-19 life + masks. Prospect Park and Bombshells have looked like a shoe release for more than a month, Fish City Grill in Pearland was stuffed to the brim. Don’t really know what the difference will be with the next “phase”.

The masks thing has been the real pusher here in terms of "improvements," because as much as the hospitalization numbers are being skewed by that certain ************ in the White House...........there has been some noticeable proof in most of the Houston hospitals that the COVID hospitalizations are indeed happening less-and-less than earlier this summer.

One of the hospitals I work at has had a few nurses and staff members that heard from nurses and staff members at the "COVID hospital" in our hospital network has seen more-and-more COVID ICU staff members migrate back to "non-COVID ICU" floors because the numbers of COVID patients being admitted are getting smaller day-by-day.

I am also skeptical about "advancing ahead" of the re-opening phase again in Texas, but as long as that mask order remains mandatory AND ******* Abbot doesn't become a ***** and drop the mask order..............I think we can make it thru the next re-opening phase with the mask order in place.
Got into an argument with my conservative homies that keep pushing this whole scamdemic/plandemic agenda, yesterday they were saying how the actual Covid death count was 9k and not 200k in the US...I didn’t ask them for links to such reports because that’s about when the argument went wild south...I just couldn’t keep it civil after that, but now I’m trying to be open minded and wanted to see where they got this info from because I can’t find anything to back those claims online...the CDC still has the Covid count at nearing 200k
Got into an argument with my conservative homies that keep pushing this whole scamdemic/plandemic agenda, yesterday they were saying how the actual Covid death count was 9k and not 200k in the US...I didn’t ask them for links to such reports because that’s about when the argument went wild south...I just couldn’t keep it civil after that, but now I’m trying to be open minded and wanted to see where they got this info from because I can’t find anything to back those claims online...the CDC still has the Covid count at nearing 200k

I’m pretty sure that’s from the stats the CDC where they listed comorbidities. Since only around 9k cases didn’t have another comorbidity listed, it went around on Twitter and Facebook a few weeks back that the CDC was “quietly admitting” that the coronavirus only killed 9k people because everyone else had some other form of illness or disease. Mind you things like obesity, respiratory issues, diabetes, and hypertension are all listed. Majority of this country was fat and sick prior to covid so of course majority of them had some other form of illness.
I’m pretty sure that’s from the stats the CDC where they listed comorbidities. Since only around 9k cases didn’t have another comorbidity listed, it went around on Twitter and Facebook a few weeks back that the CDC was “quietly admitting” that the coronavirus only killed 9k people because everyone else had some other form of illness or disease. Mind you things like obesity, respiratory issues, diabetes, and hypertension are all listed. Majority of this country was fat and sick prior to covid so of course majority of them had some other form of illness.

oh ok....so my boy still an idiot
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