Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

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this selfish SOB is going to get more people sick and die
you have to be a complete idiot to go to one of these rally’s

Pretty good overview on herd immunity and covid-19.

Take-away is that, even with optimistic calculations, we'd need about 50% of people to get infected (currently we're at around 15%), so we'd incur a death toll of 500k-1 million.

There are open questions. How long does immunity last? That would make it harder to achieve herd immunity if it goes away after a few months. The other is if there is cross-reactivity from other coronaviruses. But there is no proof yet that this confers immunity.

So the only viable solution appears to be a vaccine, but even once we have one it may take time to produce enough, and it may require multiple doses.

I got my flu shot a couple days ago and I regret it.

I usually get it at work, or during a doctor's visit, but this time I figure I would just get it at CVS.

Pharmacist was so rough with ya boy. She just swabbed by arm, stuck in the needle, and pressed down on the plunger hard as hell. Then she packed her **** and walked away :lol:

I am used to a nice middle aged nurse caressing my arm, telling me it gonna pinch a little, and telling me I did good job after it is done. You know, treating me like a child.

Damn sure I will be getting my Covid vaccine at my doctor's office so I don't feel used again. I need to be coddled.

-But seriously bruhs, get your Flu shots.
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I got my flu shot a couple days ago and I regret it.

I usually get it at work, or during a doctor's visit, but this time I figure I would just get it at CVS.

Pharmacist was so rough with ya boy. She just swabbed by arm, stuck in the needle, and pressed down on the plunger hard as hell. Then she packed her **** and walked away :lol:

I am used to a nice middle aged nurse caressing my arm, telling me it gonna pinch a little, and telling me I did good job after it is done. You know, treating me like a child.

Damn sure I will be getting my Covid vaccine at my doctor's office so I don't feel used again. I need to be coddled.

-But seriously bruhs, get your Flu shots.
we have a nurse at our hospital that is notorious for stabbing employees during flu szn. Basically stand in line and pray you don’t get her for your flu shot. you can see the horror in people’s faces waiting in line. Meanwhile nurse Madeline sharpens her lance as she prepares to joust you with influenza
Herd immunity is a terrible idea, an asinine shortsighted view of what we know about this virus thus far (and the coming pandemics btw). With all due respect, run away from anyone talking about herd immunity as a viable option moving forward. A nightmare. I was trying to wait until I finished this book on the virus to give an overview of what I read but I'll say this about herd immunity now and follow up later. Bare with me.

Besides the unknown long-lasting factors of a novel coronavirus, which were alluded to a previous post, losing 500K-1 million people in such a short period would be catastrophic to our economy and global markets. We could not lose masses of our population in a minuscule portion of time and continue society as we did pre COVID-19. We no longer live on individual farms where every family is it's own sustainable unit ( if that was ever even the case).

We live in a highly complex interconnected civilization that is arranged vertically. Critical Infrastructure: Food production, transport systems, security systems, banking, grocery stores, electric power, etc. Think of the interdependent pieces in a Jenga tower. Losing dozens and/or hundreds of thousands of workers in any ONE system and the whole system begins wobbling. Just imagine if several sectors were to unintentionally halt or collapse all at once. For example, we've already seen certain food supply chains ground to a halt and thousands of pounds of fresh food were thrown away because restaurants had to shut down completely, which of course has effects for the environment, then the farmers, then the local economy, which has consequences for the truck drivers, etc) It's a domino effect and once certain sectors are paralyzed or closed, you can't just turn them back on like a light switch.

Take this for example: If truck drivers begin getting too sick to work, or care for their sick or if they die or even a massive shutdown because the hospitals become overwhelmed, many cities will have a run on food and there will be fuel shortages. We saw all these types of problems earlier during the pandemic as I mentioned. That was WITH advised mitigation factors! Vital industries depend on healthy workers.

Of course, that's a worst-case scenario. But what will for sure happen is that, low-income black and brown folk who make up many of the essential workers who cannot afford to take days off will take the brunt of the disease and death ( as they already are.) This will only widen income equality and poverty. We're talking grocery store workers, nursing home workers, the people who work in physical close contact industry including meat plants, police, the people who cook and prepare food, etc. No society can afford to have masses of these people sick or dead at the same time and continue to have a society that operates in any way resulting in functioning. I haven't even mentioned the lasting mental health toll of the millions of families who will have to live with the loss of loved ones who died before their time.

Complex and fragile structures such as ours rely on our support systems. I mean we should know that now if anything. It was only in February that people who worked in supermarkets were " people who couldn't do anything else", "underachievers" and "wasted potential." A month later, they're hyper valued, referred to as invaluable, celebrated on the news, and told our ecosystems would be "crushed without them." Those 500k-1 million aren't just abstract numbers of homeless bums or nursing home old people. Mass casualties will produce unintended bad consequences on our society moving forward. I mean just imagine attempting herd immunity during these wildfires. Can we afford even 2% of CA firefighters to be sick right now? God forbid not alive.

It's astonishing what a pre-school, instant gratification society we live in. We already have the tools to reduce the spread of the virus but everyone wants the magic fairy tale cliff notes solution so they can go back to doing the same Bull***** that got us here in the first place.

So no I do not condone letting people just go about their business letting everyone "get infected" or "let god sort it out" and pretend life is still in 2019.

We must not only learn from this moving forward but improve and prepare for the next one that is certain to appear.
If you knew how much CVS gets reimbursed by health insurance companies when they give a flu shot. It’s like $35-$50. It’s a big profit for pharmacies.

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It's astonishing what a pre-school, instant gratification society we live in. We already have the tools to reduce the spread of the virus but everyone wants the magic fairy tale cliff notes solution so they can go back to doing the same Bull***** that got us here in the first place.

you typed that tf out...I promise I read each and every word, but I really wanna draw focus to your conclusion.

I think it´s important to recognize the psychological trauma of realizing that society as a whole is nowhere near as adult as we thought it was...a lot of the people we called friends and family are lowkey ******* idiots.

been spending a lot of time trying to put my finger on every aspect of 2020´s undeniable effect on my mental--mourning a lost near future of festivals and concerts, missing random everyday nonsense with strangers--and losing a good measure of basic trust in many of the people around me hurts more than I thought it would.

I mean, yeah, okay, trust no man blahblah...when you´re driving down a two-way street in your car, you place some basic trust in motorists traveling the opposite direction to not suddenly swerve and meet you head-on.

when you are in the midst of a global health crisis that threatens the very stability of our lives, you might place basic trust in the people you share a planet with to not actively facilitate its spread and complication.

you would be wrong to do so.

I have learned in 2020 that people cannot be trusted to process information, and that is ******* terrifying.
you typed that tf out...I promise I read each and every word, but I really wanna draw focus to your conclusion.

I think it´s important to recognize the psychological trauma of realizing that society as a whole is nowhere near as adult as we thought it was...a lot of the people we called friends and family are lowkey ****ing idiots.

been spending a lot of time trying to put my finger on every aspect of 2020´s undeniable effect on my mental--mourning a lost near future of festivals and concerts, missing random everyday nonsense with strangers--and losing a good measure of basic trust in many of the people around me hurts more than I thought it would.

I mean, yeah, okay, trust no man blahblah...when you´re driving down a two-way street in your car, you place some basic trust in motorists traveling the opposite direction to not suddenly swerve and meet you head-on.

when you are in the midst of a global health crisis that threatens the very stability of our lives, you might place basic trust in the people you share a planet with to not actively facilitate its spread and complication.

you would be wrong to do so.

I have learned in 2020 that people cannot be trusted to process information, and that is ****ing terrifying.

this needs to be talked about more and normalized.

We as a human race are nothing more then an experiment...this illness is a variable that has been added and for some reason we can't seem to adapt. Everyone is stuck trying to rewind time to "go back to the way things were". If you remove an animal from its natural environment it will try to return but at some point it needs to adapt to the new surroundings to survive...and thrive...idk why people can't look at this with open eyes.

I understand it is insanely nuanced and there are tons of facets to the new normal (distance learning for kids, jobs, errands etc) but we seem to be forcing it to go backwards instead of trying to progress forward

Trump Health Aide Alleges Broad Conspiracies and Warns of Armed Revolt
Michael Caputo, the assistant secretary of health for public affairs, told a Facebook audience without evidence that left-wing hit squads were being trained for insurrection, and he accused C.D.C. scientists of “sedition.”

Michael Caputo is just a Trump loyalist trying to cover his boss's ***, and spreading propaganda. This is disgusting.
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What exactly is a false positive test result? And how does it happen? A few MLB games have been cancelled this season because someone on a team tests positive but then 1 or 2 days later they say it was a false positive and the series will resume.
What exactly is a false positive test result? And how does it happen? A few MLB games have been cancelled this season because someone on a team tests positive but then 1 or 2 days later they say it was a false positive and the series will resume.
I guess you test positive and then proceed to test negative.

Or that the series prefer to stay open and fudges with the tests. :pimp:

Over here incidence number passed 100 three weeks ago and dropped to 16 after we tightened up, now it's climbing again. Rest of Denmark is blowing up too. I should know better, this is an ongoing thing, but unless ****'s on fire, people just forget common sense. I hope they are going to make masks mandatory everywhere, so people can be reminded of the situation every time they open their eyes.
What exactly is a false positive test result? And how does it happen? A few MLB games have been cancelled this season because someone on a team tests positive but then 1 or 2 days later they say it was a false positive and the series will resume.

test positive when you don’t have it. Prob tested negative multiple times after for them to confidently declare it a false positive.

there’s a few ways it can happen but iirc the most common in any screening test are testing/procedure errors.
test positive when you don’t have it. Prob tested negative multiple times after for them to confidently declare it a false positive.

there’s a few ways it can happen but iirc the most common in any screening test are testing/procedure errors.

That and no test is 100% sensitive and 100% specific.
I got my flu shot a couple days ago and I regret it.

I usually get it at work, or during a doctor's visit, but this time I figure I would just get it at CVS.

Pharmacist was so rough with ya boy. She just swabbed by arm, stuck in the needle, and pressed down on the plunger hard as hell. Then she packed her **** and walked away :lol:

I am used to a nice middle aged nurse caressing my arm, telling me it gonna pinch a little, and telling me I did good job after it is done. You know, treating me like a child.

Damn sure I will be getting my Covid vaccine at my doctor's office so I don't feel used again. I need to be coddled.

-But seriously bruhs, get your Flu shots.
CVS pharmacist?

RIP bruh
I got my flu shot a couple days ago and I regret it.

I usually get it at work, or during a doctor's visit, but this time I figure I would just get it at CVS.

Pharmacist was so rough with ya boy. She just swabbed by arm, stuck in the needle, and pressed down on the plunger hard as hell. Then she packed her **** and walked away :lol:

I am used to a nice middle aged nurse caressing my arm, telling me it gonna pinch a little, and telling me I did good job after it is done. You know, treating me like a child.

Damn sure I will be getting my Covid vaccine at my doctor's office so I don't feel used again. I need to be coddled.

-But seriously bruhs, get your Flu shots.
I feel you, man. Had this old dinosaur of a nurse at my old job named Sharon that would take a running start for employee flu shots. Up in Employee Health looking like
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