Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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Michael Caputo is just a Trump loyalist trying to cover his boss's ***, and spreading propaganda. This is disgusting.

Man this ain’t ****. All you had to do was pay any attention to what’s been going on ALL YEAR and you’d already know. People have been buying guns. I just got my first permit last month. Plan on visiting a range and buying soon. Never thought I’d own a gun in my life.

You seen how people panicked and acted over toilet paper and bread when there was no actual real food shortage? Could you imagine if something catastrophic happened? If our food chain was severely disrupted? If people can’t get food from the grocery store, where do you think they’re gonna look next? Not at my damn house.

Then you see the civil unrest over civil rights, unemployment, lack of government response, bleak future outlooks, etc.

If you aren’t buying a gun now you gotta be in the minority.
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Man this ain’t ****. All you had to do was pay any attention to what’s been going on ALL YEAR and you’d already know. People have been buying guns. I just got my first permit last month. Plan on visiting a range and buying soon. Never thought I’d own a gun in my life.

You seen how people panicked and acted over toilet paper and bread when there was no actual real food shortage? Could you imagine if something catastrophic happened? If our food chain was severely disrupted? If people can’t get food from the grocery store, where do you think they’re gonna look next? Not at my damn house.

Then you see the civil unrest over civil rights, unemployment, lack of government response, bleak future outlooks, etc.

If you aren’t buying a gun now you gotta be in the minority.
-I ma not buying a ******* gun because I am worried radical leftist will throw Trump out of power. I'm good on taking his advice.

The dude in the article I posted is a ******* jackass peddling Pro-Trump propaganda, that helps no one. Dude is projecting like crazy, claiming Biden will not accept if he loses, when all signs pointing Trump doing exactly that.

-Generally, people can spend their money however they want, I respect that, but it is still **** guns for me.
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Pfizer saying they'll know in 6 weeks whether their vaccine is effective. The silver lining of the second wave of covid-19 is that there is enough of it in the community to get a faster answer on vaccine efficacy.

I respect his answer but it is a bit coincidental the results may come in the week before the election...

Man this ain’t ****. All you had to do was pay any attention to what’s been going on ALL YEAR and you’d already know. People have been buying guns. I just got my first permit last month. Plan on visiting a range and buying soon. Never thought I’d own a gun in my life.

You seen how people panicked and acted over toilet paper and bread when there was no actual real food shortage? Could you imagine if something catastrophic happened? If our food chain was severely disrupted? If people can’t get food from the grocery store, where do you think they’re gonna look next? Not at my damn house.

Then you see the civil unrest over civil rights, unemployment, lack of government response, bleak future outlooks, etc.

If you aren’t buying a gun now you gotta be in the minority.
The average person owning a gun shouldn't and you're exemplifying my reason. You're afraid & paranoid resulting in u being irrational.

If situation were to occur that pressed on the slightest bit of your stress receptor while your gun was around you you would likely use it. May that be on a person, spider, or snake. You specifically need to leave your gun in your house & in a safe at all times b/c you are too emotional.
saw my new doctor for a check up and he talked me into getting a flu shot. can't even recall the last time i got one. was feeling fatigued for a couple days

felt safe going into the building. they had everyone lined up six feet apart before checking temp and letting people in. seats were taped off in the waiting area. all the doctors and nurses were masked up and had face shields
Fake substandard alert. Careful where you buy.

Fake substandard alert. Careful where you buy.

Surprised to read they “found that 10% of the respirators tested had a filter efficiency rating of below 95%“ which means 90% passed testing! That’s a lot better than I would have assumed, TBH.
So you guys would really take a vaccine that was created in less than a year, when most vaccines or medications take years of testing before they are approved? I’ll hold off on that first batch.

I think it's kinda delusional to even think that most people will even have access to it for a while, assuming it does happen. I would imagine that there aren't just going to be 7 billion doses available immediately. Manufacturing and distribution of vaccines isn't incredibly simple, I would imagine, especially on a scale that has never been done, and those most in need will likely have first access (first responders, medical professionals, and those with other conditions that put them at greater danger, etc).
this needs to be talked about more and normalized.

We as a human race are nothing more then an experiment...this illness is a variable that has been added and for some reason we can't seem to adapt. Everyone is stuck trying to rewind time to "go back to the way things were". If you remove an animal from its natural environment it will try to return but at some point it needs to adapt to the new surroundings to survive...and thrive...idk why people can't look at this with open eyes.

I understand it is insanely nuanced and there are tons of facets to the new normal (distance learning for kids, jobs, errands etc) but we seem to be forcing it to go backwards instead of trying to progress forward
No species of animal adapts overnight though. Its gonna take a long time before people are comfortable wearing a mask at all times, staying 6ft from others, not interacting socially etc.
Man this ain’t ****. All you had to do was pay any attention to what’s been going on ALL YEAR and you’d already know. People have been buying guns. I just got my first permit last month. Plan on visiting a range and buying soon. Never thought I’d own a gun in my life.

You seen how people panicked and acted over toilet paper and bread when there was no actual real food shortage? Could you imagine if something catastrophic happened? If our food chain was severely disrupted? If people can’t get food from the grocery store, where do you think they’re gonna look next? Not at my damn house.

Then you see the civil unrest over civil rights, unemployment, lack of government response, bleak future outlooks, etc.

If you aren’t buying a gun now you gotta be in the minority.

I’m not into firearms but in February/March and Corona was brewing i decided to get one after seeing the madness of people fighting over TP and water. It was a process and it took longer than usual because of my new address. Anywho, as the days went on more and more people started lining up at the gun store and bullets were selling out when shutdown actually went to effect.

Reason i bought it was to protect my family in the case something ever goes down. When people get desperate, they do crazy things so I’d rather be safe than sorry IMO. Since i made the purchase, it’s been in a safe and I haven’t touched or seen it since i picked it up and I’m hoping it stays that way.
So you guys would really take a vaccine that was created in less than a year, when most vaccines or medications take years of testing before they are approved? I’ll hold off on that first batch.

I'm not going anywhere near a vaccine right away! Being a transplant patient, I would have no idea if would do any damage to my already compromised immune system. I'll wait until solid data is compiled on how the initial takers react to it (and I don't mean a few weeks after injection. I want months later at minimum).

I look at taking the first rushed vaccine the equivalent to flying on a brand new airplane that was developed in the span of months with no extra flight tests. This stuff is scary!
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